Key Takeaways
- Mods enhance Sims 4 pregnancy with realism, depth, and creativity.
- Various mods add features like risky woohoo, pregnancy weight gain, and mood buffs.
- Players can now control pregnancy length, symptoms, ultrasounds, and birth certificates.
If there’s one gameplay aspect in The Sims 4 that EA seems to have ignored for too long, it’s pregnancy. And yet, pregnancy is such a crucial part of a game that essentially simulates life. For those who want to build their families from the bottom up, it can get super repetitive and tedious to play with the same, predictable settings.
Thankfully, tons of modders have chipped in to create realistic mods that make the game a million times more immersive. Players wanting to spice up their family gameplay should definitely grab a few of these pregnancy-enhancing mods for their next legacy or family playthrough. Here are a few essentials dedicated Simmers shouldn’t miss out on.
Updated on December 4, 2024, by Jenna Amore: Pregnancy in The Sims 4 is a cherished part of family gameplay, but mods take it to a whole new level by adding depth, realism, and creativity. From immersive details like gradual weight gain and realistic pregnancy items to fun features like customized announcements, these mods enhance the experience in ways the base game doesn’t. They allow players to shape their Sims’ pregnancy journeys with unique interactions and storytelling opportunities. Whether players want a surprise reveal, more realistic symptoms, or post-pregnancy realism, these mods offer something for every type of player.
28 Risky Woohoo & Try For Baby Chances
WooHoo Roulette: Will Your Sims Roll The Dice?
In The Sims 4, Sims know what they’re getting in for when they decide to WooHoo. In real life, people do not share this luxury. Add some realism and surprise back to the game by downloading the Risky WooHoo & Try For Baby Chances mod.
Players will need to be mindful while messing around with their partners. Trying for a baby won’t be a straightforward process anymore either, with everything from a Sim’s mood to their traits governing their current rate of fertility. A high rate of fertility isn’t necessarily a good thing either, since this can lead to unwanted pregnancies more often than not.
27 Baby Maker Trait
For Sims With Extreme Baby Fever
While the game already has a trait for Sims who are family-oriented, this trait just doesn’t seem to focus enough on wanting more children or babies. After all, some are eternally in a constant baby fever mode and just can’t get enough of the parent lifestyle.
That’s where the Baby Maker Trait mod by Kialauna steps in and introduces a brand new custom trait called BabyMachine. Sims with this trait are often in a flirty mood and will want to seduce those around them to try for a baby. Moreover, they also get a boost when it comes to the Charisma skill, so they can better find romantic partners.
26 Discover Pregnancy
The Moment Of Surprise And Suspense
Share the intimate moments of an upcoming pregnancy as a pleasant surprise with the Discover Pregnancy mod. This unexpected moment allows players to drive a pregnancy or family-related storyline for Sims with shocking twists and turns.

The Sims 4: 16 Best Mods For Infants
The Sims 4 updated the game to improve the infant life stage, and there are some great mods for players who want a little bit more.
Players will no longer be able to just know from specific cues if their Sim is pregnant, such as certain idle animations like thought bubbles with baby items or appearing nauseous. This adds a lot of excitement and anticipation to gameplay, and it’s also realistic in the sense that pregnancy isn’t always easy or straightforward to detect.
25 Instant Morning Sickness
Find Out Fast — When The Morning Sickness Hits
Not at all pregnancies are obvious. In real life, surprises take place all the time, and it can make for really great storytelling to have that same aspect of surprise in a game as well. In past Sims games, this was very much the case, as there was no option to take a pregnancy test.
The Instant Morning Sickness pregnancy mod by PolarBearSims ensures a Sim doesn’t get a moodlet before experiencing morning sickness, which essentially spoils players with the surprise of what’s happening. Whether they have food poisoning or they’re pregnant, only time or a pregnancy test will tell.
24 No Pregnancy Spoilers
No Hints, No Spoilers, Just Surprises
Building on the idea of maintaining suspense during pregnancy gameplay, the No Pregnancy Spoilers mod takes things a step further. Unlike the Instant Morning Sickness mod, which removes moodlets to keep the news under wraps, this mod eliminates the “Throw Up” interaction from toilets entirely.
By doing so, it prevents players from accidentally discovering their Sims are pregnant before they officially find out. This mod is perfect for those who love a good surprise and want to experience pregnancy reveals organically, just as their Sims would. Simple yet effective, it ensures that the big moment remains exciting and unexpected.
23 Pregnancy Announcement Flatlay Set
Picture-Perfect Pregnancy Announcements
For players who want their Sims to share their baby news in style, the Pregnancy Announcement Flatlay Set mod is a must-have. This mod offers a variety of decorative items to create adorable pregnancy announcements, including baby blocks, onesies, booties, and a customizable announcement board with five swatches.

