At long last, Path of Exile 2 is here! Now, you can return back to Wraeclast, face hordes of enemies, and perfect your build once more. Path of Exile 2 is similar to the first game, but there are a few differences that you’ll be able to spot right away if you’re a veteran of the franchise.

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If you are brand new to Path of Exile though, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we are going to cover some beginner tips for those of you just getting started with Path of Exile 2, as well as some tips for those returning after playing the first game.
Equipment No Longer Has Skill Gem Sockets
If you are new to the franchise, then this may not mean anything to you, but if you are coming from the first Path of Exile, expect a change in how skills work. Rather than having hundreds of support and skill gems that socket directly onto gear, Path of Exile 2 has separated skills into its own tab.
Gear no longer has gem sockets; instead, they are either socketless or have a spot for a rune. Skills are now managed from the Skills menu (accessed by pressing ‘G’). Here, you’ll see the skill that you have equipped, as well as any relevant support gems.
By completing quests or defeating enemies, you can obtain uncut skill gems, which are then cut to become a specific skill based on the tier of the gem. For example, a Tier One skill gem can unlock one of the following four Elemental skills.
- Flame Wall
- Ice Nova
- Frost Bomb
- Spark
Go In With A Build In Mind
We get it; the passive skill tree is overwhelming to look at. There is a lot going on, and you can’t even zoom fully out to see the entire thing. As you level up, you’ll get passive skill points that can be used to unlock nodes on the tree.
Rather than just unlocking in a random manner with no real ‘path’, we suggest going in with a build in mind. For example, look to the very edges of the tree; you’ll see nodes in the shape of the skills. For example, at the very top of the tree, there are node clusters shaped like a snowflake, flames, and lightning. These relate to the elements wielded by the Sorceress class.
We suggest looking around to see the build options. For example, here at TheGamer, we want to build a Sorceress that deals heavy fire damage. As we unlock passives, we are ultimately heading to this flame node cluster at the top. Other nodes along the way may relate, but nothing is chosen randomly.
Your ‘goal’ doesn’t have to be the edge; just look at what clusters exist and see if any sound like they could make a good build focus.
Map Layouts Are Randomly Generated
This is another tip for those new to the franchise. Path of Exile 2 maps are randomly generated between visits, so if you return to a map at a later time, the layout will be different. The theme will stay the same, and important locations (like boss arenas) are still present, but the path you take will change.
Keep this in mind if you return to an encampment and stop playing for a bit. When you return again, you’ll need to rediscover the area. We suggest looking for the area waypoint quickly so you can teleport there again. The waypoint will always be present (if the map has one) regardless of the layout.
Keep Your Inventory Organized
Every item that you pick up will have its own shape and take up the corresponding amount of space in your inventory. For example, a large shield will take up more space in your inventory than a wand.
We suggest taking some time to look at your inventory and organize it. Try keeping your items tight and lined up on one side of the panel, rather than scattered everywhere. If the inventory is messy, you may not have enough room to pick up some items when exploring Wraeclast.
Don’t Forget To Gamble
By speaking with Finn at the Clearfell Encampment, you’ll be able to spend gold on a variety of mystery items. This is the gambling mechanic of Path of Exile 2, so you may end up with a low-quality item, but you may also get something quite nice.
If you have the gold to spend, try your luck at gambling with Finn! If things don’t go your way, you can always sell the item back (for a lower price, of course). This isn’t ideal, but it will earn you back a bit of the money you spent.
At the start of the game, gold can be hard to obtain, especially since some of the gambling goods take a lot. By killing enemies and exploring the world, you can steadily build up your gold. You may even find a secret room that’s filled with gold!
Read Every Description
There is a lot of stuff to read in Path of Exile 2. While some of the walls of text may seem a bit dialed back from the first game, new players may find themselves reading descriptions a lot. This is normal, and we encourage it!
Whenever you get a skill gem, take some time to really read the descriptions of everything. From the gemcutting menu, you’ll also be able to check out a little video showing what the skill does. While reading may take some time, it can help you in the future.
Keep ‘Always Highlight’ On
The ‘Always Highlight’ option may be on automatically when you start playing. We highly suggest leaving this on (or turning it on, if it’s not already). With this, items, NPCs, and interactable objects will be highlighted on the map. This allows you to easily see what drops from bosses, as well as if there are any interactable things for you to use.
It’s important to quickly note that highlighted gold will be picked up automatically, but you’ll need to manually grab items that drop from enemies.
Every ARPG has a meta build that people follow. While you can just search for the best class and build to play, we suggest just doing what sounds fun. Part of the fun in Path of Exile is to try a class out for the first time and see if you can make your own build. Sure, it may not be the best, but that’s part of the experience.
Overall, don’t get caught up in what others are doing. If you are new to the franchise, it can be satisfying to finally get to play a class/build that works just right for you.

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