When I first played Cairn at Tokyo Game Show earlier this year, I experienced a buggy, janky version while standing in front of a large television in a booth off to the side of the main show floor. Anybody walking by could stop and watch me flounder. There were no seats. A bug flung me across the map, and I gave up, but not before I’d decided I was very interested to see where this game goes.
Fast forward to now, months later, and Cairn has launched a limited-time Steam demo – one that feels similar to the one I played in September, but also different. For one, most of the worst bugs have been ironed out – whatever threw me into the air when I first played doesn’t seem to be there anymore. But also, the game feels more deadly now, more serious. Aava’s character shines through – she’s gritty, serious, determined. She has no time or energy to focus on anything but climbing. She’s trained to do something nobody has ever done.
No Pain, No Gain
Cairn has been compared to Death Stranding and Dark Souls. The first, because it’s freeform – there are no routes, no helpful yellow paint, and no hints. It’s just you, some pitons, a backpack full of supplies and a rock face. You find your own way up by surveying the wall and identifying a feasible route. Like in Death Stranding, I found that routes I thought looked doable enough led to failure and death. It’s as difficult as it is absorbing. Failure only made me want to try again.
That leads to the second comparison. It’s incredibly easy to fall and die. If you haven’t placed a piton recently, and your limbs lose strength, you will fall and smash against the rock face. You can simply plummet straight to the ground, if you haven’t placed a piton at all, and presumably break your neck. The scream that protagonist Aava lets out when she plummets is bloodcurdling. There are real stakes here – failure can mean death.
This demo also gave me better insight into its survival mechanics. The first time I played Cairn, I barely registered that I had an inventory full of food, medicine, and clean water. I recognised that I could pick berries and toss them into my bag, presumably to snack on during my climb if I got too tired.
But finally, I’m starting to get a sense of what a “survival climbing” game really entails. As I climb up rock face after rock face, Aava gets thirsty, and I have to drink water. After a particularly nasty fall, I can have her take painkillers. I can refill my flask in running rivers. I’m careful not to run unnecessarily, in case it takes away from her stamina.
No sign of the tents from the trailer just yet, but the demo doesn’t actually have Aava scaling Mount Kami, her ultimate goal – this is an easier, smaller mountain.
Being able to take my time with the demo, I also began to see how time and space is represented in Cairn. As I climb, the sun begins to set and the light shifts. I can sense that I’m getting closer to my goal the longer the shadows grow. When I summit, I can look down and see just how far I’ve come. There are even cairns around where you can sit and observe the mountain around you – it’s breathtaking to look at your surroundings from high on up.
You should experience it for yourself. Find the demo on Steam.

Cairn’s realistic simulation allows intuitive climbing: find the best holds and place your hands and feet seamlessly with simple controls. Adapt your posture, effort and balance —if you’re not careful, you will fall!
As pro climber Aava, you embark on the ascent of Mount Kami, a summit that has never been reached. Along the journey, meet unexpected companions and hear from those left on the ground. Discover the mountain’s history and decide what Aava is willing to sacrifice to achieve her dream.
You are free to climb anywhere. Explore the mountain, read the rock face from the ground and plan your route carefully to reach the top. Solve problems while on the wall to navigate difficult sections. You can climb on anything, so choose your path wisely!
Climbing is challenging: each wall feels like a boss fight. A thrilling challenge for those eager to test themselves, but you can also adjust the difficulty to customise your experience.
Manage your resources to survive during the long ascent: pitons, chalk, finger tape… but also food, water and medicine. Set up bivouacs and explore the mountain to find resources to reach the summit.
In Expedition mode, choose Aava or Marco and attack different mountains your way: select your climbing style (alpine, free solo) and challenges to take on. Compare your performance with other climbers.
An unforgettable experience from the makers of Furi and Haven, with music and sound design by the team behind Limbo, Inside, Control and Cocoon, and art and story by renowned comic-book artist Mathieu Bablet.
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