The Sims 4: 20 Best Health & Wellness Mods, Ranked
Health & Wellness mods for The Sims 4 give Sims a treasure trove of health problems and potential cures to shake up a stale playthrough.
Sims can even use a positive pregnancy test or ultrasound scans to add delightful storytelling elements to their pregnancies. Players can set up the perfect flatlay for screenshots or use the decorations to commemorate occasions like baby showers. It’s a creative way to make every pregnancy reveal more memorable and unique.
22 Pregnancy Stuff
Decorative Details For A Realistic Pregnancy Journey
The Pregnancy Stuff mod is perfect for players looking to add more realism and detail to their Sims’ pregnancy experiences. This pack includes eight custom content items, such as a V-shaped pillow for comfort, tummy rub oil and butter, maternity pads, and a postpartum bath soak to reflect the journey from pregnancy to postpartum care.
It also features prenatal gummies, a pregnancy test, and even a nipple balm for nursing Sims. Players can use these items to create immersive storytelling moments, from preparing for the baby’s arrival to taking care of postpartum needs. With its thoughtful touches and wide range of objects, this mod pack celebrates the complexities of pregnancy in a way that feels heartfelt and engaging.
21 Pregnancy Overhaul
A More Natural Look For Expecting Sims
Pregnancy definitely doesn’t look the same on everyone, and the way EA designed it seems a bit cartoonish at times. LittleMsSam’s pregnancy mod for The Sims 4, Pregnancy Overhaul, introduces a much more toned-down version of a pregnant Sim’s appearance and its range of animations.
A pregnant Sim will no longer have a massive belly that might seem exaggerated. Moreover, a Sim will now walk normally regardless of being pregnant. Plus, while a Sim is still in their first or second trimester, they can participate in more physical activities, namely jogging, and yoga.
20 Pregnancy Weight Gain
A More Realistic Post-Pregnancy Journey
If players still don’t think their pregnant Sims have realistic weight fluctuations, the Pregnancy Weight Gain mod can solve their problems. Unlike the base game, where Sims snap back to their pre-pregnancy physique immediately after giving birth, this mod introduces gradual weight gain throughout each trimester.
Factors such as age, lifestyle, traits, and mood influence the likelihood and extent of this change, creating unique experiences for each Sim. After delivery, Sims retain their pregnancy weight until they naturally lose it through exercise or lifestyle adjustments. This small yet impactful mod reflects the physical changes that accompany pregnancy, perfect for those who value realism and nuanced pregnancy playthroughs.
19 Pregnancy Pose Pack
Capture The Moments, Share The Memories
For Simmers who love capturing memorable moments and sharing them with their community, the Pregnancy Pose Pack is a must-have mod for showcasing Sims’ pregnancy journeys. This pose pack features five poses that show pregnant Sims cradling their growing belly and proudly displaying their baby bump.

How To Use Poses In The Sims 4
The Sims 4 players who want to use poses can find the instructions here.
Whether players are snapping photos to share on social media or capturing memories for a family album, these poses offer a heartwarming way to show off a Sim’s progress. Set against a picturesque, sandy beach backdrop, the poses convey warmth, love, and anticipation as the Sim interacts with their baby-to-be.
18 Realistic Pregnancy Symptoms
Bringing Realism To Every Trimester
Regardless of what The Sims 4 may try to say, there’s no denying that pregnancy is anything but a walk in the park. A woman’s body and moods are altered quite heavily, with hormones and a heavier stomach leading to many complications further down the line. This typically leads to pregnant women experiencing a series of symptoms that can arrive at a moment’s notice.
Players who want their Sims to go through such an authentic experience during their pregnancy should check out the Realistic Pregnancy Symptoms mod. It does a great job of replicating these symptoms in-game, and players will have to micromanage the actions of their pregnant Sims quite a bit if they wish to avoid any unnecessary complications that can arise from Sim autonomy.
17 Pregnancy Is Fine
Keep Calm And Carry On
The moodlet system in The Sims 4 is a genius addition to the game, making it more interesting to control Sims. However, pregnancy often gives powerful positive moodlets that last for days and aren’t necessarily always realistic or helpful in terms of immersive gameplay, especially when a Sim is having their third child.
Thanks to the Pregnancy Is Fine mod by Iced Cream, Sims will now feel perfectly Fine about their pregnancy without being constantly over the moon about it. This is of course more of a preference mod, and in some cases, overjoyed Sims can be exactly what the player wants.
16 Pregnancy Mood Buffs
Embrace The Emotions At Every Stage
For the majority of their pregnancy, Sims tend to be in an Uncomfortable mood due to their quickly depleting bladder and hunger cravings. On the contrary to Fine or Uncomfortable moods, the Pregnancy Mood Buffs mod allows more dramatic fluctuations of emotions to simulate hormone imbalances while experiencing pregnancies.

