Key Takeaways
- Zoro naps and loves sake but remains a skilled swordsman.
- Aokiji’s ‘lazy justice’ adds complexity to his character.
- Big Mom is a slothful Yonko who loves sweets and lets her kids fight for her.
Part of what makes One Piece such a lovable series is the sheer variety of unique characters that author Eiichiro Oda manages to conjure up from his artistic mind. Despite there being literally hundreds of characters who show up throughout the story, each and every one comes with their own set of characteristics and quirks, and that inevitably means some end up being a little on the lazy side.

One Piece: The 18 Strongest Active Pirate Crews, Ranked
The world of One Piece is filled with amazing pirates. These crews stand out as the strongest in the series active right now.
This applies to not only the pirates, but also warlords, and even marines who would rather be lounging around and daydreaming rather than fulfilling their duties. One Piece therefore contains its fair share of characters who possess more than a few lazy qualities, with these individuals below being the most obvious culprits.
7 Roronoa Zoro
It’s Hard To Find Any Character In One Piece Who Naps As Often As Zoro
- First Appearance: Episode 1
Zoro is an immensely strong member of the Straw Hat crew, that much is obvious, but he also happens to be the laziest of the bunch too. When Zoro isn’t training, he can often be found snoozing away or simply guzzling down bottles of sake with anyone who will join him. Lucky for him, Zoro has become such a talented swordsman that he is seemingly able to detect incoming attacks even when he’s sleeping, as demonstrated when Kaku tries to take a swing at him, only for Zoro’s body to automatically move out of the way.
Of course, when Luffy needs his right-hand man to help him out, Zoro is always there to lend his strength, but his love for naps and booze does make him a lot more laid back than his companions. Zoro’s frequent naps are also probably the reason why he gets lost so much, considering he never has time to check out the map before arriving on an island.
6 Aokiji
Aokiji’s ‘Lazy Justice’ Adds A Lot Of Intrigue To His Character And Personal Motifs
- First Appearance: Episode 225
Each character who assumes the role of an Admiral in One Piece possesses their own sense of justice. For Aokiji, fans have often referred to his version as ‘lazy justice’, in the sense that, while he’s willing to eliminate anyone the Government sees as a threat to the world, his own sense of morality will sometimes cause him to avoid carrying out orders if he deems necessary.

One Piece: The Best Villains, Ranked
Luffy and the gang have come up against some incredibly dastardly villains but these fearsome foes stand above the rest.
For example, despite having the chance to kill a young Nice Robin, he instead stands by and lets her escape, feeling that it was the right thing to do, considering the rest of Ohara was already blown to smithereens. Aside from his sense of justice, Aokiji is also just a lazy character in general who is usually shown to be either sleeping or barely even trying when engaged in battle.
5 Big Mom
Big Mom Lets Her Children Fight For Her While She Enjoys Snacking On Some Sweets
- First Appearance: Episode 571
Big Mom’s love for eating anything she can get her hands on has ultimately made her a pretty slothful Yonko whose main concern was chowing down on sweets before Luffy forced her into action. Even when the Straw Hats entered Whole Cake Island though, Big Mom let her family do much of the fighting for her while she arranged a tea party for herself behind the scenes.
Considering she has the largest army out of any Yonko, it does make more sense why Big Mom can relax with giant bowls of food so often, but if this food is ever taken away from her, she can become a much more proactive and violent enemy to deal with. If Big Mom was more active and concerned with taking over the world, she would be a truly difficult opponent to stop considering her size and strength.
4 Kaido
Kaido Is So Absurdly Strong That He Barely Ever Feels The Need To Try In A Fight
- First Appearance: Episode 739
When Kaido is first introduced in the series, he is shown hurling himself off a Sky Island onto the ground below, as if he’s trying to end his life out of boredom. In reality, this is exactly what he’s doing, since Kaido has always been claimed to be completely unkillable. However, rather than using his immense strength to destroy everything in his path, Kaido has some rather lazy tendencies that prevent him from being much of an active player on the world stage.
For one, he’s an alcoholic who enjoys little more than drinking his sorrows away, and then lashing out at anyone who tries to confront him. Despite being one of the strongest beings in the One Piece universe, Kaido also leaves it up to King, Queen, and the Beast Pirates to defend Wano, only getting involved when he feels he really needs to.
3 Gecko Moria
Moria Creates An Army Of Zombies To Do His Bidding While He Sits Back And Relaxes
- First Appearance: Episode 343
When Luffy and the gang first arrive at Thriller Bark, they soon discover that the whole place is run by none other than Gecko Moria, a member of the Shichibukai. However, upon running into him for the first time, Moria is shown lying down without a care in the world that his eerie ship has just been invaded.

One Piece: 6 Best Dressed Members Of The Shichibukai
The Shichibukai are a group of incredibly powerful warlords in One Piece, so it only makes sense that they would need to dress for the position.
The reason this warlord can afford to be so lazy is all thanks to his fruit, the Kage Kage no Mi, which allows him to manipulate people’s shadows, which he uses to create his own personal army of zombies. Pair this with a loyal crew who are willing to carry out his every desire, and for much of his arc, Moria barely has to do anything, it’s only when his allies start getting taken down one by one that he feels the need to act.
2 Kizaru
Kizaru Only Becomes Proactive When The World Government Is In Genuine Danger
- First Appearance: Episode 398
It would be easy to assume that Kizaru, being one of the fastest characters in the series due to his light-based ability, would be a busybody who’s always moving around and has trouble containing his energy. In reality, this couldn’t be any further from the truth, since Kizaru is far more laid back and relaxed than many of his comrades, which often gets him into trouble with his stern Fleet Commander, Akainu.
Since Kizaru is able to fire bolts of light from his fingers, he barely has to move a muscle when taking on an opponent, unless said opponent is equal to, or above, his power level. Still, if he can help it, Kizaru will try to use up as little energy as possible so he can eventually go back and enjoy his own company at the Marine HQ.
1 Enel
Enel’s Observation Haki And Lighting Attacks Allow Him To Decimate Opponents Without Moving A Muscle
- First Appearance: Episode 167
Enel claims to be the god of the Sky Islands, but he’s not exactly in any rush to protect or provide for his servants. Instead, Enel’s lightning abilities allow him to strike down anyone who disobeys him, and since his Observation Haki is so advanced, he can launch a sudden strike from anywhere on the island. As a result, he spends most of the Skypiea Arc resting in a chair and enjoying some fruit, occasionally electrifying anyone he catches trying to criticize him from afar.
Since Enel also has the ability to restart his own heart through his abilities, it means he doesn’t have any need to feel stressed or to even try at all when in a fight. Luffy did manage to push Enel to his limit, but even after his defeat, he simply flew away to the Moon where he could again act like the lazy god he’d always wanted to be.

- Release Date
- October 20, 1999
- Seasons
- 20
- Creator
- Eiichiro Oda
- Studio
- Toei Animation
- Story By
- Eiichiro Oda
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