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When playing Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, you’ll want to know how to earn Bells (money) as fast and easily as possible to upgrade the camper, buy clothing/furniture, and pay off loans. The most obvious way to earn Bells is to complete goals, but if you’re in a rush, you might want to invest in Pocket Camp‘s other methods.

What to Expect From Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete
After seven years of gaming, Nintendo has pulled the plug on Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, but its replacement has lots to offer to gamers
Easy Way to Get Bells in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp
Complete Requests and Goals
When you start Pocket Camp, you can tap the Goals icon in the upper-right corner of the screen. There are three types of Goals:
- Stretch Goals (Isabelle icon)
- Daily Goals (calendar icon)
- Event Goals (sprout icon)
Stretch Goals do not expire and reward certain milestones. Rewards range from Leaf Tokens to crafting items (e.g., Preserves). Event Goals are based on in-game events. As of December 3, 2024, there is a Garden Event that lasts for 5 days. There are usually 5 or so pages of quests in the Event Goals, and they take much longer to complete than Daily Goals and even some Stretch Goals.
The category you’ll want to prioritize if you want Bells is the Daily Goals. As their name implies, these are goals that you must complete within 24 hours. A new set of tasks is rolled out at the start of a new day in real time. Most Daily Goals feature basic missions such as catching fish or completing a set number of requests. The rewards in the Daily Goals are usually Bells.
You should be completing collecting goal rewards as you play, but you should start with Daily Goals followed by Event Goals, if only because of their deadlines. While this isn’t a “fast” way to earn Bells, it’s a more consistent way and one you’ll want to take advantage of in Pocket Camp.
Build Up Friendship
Building up Friendship with the villagers can net you a variety of rewards and raise your Friendship Level. Reaching level 3 allows you to invite them to your camp. When you speak to villagers in Pocket Camp, you’ll sometimes be given a prompt in red. Selecting these will usually turn in a Request or give you in-game hints. Increasing Friendship is also how you level up, which also has its own reward perks in Bells.
Villagers won’t stay in one area for too long. When you select an area on the Map, it will show the villager and a “Moving in” time. If you want, you can use Pete’s Parcel Service to turn in requests without needing to speak directly to the villager. However, doing so will not give you friendship points.
Selling Unwanted Materials or Event Flowers
When you’re playing Pocket Camp Complete, be sure to pick up everything you can forage. This includes fruit on trees or fishing on certain islands. You will eventually accumulate enough to where you can sell them in bulk for some pocket change.
However, you can make money quickly by buying and selling other players’ local produce. One piece of produce can sell for 100 Bells when buying them from friends. This means you can pay the “lower” Bell price of 100, then turn around and sell it for more on your Collected Items screen.
Blathers’s Treasure Trek
Sometimes you’ll receive maps for completing villager request balloons or Stretch Goals. The two maps you’ll want are the Bells Map and the Buncha Bells Map. You can use maps by tapping Blathers’s icon on the Map. Depending on the type of map, you’ll have to use materials, Bells, or Friend Powder to “roll.” Buncha Bells Map requires x15 Friend Powder per roll whereas regular Bell Maps need x3 Friend Powder.
Friend Powder can be obtained by helping your friends in the Shovelstrike Quarry. If you don’t have any Pocket Camp Complete friends, you can get Friend Powder from the Daily Goals on Saturday.

Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete – Official Trailer
Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete is set to release on December 3, 2024. Check out the trailer here.
Best Use for Bells in Pocket Camp Complete
Expanding Camper Interior and Crafting
You’ll want to craft the required furniture for villagers that you want to invite to your camp. Crafting clothing or furniture will use up crafting materials and Bells. Ultimately, there’s no “best use” for Bells, and you’re free to spend them however you want. However, if your goal is to level up Friendship, then you should put your money towards crafting the furniture requested by the animals/villagers.
Otherwise, you can use the money at OK Motors to expand your camper’s interior or give it a paint job. You’ll also need to pay off loans if you use OK Motors’ service, which can cost you a hefty fine. It’s always a good idea to have well over 10,000 Bells before getting camper work done.
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