The best sets in the XY era feature some of the most vibrant full-art scenes in the Pokemon TCG. Though these sets aren’t quite recent, they’re not vintage either, so cards from the XY era tend to be forgotten. Sets like Double Crisis lack the hype associated with newer releases and also miss the nostalgic association that the earliest sets carry for many collectors.

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However, in the future, Double Crisis and other sets will be what some kids grew up with, and as those kids become part of the workforce, the demand (and thus likely the price) for these cards should significantly increase. If Groudon and Kyogre are your favorite legendary Pokemon, then you’ll be amazed when you see their best cards in Double Crisis.
Cards are ordered according to their
Market Price,
which you might pay on average for a copy of the cards below.
sale prices differ depending on the card’s condition,
so this market price is just a rough idea of the card’s value.
7 Team Aqua’s Grimer (Common) – $1.88
Bubbling And Brewing
While some of the best Team Aqua and Team Magma cards are in the Team Aqua vs Team Magma set, each team boasts further additions to their rosters in Double Crisis, as Grimer offers an interesting price situation to unpack.
While Grimer has both a Reverse Holo and a normal common version, the Reverse Holo doesn’t have a distinct market price yet, leaving the common card as the technical winner for the time being. However, it’s worth pointing out that the Reverse Holo will cost more if you want to purchase one, with a near-mint (NM) card commanding about five dollars compared to $2.04 and under for the common.
6 Team Aqua’s Sharpedo (Holo Rare) – $2.00
A Bite Above
Sharpedo shares a similar situation to its Team Aqua peer, Grimer, as both cards have common and Reverse Holo versions with incomplete pricing data on TCGplayer. However, while technicalities might win out in the title, let’s take a closer look at what you can expect when you’re looking to buy this card.

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At the top end of the range, the NM Holo version can cost as much as $2.79, but frequently sells for less, while the NM Reverse Holo boasts a handful of sales ranging from $3.75 up to almost $5.50.
5 Team Aqua’s Aggron (Reverse Holo) – $2.32
Smashing Its Way In
Double Crisis has some wonderful artwork in it, but not many rare cards of value outside the top few spots. However, price is only part of a card, and isn’t the factor that determines its appeal. If you like Aggron, then you won’t find many cards that deliver such a ferocious scene in such a small space, as this card is one of the best cards in Double Crisis.
Aggron boasts both a
Reverse Holo and a Holo Rare,
which makes its value slightly more complex to analyze.
As a direct point of comparison between the Reverse and Holo versions, each card sells for markedly different prices in near-mint (NM) conditions. The Holo Rare commands anywhere between $1.25 to $3.99, but the Reverse Holo easily clears the five-dollar mark, clocking in with sales at $4.99 and up.
4 Team Magma’s Great Ball (Reverse) – $3.29
Heating Up
Team Magma’s Secret Base keeps us on the right track with this fiery red Great Ball – a unique item that doesn’t exist in the main series of Pokemon games, giving this card an extra layer of appeal to collectors.

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Strangely, this Reverse Holo is extremely similar to the normal versions’ sales, capping out at $4.47 while the normal card can hit five dollars in some cases. With such an incredibly minor price difference, timing might likely have played a role in the discrepancy, despite the Reverse Holo’s slight edge in market price.
3 Team Magma’s Secret Base (Reverse Holo) – $4.87
Building Toward Something Greater
From their Great Ball to this Secret Base, Team Magma has been busy using Trainer Cards to catch up to Team Aqua’s early dominance. While you might not imagine a Stadium card would ever find itself among the most valuable cards in a set, the Double Crisis chase cards do much of the heavy price lifting.
While the normal version in NM condition sells between $2.45 and $3.59, the Reverse Holo completely eclipses that card, standing with sales from $3.98 to over five dollars. Although the visual difference is minimal, the upgrade to a fairly plain-looking card is appreciated and reflected by the price.
2 Team Magma’s Groudon EX (Ultra Rare) – $118.82
A Price Eruption
Even some of the most valuable Groudon cards struggle to compete with this incredible art from Double Crisis, as it features several iconic Team Magma-themed Pokemon alongside the powerful legendary. Groudon is joined by the Team Magma admins as well as their Pokemon, Camerupt, and Zangoose.
This card’s value relies almost entirely on the condition being good, as you can find copies very cheaply if you’re willing to go for a less-than-ideal copy. Heavily played (HP) cards start at $36.27, while moderately played (MP) jump into the $55 range. However, lightly played (LP) is an even bigger increase, with sales at over $100, followed by NM cards hitting unbelievable highs up to $344.
1 Team Aqua’s Kyogre EX (Ultra Rare) – $181.88
A Sea Of Wonder
Kyogre has an equally impressive roster of valuable cards as Groudon, but this is easily one of the best Kyogre cards ever, featuring a scene that mirrors Groudon’s. The Team Aqua admins are joined by their Pokemon, Seviper, Sharpedo, and Walrein as they ride Kyogre’s wave into battle.
This card’s value continues to soar, starting at $75 for MP copies – almost $20 more than the same Groudon. LP copies offer a similar price point of around $100, while NM copies run wild, starting from $145, with several sales exceeding $260.
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