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Here we are, at the final encounter of Act 1. Of course this isn’t where the game ends, though it might be hard to predict exactly what’s coming next. You don’t need to worry about that yet though because Vam stands before you, ready to vanquish any opposition.

Fantasian Neo Dimension Challenged Me More Than Any Final Fantasy Game Has In Years
Fantasian Neo Dimension looks set to be a challenge, especially for those of us entirely new to it.
This is a hard fight, the most difficult you’ll have come across so far in Fantasian Neo Dimension by a long margin. Thankfully, Vam doesn’t use any moves that are completely unheard of, with plenty of previous bosses preparing you for the way he battles. It still won’t be easy though.
Recommended Level And Equipment For Vam
Vam is a very difficult battle, and the game assumes that you’ll have completed the vast majority of the content available to you at this point in the game. As such, we would recommend being level 28 at a minimum while fighting Vam, though we were level 29 after completing all optional content as well.
If you want to level up to the limit quickly, which is level 35 in Act 1, you can
get a Vibran Secret Stone
that gives you 1.5x EXP from Sebastian in the Uzra.
In terms of equipment, we collected some of the best items currently available from chests around the world. They are as follows:
- Leo – Ceramic Blade 2.0 from the Mini Toy Box, Garnet M Jewel for extra attack.
- Zinikr – Delta Knuckles from the Midi Toy Box, Disena’s Tanzanite for auto-regen.
- Ez – Quark Edge from the Midi Toy Box, Hermes Stone for higher agility.
Make sure to stock up on all the supplies you’ll need for Ez’s skills as well. Try to have enough materials to craft at least ten of each skill. The merchant in the outskirts sells the majority of these items for cheaper than elsewhere.
With all that prep out of the way, you can move on to your battle against Vam.
Vam’s Moveset
If you can battle Vam without any mistakes, he’s not exceptionally all that different from other bosses like Frostian. Fail to perfectly execute the fight though, and it can be exceedingly hard to pull yourself back from the brink.
Let’s take a quick look at his moves.
Move |
Effect |
Regular Attack |
Vam strikes a single enemy with his sword for around 1,000 damage. |
Target |
Vam focuses on a specific party member for his next attack. |
Triple Edge |
Vam attacks the targeted party member three times, each hit dealing as much damage as a regular attack. |
Summoned Swords |
Vam summons multiple swords of light around him. Each time he uses this move, more swords are summoned. |
Rain of Blades |
Vam randomly attacks the party with any remaining summoned swords, and then unleashes a powerful final strike against the whole party. |
Slow |
A single target is slowed, reducing the frequency of their turns. |
Dimensional Distortion |
Every party member has their Attack and Defence decreased. |
Energy Drain |
Vam spas health from every party member, restoring half of it to himself. |
For the most part, there’s not anything too punishing here, at least initially. Vam will only ever target a single character with his damaging moves, and you even get warned ahead of time when he’s going to use Triple Edge on someone.
The Summoned Swords are where things get complicated. Once these are summoned, you have until Vam’s next turn to destroy all of the swords. If you do so, Vam will continue the fight as normal. If you fail to do so, he will use the move Rain of Blades.
This move has multiple parts. At first, it randomly hits your party depending on how many swords are left. All five of them, you’ll get hit five times. Only one, you only get hit once. These don’t hit for obscene damage, around 800-1,000, but it’s the final attack you should worry about. Vam attacks with his own sword, hitting every party member. With every sword still active, this can deal up to 3,000 or so damage, potentially wiping your party if they’re not at full HP.
This final attack gets weaker the more swords you destroy
, potentially bringing the damage down to only around 1,000.
As his HP gets slower, he starts using both Energy Drain and Dimensional Distortion, as well as increasing the number of swords he summons up to nine. While the final attack of Rain of Blades will never get stronger, the amount of times you are hit by the smaller swords will.
The one benefit to Vam using a wider variety of moves as he gets lower in HP is that he is less likely to use moves like Triple Edge, giving you more time to buff yourself and heal.
How To Beat Vam
With your prep out of the way, and your knowledge of everything Vam can do established, it’s time to actually start fighting him. The general order is this – Ez as support as per usual, and Leo and Zinikr as your attackers. Leo is still the strongest character you have, especially as a result of Samidare, so try to keep his MP stocked as much as possible.
Vam has no particular elemental weaknesses, so use Leo’s regular Slash when up against the summoned swords to conserve some MP. For Zinikr, the Punch skill is great here, and if he used Charge beforehand, he’s guaranteed to destroy the swords with a single strike.
With Ez in particular, keep his focus on the right side of the arena. The swords on this side tend to be grouped quite close together, allowing any elemental grenade to strike them all quite cleanly. As the swords have just a bit less HP (1,350) than a grenade deals (1,500), they’re guaranteed to destroy them.
Try to use Quick where possible as well, as this is especially helplful when Vam summons his swords to give you a few more turns to destroy them all. Plus, it tends to give faster characters like Ez a chance to set up more buffs.
In terms of healing, don’t wait until a character has fallen to yellow HP. Heal as soon as soon as you can, as many of Vam’s more powerful moves, like Triple Edge, can defeat someone like Ez or Leo from almost full HP.
If Zinikr gets targeted for Triple Edge,
use Guard
. This will massively reduce the damage he takes.
Keep with this pattern, and Vam will be down in no time. Ez’s buffs and grenades are some of the most essential elements of this battle, so make sure to stock plenty of materials.
With Vam finally defeated, the party gets introduced to our new antagonist, the man that has been whispering in your mind this whole time – Jas, a self-styled god. After a brief encounter, everyone enters the wormhole and are split apart from each other. You are now on the road to beginning Act 2.

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