How To Complete Argyve’s Questline In Caves Of Qud

How To Complete Argyve's Questline In Caves Of Qud

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Quests make the world of Caves of Qud go round. Right from the start of the game, you’ll be able to complete a wide range of quests that have their own depth and complexity. In Joppa, you’ll come across a few quests, including some given by Argyve.

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Looking to complete Argyve’s questline? You’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we are going to go over how to complete the three quests you can do for Argyve ending with Weirdwire Conduit.. Eureka!, which earns you the Joppa Recoiler. We’ll also take a look at how to get a recoiler if Joppa is already in ruins.

Where To Find Argyve

Argyve can be found in Joppa, with his house being in the bottom left corner of the settlement. Here, you can find him standing inside his house. In total, there are three quests that you’ll need to complete in order to get your hands on the Joppa Recoiler.

It’s important to note that there are more quests that Argyve can give (such as A Canticle for Barathrum), but these three are necessary in order to complete the achievement called Weirdwire Conduit.. Eureka!, which requires you to help him build the contraption.

Fetch Argyve a Knickknack

After talking with Argyve, you’ll be tasked with finding a knickknack for the quest “Fetch Argyve a Knickknack”. The knickknack in question is rather vague, but thankfully, this gives you some wiggle room.

Rather than requiring a specific item, you can bring Argyve almost any artifact that can be identified. To help, Argyve will suggest that you head to the Rust Wells (found to the east of Joppa), but this isn’t necessary, as artifacts can be found anywhere.

You may be able to find some lying in his house, as well as found in ruins. We happened to find a merchant who was selling an odd trinket, which is classified as an artifact. When in doubt though, just head to the Rust Wells.

Once you have an artifact in hand, you can head back to Argyve and complete this portion of the quest. Doing so will reward you with 75 XP.

Fetch Argyve Another Knickknack

A player looking at a metal chair in Caves of Qud.

Now, you’ll need to do it again. There are no extra requirements for this quest, you will just need to go find another artifact. If you already have one that you’ve gathered from the first artifact-retrieving quest, then you can just give that to him. Otherwise, set out to find another!

When you have a second artifact, bring it back to Argyve, which will earn you 150 XP.

Weirdwire Conduit.. Eureka!

Finally, it’s time for the last quest in this line to help build the contraption. When you speak with Argyve this time, he’ll ask you to get 200 feet of Copper Wire for him. This will require you to head to the Rust Wells to the east of Joppa. On the map, these will appear as three crater-like red circles.

The walk to them is quite short; just pick one and enter. Once you are at a Rust Well, it’s time to wander around and explore. Each of the three wells will have three layers (called strata) and among them, you can find strands of Copper Wire that vary in length.

The bottom layer of each well will have a
pool of water in the center, which is also visible from the upper layers.

At this point, you’ll simply need to walk around and look for the Copper Wire. You’ll be able to see it lying on the ground, making it quite easy to spot. Some lengths of wire are short, but each well will have at least one strand that is 50 feet.

If you visit all three wells, as well as each layer of each one, you should be able to find 200 feet of Copper Wire in no time. You may also end up gathering the rusted version, but this can’t be used to complete the quest. As a reward for completing this step, you’ll get 500 XP.

How To Complete Weirdwire Conduit

A player looking at the Joppa recoiler.

With 200 feet of Copper Wire in hand, head back to Joppa and speak with Argyve for a final time. This will complete the quest, earning you a Joppa Recoiler, as well as access to the next quest called “A Canticle for Barathrum”.

What To Do With A Joppa Recoiler

Your Joppa Recoiler can be used to teleport back to Joppa when elsewhere on the map. In order to use it, an active cell will need to be inside. In the image above, you can see that the chem cell we have in our recoiler is drained, which happened after using it once. You’ll need to either get a new cell or get a solar cell that recharges during the day (when outside).

What Happens If Joppa Is In Ruins?

A player looking at the quest More than a Willing Spirit.

It’s possible to start playing Caves of Qud elsewhere besides Joppa. If you start elsewhere, Joppa appears as ruins, but you can still explore around in the area now called the Ruins of Joppa. If this is the case for you, you won’t be able to complete the questline for Argyve, but you’ll still be able to visit what was once Argyve’s house.

Here, there will be some items where he once was, as well as a data disk that can be picked up in order to start the quest “More Than A Willing Spirit”. If you still want to get your hands on a Joppa Recoiler, you may be able to find one randomly in the world, so not all hope is lost.


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