Citadelle Des Morts Guardian Knight Chess Piece Easter Egg Guide in Black Ops 6

Citadelle Des Morts Guardian Knight Chess Piece Easter Egg Guide in Black Ops 6

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Black Ops 6 Zombies received yet another map for Season 1 Reloaded, taking players to a medieval castle reminiscent of Der Eisendrache. Citadelle Des Morts offers lots to do, from the task of gathering four powerful elemental Bastard Swords to various side Easter Eggs for players to progress through.

There are many puzzles to solve and secrets to uncover in Citadelle Des Morts, but one unexpected feature is the ability to summon a Guardian Knight chess piece to aid in battle. This can be a great strategy for solo players aiming to survive high rounds or squads seeking a little extra help for completing a step in the main quest. Here’s how to complete the chess puzzle Easter Egg in Citadelle Des Morts.

Black Ops 6: How to Get a Free PhD Flopper in Citadelle des Morts

Players can get PhD Flopper for free in Black Ops 6’s Citadelle des Morts map, but they are going to need to pick up a shift as a bartender.

Where To Find The Knight Chess Piece

The first step of this Easter Egg is to locate a white knight chess piece. This little item can often be found in the hallway connecting the Dining Room Passage to the Dining Hall, which is accessible by turning right at the dragon statue ahead of Jugger-Nog. However, there are a few other possible locations that the chess piece can spawn.

The next possible spawn location is right at the spawn point of Citadelle Des Morts. If players head on over to the cellar underneath the bar in Town Square, they may be able to find a chess piece sitting on one of the shelving units.

The third possible location is at the Hillside Ramparts, on the far west side of the castle’s courtyard. Here, the chess piece has a chance of spawning on a chest of drawers just opposite the Elemental Pop Perk Machine.

The fourth possible spawn location is the Dungeon. Here, players can find a chess piece atop a table just before heading to Quick Revive. Once players have located the chess piece, they can hold the Interact Button to pick it up.

How To Summon The Guardian Knight Chess Piece

Once players have a knight chess piece, they will need to head on over to the Sitting Rooms where Stamin-Up is located. Within this room, players will find a chessboard sitting atop a wooden table.

Interacting with the chessboard will begin the summoning process, with an area of effect surrounding the table. To summon the Guardian Knight chess piece, players simply need to charge the board with zombie souls by killing as many zombies as they can within the area of effect.

Be sure to begin the summoning process during a round where there are plenty of zombies available, as the ritual may end if players have not supplied the board with a sufficient number of zombie souls.

how to summon the guardian knight on Citadelle Des Morts in Black Ops 6 zombies

Once the board has been charged with sufficient zombie souls, the Guardian Knight chess piece will be summoned. This chess piece will begin to follow the player who summoned it, releasing a PHD Flopper blast each time it moves. If any zombie is unfortunate enough to be in its path, it may very well be squashed or knocked back. While the Guardian Knight does follow the player for a while, it will not stay forever, as it will eventually disappear.

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October 25, 2024

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