Indiana Jones And The Great Circle is a lot of fun, but it might not be quite what you expect going in. It takes influences from a lot of other titles, especially previous Bethesda games, and combines them to make its own adventure. As a result, it isn’t necessarily the kind of game that you can dive right into and immediately know what you’re doing.

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That’s no reason to miss out on the action, though! These tips will help you get acclimated to the world of the Great Circle so that you can recover lost artifacts in a way that would make Indy proud.
Take Your Time
Great Circle is meant to be played at whatever pace suits you. If you want to just rush through objectives and complete the main story you certainly can, but there’s no time limit. If you’re the kind of player who likes to explore every corner and search for collectibles, this is one for you.
Don’t hesitate to take it slow and get to know each of the game’s areas. You’ll be glad you did; in almost every case, you’ll be rewarded with extra items, new skills, or side quests that you wouldn’t have found if you’d stuck to the straight and narrow path.
Mysteries Have All Their Clues Nearby
There are dozens of quick puzzles called Mysteries hidden throughout the game. Most can be solved in a few minutes, assuming that you find all the necessary clues, and offer worthwhile rewards.
Unlike some of the larger quests, Mysteries all have the hints that you need to solve them in the same room or area. If you find one Mystery Note, there will be others nearby; look for drawers, cupboards, or hidden objects if something still doesn’t add up.
Avoid Unnecessary Fights
While punching Nazis is certainly a high point of any Indiana Jones adventure, and you’ll get to do plenty of it throughout the game, rushing into combat rarely ends well. Indy can take maybe two bad guys in a fistfight at most; any more than that, and you’re going to need some melee weapons or your trusty revolver to even the odds, or run away.
Stealth is always preferable when you can manage it, since enemies catching you and calling for reinforcements usually means you’re about to load a checkpoint whether you like it or not. There’s no bonus for beating enemies either, and since you’re bound to take a little bit of damage in any scuffle, starting fights is usually a net negative.
Most Areas Have Multiple Routes
Each open-world area in the game is designed so that you can get anywhere from anywhere else, though some routes might take a little more ingenuity than others. Whatever your current objective, there’s going to be more than one way to get there.
If the shortest or most obvious route is crawling with guards, try looking for a rooftop path or a side entrance. They won’t always be obvious, but once you find the area map you can usually extrapolate and improvise.

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“Steal” Means You’ll Get Caught
Even if your current disguise lets you get into an otherwise-restricted area, you can’t just take everything that’s nailed down. Enemies that see you swiping their cash, supplies, and important documents will attack. If the pickup indicator for an item is red, and the action reads that you’d be stealing the item, it means an enemy is watching you.
Once the enemy no longer has you in their line of sight, targeting the item again should turn the indicator the normal white color and remove the steal descriptor. It’s only stealing if you get caught!
Take Pictures At Every Opportunity
Early in the game, you’ll get yourself a camera that you can use to take pictures of scenery, people, and objects that you encounter. It’s required for some quests, but you can also take pictures for additional Adventure Points, which can be spent on new Skills.
If you hear a shutter click and the camera icon appears on the left side of the screen, a photo opportunity is nearby.
Be sure to take every possible photo opportunity you come across. The extra AP adds up quickly, and some photos can be given to NPCs for even more Adventure Points.
If You’re Stuck, Look Up
There aren’t many true dead ends in Indiana Jones And The Great Circle. If the way forward is blocked, or doesn’t seem to exist at all, there’s a good chance that you’re expected to climb something. Look for places that you can swing or grapple with the whip, or ledges that you can jump to.
White sheets, paint, and curtains are used to indicate spots where Indy can climb or swing.
Inspect Everything
This is the kind of game where, outside of a handful of red herrings, if an object can be interacted with, it’s going to be important somehow or other. Rotate objects to look for hidden symbols, check the back of every sheet of paper that you find, and check every door to see if it opens.
While Indy’s Journal does a passable job of tracking all the information that you find, it can be a little clunky to use. It can be worth having a notes app or a pen and paper nearby to jot things down so that you don’t have to keep flipping through the journal.

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