How To Restore HP In Caves Of Qud

How To Restore HP In Caves Of Qud

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Have you found yourself injured while playing Caves of Qud? It’s more likely than you think, but don’t worry. While you may end up injured a lot, there are a few great ways to heal if you want to avoid death and possibly starting over.

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In this guide, we are going to take a look at how to heal in Caves of Qud. This will cover simple ways to heal quickly, as well as how to cure any disease or status condition that you may have. With these measures, you may be able to avoid death and survive another day.

Heal Each Round

A player standing in Bethesda Suda.

If you have absolutely no items on hand or in your inventory, then you’ll be happy to know that each turn, you’ll regain some HP. This is a great way to regain some HP back without using anything. If you have enough space, consider walking around a bit.

This may be a bit time-consuming if you have really low HP, but don’t underestimate the power of pacing back and forth! Of course, this isn’t the best method to heal quickly, but it can help if you are in a pinch.

Use An Injector

If you are looking to heal a bit quicker, you can also use an Injector. The most common is the Salve Injector, which will restore your HP over a few rounds. This isn’t instant, but with a few Salve Injectors on hand, you can prevent your HP from becoming too low.

Salve Injectors are a type of tonic, and there are a few others that can help recover HP. For example, the Ubernostrum Injector will restore HP each turn for ten turns and at the end of these turns, you’ll be purged of “short-term, biological debuffs” and grow a severed appendage back.

Eat & Cook The Right Meals

Some foods will provide healing effects. This can be instant, but some cooked meals will increase your HP for a set amount of time as well. When running low on materials, a great source of healing is Witchwood Bark. This is a simple material that heals and confuses you at the same time. The healing outweighs the confusion, so this is a great snack to recover HP.

Witchwood Bark is more common than things like Salve Injectors, but
be sure that you aren’t surrounded by enemies when you eat it, or they can quickly overwhelm you.

There are also some foods that add HP-boosting effects to a meal, such as bear jerky. When looking closely at this jerky, you’ll see that it “adds HP-based effects to cooked meals”, which is great if you are looking to have a bite to eat before delving into a dungeon.

You can mix ingredients as you see fit in order to tweak the benefits, or you can follow a recipe. For example, the recipe for Apple Matz is made with a vinewafer sheaf and starapple jam. When consumed, you will have a faster healing rate.

How To Cure Status Effects

In addition to pure damage, you can be affected by a variety of status effects. Thankfully, these can also be dealt with. For example, Yuckwheat Stem (which we found being sold in Kyakukya) will cure both confusion and poison. Additionally, if you are in the initial stages of Glotrot or Ironshank (these are diseases), then you’ll get a bonus the following day to overcome the disease.

With this in mind, it’s only natural that cooking with Yuckwheat Stem will provide similar effects. After preserving Yuckwheat Stem into Fermented Yuckwheat Stem, you’ll get an ingredient that will add disease prevention and curing effects to meals.

You can also get disease prevention and curing effects from honey,
but this may not be as common as Yuckwheat. If you do happen to come across honey, be sure to keep it on hand just in case you get ill. Remember,
honey needs to be kept in a container, since it’s a liquid.

How To Stop Bleeding

Bleeding is an unfortunate effect that will cause you to take damage over time and lose HP. The simplest way to stop bleeding is to apply a bandage. This will stop bleeding, so it’s important to keep a few bandages on hand.

Another way to prevent healing (and a fungal infection at the same time) is by getting or making Mulled Mushroom Cider. This is the dish of Kyakukya; you’ll be able to learn this recipe, but you can also get it for free from the oven in the rightmost house. This will boost your quickness saves vs. bleeding, and your chances to not develop a fungal infection.

This goes hand in hand with the previous entry. Whenever you visit a new settlement, be sure to look around for a potential signature dish, as well as someone who will teach it to you (during a Water Ritual). When you learn the recipe, you’ll be able to eat it on the go, rather than just when you visit town.


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