An Xbox Series S saved its owner’s life in a truck accident, and while it still “runs games surprisingly well,” Microsoft is sending him a new one anyway

An Xbox Series S saved its owner's life in a truck accident, and while it still "runs games surprisingly well," Microsoft is sending him a new one anyway

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Playing games comes in handy sometimes. My proof? Well, one gamer claims that a Xbox Series S literally saved his life while he was stuck in a truck accident and it’s even caught Microsoft‘s attention.

On Twitter, Brandon J shared the story of how “this console saved my life” – referring to the smaller, sleeker, and surprisingly sturdy all-digital Xbox. “I was on my way home from my local GameStop with the Xbox in my backpack when I was struck by a truck while riding my bicycle,” they tweeted. “I managed to keep above the truck’s steel bumper at first but I eventually was dragged under. I was slammed to the ground and still he kept going so I assumed he didn’t see me. The Xbox in my backpack prevented me from hitting my head or worse, even dying.”

Thankfully, Brandon says that he was soon rushed to the hospital with only a “single broken bone in my left foot and a few road rashes.” Even his new Xbox Series S was luckily left in relatively good condition. “I thought the Xbox was a goner but it started up with no hesitation at all and runs games surprisingly well considering what it went through. If the Xbox wasn’t in my bag at the time a lot more could have happened…” You can see how badly battered the little machine was in the images below.

The Xbox Series S miracle worker even turned Microsoft’s eye. Xbox’s main social media account soon responded: “We’re so glad that you’re safe and hope the recovery is going well. We know you mentioned that your Xbox is still working, but we’d love to send you a new one if you’d like!”

Looking for something to play on your little lifesaver? Check out our ranking of the best Xbox Series X|S games of all time and keep up to date with all the new games of 2025 and beyond.

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