2024 has been a great year for roguelikes all around, but one of my favorites has been Ravenswatch. At first look, you might be forgiven for thinking it’s in the Hades mold, and there are certainly some similarities, but developer Passtech Games has built a much more open-ended ARPG with character-driven combat reminiscent of games like Diablo. Filled with a fantastic cast of immediately recognizable fairytale faces, Ravenswatch has won itself a ‘very positive’ Steam rating so far, and it’s about to get even better in 2025 with the addition of not one but two new heroes coming as free DLC.
Ravenswatch launched out of early access in September, and it’s proving an absolute delight. Its cast of heroes immediately make it one of the most charming roguelikes of the year. They’re packed with personality, from Scarlet, the werewolf-infected Little Red Riding Hood that transforms as the game’s day-night cycle turns, to Aladdin and his ability to summon a Jinn and make a wish to help him in battle. Each of them feels distinct and rewarding to play, and it’s clear how much effort has gone into the design of their move sets to capture the essence of the iconic figures they’re modeled on.

Now, Passtech Games confirms that its next update will introduce two new playable heroes alongside a wealth of other additions. In fact, the newcomers aren’t just arriving together – they’re an “inseparable duo” that are “never one without the other and must be played together in co-op.” That’s right; if you want to use these new characters, you’ll need to bring a friend along.
Passtech says the new pairing “will have synchronized abilities, unique playstyles, and fun synergies.” From the teaser image, it looks like one is a melee fighter with a sword, while the other will fight from ranged with an ornate flintlock pistol. There’s no word yet on exactly who it will be, so anyone’s guess might be right. Given the tone of the current roster, my money’s on Hansel and Gretel, but we’ll have to wait until 2025 to find out for sure.
The team has also updated its Ravenswatch roadmap. Ahead of the new arrivals is the Nightmares Unleashed update, which introduces new minibosses, activities, and NPCs. Later in 2025, we can look forward to Thieves Without Borders, which will add the eponymous thieves alongside new Tales quests and more. Finally, we’ll be getting another playable hero as DLC to round out the first year of post-release support.
Ravenswatch is out now on Steam, priced at $24.99 / £20.99. Head here if you’re curious – if you’re waiting on the next Hades 2 update and want something that scratches that itch without feeling too similar, Ravenswatch is well worth a look.
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