The Sims 4: 21 Mods That Improve Child Gameplay
Child Sims can sometimes feel limited in The Sims 4. These mods help enrich gameplay and liven things up for the kids.
This mod changes Sims’ moods so that a Sim can finally experience a range of realistic mood swings related to their heightened emotional state. A player can pick from angry, embarrassed, sad, tense, or uncomfortable, each with either a +1, +3, or, +5 effect on a Sims’ overall mood.
15 Expanded Pregnancy Interactions
More Ways To Connect During Pregnancy
The Expanded Pregnancy Interactions mod by LoryNa is a game-changer, introducing a brand new pregnancy app for Sims to access on their phones. The My Pregnancy app allows Sims to stay connected and informed throughout their pregnancy — just like many parents do in real life. The app offers a variety of helpful tools, from tracking trimester progress to checking the size and development of the baby.
But that’s not all — Sims can also receive tips on how to improve their pregnancy experience, engage with other expectant parents on the Future Parent Forum, and even visit the Nooboo (the Simlish word for “baby”) Store for baby essentials. In addition to the app and the new interactions, this mod allows Sims to watch birthing videos and choose their newborn’s dietary preferences to prepare for parenting.
14 Pregnancy Time
Control The Clock On Sims’ Pregnancies
It takes humans nine months to grow a baby, making the three Sim days look like a breeze. Many players desire different pregnancy lengths for their Sims without having to sit through months of gameplay.
Instead, players can download the Pregnancy Time mod to change their Sims’ pregnancy timeline. Experience pregnancy storylines in their full glory without fearing time constraints. Tweak pregnancies to last from one to 147 days, which can seem excessive but certainly is realistic if players want to emulate lengthy pregnancy periods.
13 Pregnant Aging And Death
Life Continues, Even During Pregnancy
Not all mods related to pregnancy for The Sims 4 are necessarily happy. However, they can still be useful when trying to make dramatic and extremely emotional stories in a game as happy-go-lucky as The Sims 4. The Pregnant Aging & Death mod by PolarBearSims does that job perfectly.

The Sims 4: 9 Best Mods For Adding Drama
Looking to add some drama to your Sims 4 playthrough? These mods have got you covered.
Whereas in the vanilla version of the game, pregnant Sims were immune to death, this mod makes them like normal Sims. Pregnant Sims will no longer be safe from the hazards of the world, nor will they wait until giving birth to age up and die. It’s the ultimate sad and realistic mod out there, perfect for storyteller Simmers.
12 Cycle – Menstruation And Fertility
Adding Depth To Sims’ Reproductive Health
In the real world, pregnancy isn’t easy for everyone to achieve. Some families try for years without success, while in The Sims 4, having a child can seem ridiculously easy. Thanks to the Cycle – Menstruation And Fertility mod by NeonOcean, pregnancy in The Sims 4 becomes more realistic and challenging.
Sims now have menstrual cycles that they must track to maximize their chances of having a baby. There are certain times in the calendar when they will have a higher chance of conceiving and should prioritize those days. The mod also adds in all the headaches of dealing with periods, along with tampons and pads.
11 WonderfulWhims
Romance, Realism, And WooHoo
WonderfulWhims is the slightly more wholesome and family-friendly gameplay mod that improves a ton of features in the game, including romantic relationships and pregnancies. For the sake of realism, this mod adds menstrual cycles and miscarriages and even allows Sims to donate unborn babies for scientific research.
On top of those options, there are a variety of new features dealing with relationships, preferences, and an attraction system inspired by The Sims 2. Now, players can let their Sims decide who they are attracted to and the extremes they will go to in their love lives.
10 Wicked Whims
Adding A Little Spice To Sim Romance
Reserved for Sims players who are 18 or older, the Wicked Whims mod makes love life much more realistic. It’s not just the new, intimate animations and interactions that make this mod great, it also has some interesting pregnancy features.

The Sims 4: Mods That Improve Teen Gameplay
These mods allow players to fully explore the drama and change that comes with teen life in The Sims 4.
WickedWhims introduces menstrual cycles, fertility treatments, birth control, and even pregnancy termination services. Sims can also measure their level of fertility if they’re looking to conceive and want the highest chances. This mod adds a surprising amount of realistic gameplay if players can get past the NSFW parts.
9 Quadruplets And Quintuplets
More Babies, More Chaos
Sometimes, having twins and triplets in The Sims 4 is not enough of a challenge for family-focused players. Give Sims the chance to have Quadruplets & Quintuplets, making the game and parenting much more challenging.
Pekesims fixes this issue by introducing the possibility of even more babies with this The Sims 4 pregnancy mod. Be warned, however, that raising this many children is going to be a major challenge, but at the same time, it really does make things a bit more interesting. For extreme family players only.
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