How to Reveal the Next Storm Circle in Fortnite

How to Reveal the Next Storm Circle in Fortnite

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The storm has always been an important mechanic in Fortnite. In this Battle Royale, the Storm Circle closes in as the match proceeds in order to bring the remaining players closer and closer to one another and see who gets the Victory Royale.

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One way to be a step ahead of the rest of the players in the match is to learn where the next Storm Circle will form. Thankfully, players can do this by securing Forecast Towers in Fortnite, and this guide will show them exactly how to do it.

Forecast Tower Locations in Fortnite

forecast tower locations fortnite

Forecast Towers have four possible spawn locations in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1. However, only two will spawn per game. To see if a Forecast Tower will appear in-game, gamers can either check when they jump from the Battle Bus or by walking through the location, but they can also wait until the Demon Warriors charged with protecting the tower are about to rift onto the map, as they a forecast marker will appear on the map.

Here is where Forecast Towers can spawn in Fortnite:

  • Southwest of Twinkle Terrace
  • East of Burd
  • West of Burd to Go
  • North of Magical Mosses

How to Secure Forecast Towers in Fortnite

forecast secured fortnite

Forecast Towers have three stages, and since they’re connected, they change according to the Storm Circle. When the match starts, the Forecast Tower computer will have a message saying “Awaiting Forecast,” which means it’s not ready to be used yet, and there’s nothing gamers can do to interact with it.

Once there are
50 seconds until the first Storm Circle starts closing, the message will change to “Acquiring Forecast”
. At first, it’ll be at zero percent, and it will increase every second.
It will reach 100 percent when they’re precisely one minute left until second Storm Circle starts closing

forecast tower security

At this point, the forecast will be ready to be secured and three Demon Warriors will spawn. The mini-boss is bigger than the two grunts that walk beside him, and it’s the largest opponent that gamers must take out to get the Forecast Tower Access Card.

Although gamers don’t need to take down the weaker Demon Grunts to get the Access Card, they definitely should in order to prevent them from attacking the player.

forecast secured in fortnite

Once gamers have defeated the mini-boss, it will drop the Forecast Tower Access Card, which they must then bring to the Forecast Tower computer to secure the forecast and always have access to the location of the next Storm Circle.

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