How To Find Father Crescenzo’s Journal In Indiana Jones And The Great Circle

How To Find Father Crescenzo's Journal In Indiana Jones And The Great Circle

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Early in your visit to the Vatican in Indiana Jones And The Great Circle, you’ll find the bones of Father Crescenzo, the Mad Priest. As it turns out, the long-dead cleric has more to say if you’re willing to follow the trail of his missing journal.


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Since you’re playing this game, you’re clearly not one to back down from an adventure. Once you have the right clues and keys, you can retrieve the journal and bring it to Sister Catherine at the Sistine Chapel to learn more secrets and trigger a bonus cutscene.

How To Start The Mad Priest Fieldwork Quest

After you find Crescenzo’s bones in the hidden dungeon beneath the Apostolic Library, Antonio will give you the Clerical Key and suggest that you go to the Vatican Post Office in search of a camera.

In the main hallway of the Post Office, check the table across from Ernesto’s door. If you haven’t spoken to Ernesto yet, it will be behind the two priests watching the street from the front door window.

On the table is a letter from Sister Catherine to Antonio, wondering where the journal has gotten to. Collecting Catherine’s Letter will begin your search for Crescenzo’s Journal.

Where Is Sister Catherine?

side view of sister catherine bennett in indiana jones and the great circle.

Sister Catherine is in the Sistine Chapel, on the southern edge of the Vatican map. The easiest way to get there is via the Borgia Courtyards to the west or by cutting through the Apostolic Palace. You’ll need to use the Clerical Key and your priest disguise to get inside.

Catherine is seated on the left side of the chapel; you’ll hear her loudly complaining about having to wait for the journal she requested. Talk to her, then proceed to the back room; there’s an optional safe to open there, and stairs that lead to a back entrance that you can unlock for an easy return.


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How To Get The Sewer Key

Once you’ve spoken to Sister Catherine, return to Antonio at the Apostolic Library. It’s a good idea to get the pictures of the Strange Inscriptions that he needs first and save yourself some backtracking. You also might consider rescuing Sidney and recovering a stolen Stone Fragment, as he and Professor Savage will be waiting in the library for you to return the artifact.

Antonio will reveal that Father Ventura has taken Crescenzo’s Journal, and that you’ll need to sneak into the Apostolic Palace through the sewers to get it back. He’ll give you the Sewer Key at this point, and you can take Ventura’s Letter from Antonio’s desk.

How To Get Through The Vatican Sewers

The entrance to the sewers is in the Tower of Nicholas the Fifth, across the street from the Post Office. This is the same building that you’ll visit to complete the Sacred Wounds quest, and you can do so before or after recovering the journal.

Take a right immediately upon walking in through the front doors; you’ll see stairs leading down. These will take you to the sewers. There may be a guard across the channel on the far side, so enter with caution.

The wall behind the guard’s chair can be broken with a sledgehammer or other two-handed melee weapon to reveal a Lost Artifact.

Use the Sewer Key to unlock the grate and follow the path inward. When you reach the flooded section at the rear, swim to the far end and climb the pipes on the right.

When you’ve climbed as high as you can go, the pipes will creak and partially break, letting you shimmy out over the water. From there, you can use your whip to swing across to the other side and continue your ascent.

When you reach the room at the top, take a picture of the Strange Inscription and unlock the door leading back to the street; now you won’t have to go through the sewers again. Continue upstairs, collecting the Medicine Bottle about halfway up, and use the Clerical Key at the top to get into the Apostolic Palace Storeroom.

Crescenzo’s Journal is in a lockbox immediately to your right upon entering the Storeroom. Once you have it, the safest escape route is to go back down the stairs and through the door you just unlocked; the other exits are watched by Blackshirts.

Bring Crescenzo’s Journal to Sister Catherine for 225 Adventure Points and The Mad Priest Achievement/Trophy.


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