How To Defeat Robo Organizer Complete In Fantasian Neo Dimension

How To Defeat Robo Organizer Complete In Fantasian Neo Dimension

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After the beginning of the game, and a brief stint as Cheryl and Kina, the whole party has now returned to the Machine World. In fact, it’s quite similar to how it was when Leo left it in the firt place, with plenty of familiar faces making an appearance.

Fantasian Neo Dimension Challenged Me More Than Any Final Fantasy Game Has In Years

Fantasian Neo Dimension looks set to be a challenge, especially for those of us entirely new to it.

It is also the beginning of the end to Act 1 of Fantasian Neo Dimension, and with that comes some difficult enemies, and the last chance you have for quite a while before you’re free to explore the world again. As such, you’ll want to be thorough on your return to the Machine World.

How To Defeat Robo Organizer Complete

On your return to the Machine World, you are put into the very same area in which you left it originally. This gives you a brief chance to pick up any items that you might have missed initially. As such, they’re pretty basic items, such as a Heal Stone and two Lightning Fragments, but they’re worth picking up anyway.

Proceed onward, and you’ll be greeted with a very large platform. Feels almost like a boss arena, doesn’t it? Well it should surprise no one that it is, in fact, a boss arena, and with our first ever boss reappearing – Robo Organizer, but Complete this time.

When you start the fight with Robo Organizer Complete, don’t bother using any abilities other than Analyse or a Research Lens. The boss will fully heal after every turn, before a cutscene plays that disables their healing drones, letting the true battle begin. Analysing the boss here will save you a turn in the proper fight.

Alright, let’s get a look at Robo Organizer’s moveset to start. It’s pretty similar to the initial fight, though expanded now.



Regular Attack

The boss slams their hand down on a single character for decent damage.

Elemental Resist Down Missiles

The boss fires off missiles that hit every party member, making them weak to one specific element.

Elemental Laser

Following the missiles, the boss will ready an element in each hand, attacking with both on their next turn


Whether Elemental Laser lands or not, the boss’ next turn will have them use Overheat, which is just a wasted turn for them.

Combination Strike

After entering their second phase, the boss will strike with both arms, hitting any two party members, or a single member twice.

There’s not a whole lot of moves to worry about, thankfully, though the boss very rapidly changes between them. No matter what, their attacks will hit hard, so you’ll want to have Ez constantly boosting your Attack and Defence power through this battle.

The real gimmick of this fight occurs after the boss uses Elemental Resist Down Missiles. These will hit every party member, making them weak to a specific element. Namely, it will be one of the two elements the boss powers up their arms with immediately after.

You now have a full turn to destroy both hands independently. If you don’t think you can destroy both, then focus on just the one you are currently weak to. However, with a mix of Leo’s Fire Slash. Zinikr’s Earth Strike, and Ez’s elemental grenades, you should be able to easily destroy both arms in a single turn.

After the boss gets low on HP, they will enter their second phase, where they start using Combination Strike. This is a powerful enough move by itself, but the boss can also attack with this move, follow-up with Elemental Resist Down Missiles, and then prepare their Elemental Lasers all in one turn. As such, make sure you keep your HP high throughout the battle so you have enough time to destroy the arms.

Continue with this flow, and the boss will be down in no time, hopefully permanently this time. You can now proceed onwards to the Secret Base.

To The Secret Base

Leo, Zinikr, and Ez in the secret base of the machine world in Fantasian neo dimension.

With Robo Organizer out of the way, you can finally continue your search for Cheryl and Kina. You’ll mostly be retracing their steps but from a slightly different angle, so it shouldn’t take too long to reach the Secret Base, since you already know where it’s not-so-secret entrance is.

While walking along the upper walkway, take the platform down to an area with lots of shipping containers, the same area that Cheryl and Kina originally hid in. The chest here contains three Ether Ls. Return to the walkway and weave around until you finally reach the Secret Base.

While the party will initially be apprehensive, Prickle and Clicker appear in short order to assuage any fears. After dropping some lore as to Vam’s goal, they will inform the party that Kina and Cheryl left to the wormhole, and warn that they should not be followed as it is incredibly dangerous. This does not dissuade the party however, and Leo heads on out.

After approaching the door to leave, you will be informed that this is the point-of-no-return for your journey, and that you should level up and get better gear before attempting to battle Vam. After this cutscene, new items spawn in the world for you to find, so make sure you approach this door before leaving.

terminals can also be used at the Secret Base
now, which come with new weapons and jewels that might be an upgrade over what you currently have.

For now, you can return to the Uzra, where there will be chests waiting in the hall by the Engine Room, and more with some sailors at the harbour at Vence. Plus, with his memory back, Leo can return to the Mini and Midi Toy Boxes to uncover secrets he couldn’t remember initially.

Many of these chests are opened with Mechteria Keys, which can be
farmed from Orblings in East Vence

To The Wormhole

After leaving the Secret Base, you will be on the path to Vam. This is a pretty linear path and most of the treasures are hidden just barely out of sight. The vast majority of them are crafting materials for Ez, though it’s absolutely worth getting them for the fight ahead.

Here’s all of them that you’ll find along the way in the first area:

  • Five Potion Ls just south of the door you entered this area from.
  • Ten Magic Crystals in one of the short hallways just east of the entrance.
  • Five Bomb Kits to the very east and then around a corner to the south.
  • Five Ether Ls nestled in a corner just before the the area.

Once you enter the next area, you’ll mainly be on the walkway you were on earlier in the Machine Realm, but on the opposite side. There are quite a few items here as well, so let’s go through them all:

  • 20 Protein Drinks to the very west of the walkway, south side.
  • 20 Clocks of Truth after taking the elevator platform down, to the left.
  • 30 Hard Shells after taking the elevator platform down, to the right.
  • An Elixir, reached by going to the left while on the walkway. You might have seen this chest when you went through this area with Cheryl and Kina originally.

After you’ve picked up all those items, it is basically a straight run towards Vam. You’ll know you’re in the right area when it starts to become infested with Mechteria. Make sure to save at the save point before going onward. This is your last chance to explore before being locked in.

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