How To Earn Every Achievement And Trophy In Need For Speed Unbound

How To Earn Every Achievement And Trophy In Need For Speed Unbound
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The Bear Champ

Smash all bear collectibles.

After the prologue, the Bear Champ collectibles spawn on the map. They just look like bears dressed as boxers. There are 100 of them, and you just need to drive into them to ‘smash’ them.

Most Wanted

Escape a Heat 5 cop chase in story mode.

To build up to heat, you need complete street races. Once you’ve got a bit of heat, you can initiate chases with the police, which helps you boost your heat to level 5, assuming you don’t escape too quickly. When you’re level 5, you need to try to escape the cops. Going fast and heading off-road generally helps.

For the Escape Artist achievement or trophy, you need to be in an A+ car.

Escape Artist

Escape a Heat 5 cop chase in an A+ car in story mode.

New Crew

Complete Qualifier 1.

Complete the first week of the story.

Oh, It’s On

Complete Qualifier 2.

Complete the second week of the story.

Lake Better Watch Out

Complete Qualifier 3.

Complete the third week of the story.

Found Family

Complete the Grand.

Complete the final week of the story.

Hey Lakeshore

Complete the prologue.

Reach week one of the story.


Break all billboard collectibles.

There are 80 billboards on the map that have a picture of a cartoon creature on them. Drive through each one. This can only be done after the prologue.

Heaven Spot

Collect all street art collectibles.

Around the map, you can find 80 different bits of street art. Drive up to them and hit the button on the screen to collect them. They appear after the prologue is complete.

In The Zone

Get 3 stars on all Speed Run activities.

You can find speed run activities in the open world. To get three stars of them, you need to keep your average speed as high as possible. Each activity shows you what number you need to hit to reach three stars. As these activities are about going fast, you’ll want to use a very quick car, but also one that you can handle, as crashing severely slows you down.

Frequent Flyer

Get 3 stars on all Long Jump activities.

There are a bunch of long jumps on the map. The marker for them is actually the jump itself. So, you want to go towards it at speed and time your nitrous right so you’re at your top speed as you hit the ramp. The distance you reach from the jump dictates how many stars you get.

Catch My Drift

Get 3 stars on all Drift Zone activities.

The map contains plenty of Drift Zone activities. Each one scores you for how far you drift. The exact distance depends on the activity. Naturally, a car with good drifting helps tremendously with these. Also, don’t forget that you can drift a little on straight roads, not just corners. If you’ve got a long straight, you can do a bit of drifting as you progress forward. Yet, don’t do it right before a corner, as then you won’t be able to perform a big drift at the corner itself.

Caught On Camera

Get 3 stars on all Speed Trap activities.

For the speed trap activities you can find on the map, you need to be going incredibly quickly as you reach them. They’re essentially speed cameras that mark down how fast you’re going once you pass through them. The faster you are, the more stars you receive.

Cleaning Up

Collect all collectibles and get 3 stars on all activities.

Collect every bear, billboard, and street art, and get three stars in every Speed Run, Long Jump, Drift Zone, and Speed Trap activity.

Serious Guap

Bank $75,000 during one story session.

Completing the qualifier at the end of week 2 earns you $100,000. So, if you don’t already have this achievement or trophy, you will get it then.

Cash Money Millionaire

Earn $1,000,000 in story mode.

You get plenty of money just from completing races and qualifiers, so reaching $1 million will happen from just playing through the story.

You don’t have to save the money, as you don’t need to have $1 million all at once to get this achievement or trophy.

Flow Master

Score 250,000 during a Takeover event.

Takeovers are circuits that you have to complete while picking up as many points as possible. There isn’t any sneaky trick to get an outrageous amount of points. Just drift, smash things, and go up jumps as often as possible. The most important thing is to keep your combo going.

In the Flow

Score 200,000 during a Takeover event

Rebel Without a Pause

Complete 30 street races in story mode.

Every in-game day, there are many meetups you can go to. This typically includes some races. 30 isn’t that many to complete, as there are a lot in the game. You can even do some after the story is over. You don’t need to come first in them to get this achievement or trophy.

Style it Out

Complete 10 Takeover events.

Takeover events appear on the map regularly. You just have to complete ten of them for this achievement or trophy. You don’t need to get the high score.

Rydell’s Rydes

Fully upgrade your story garage.

To upgrade your garage, whether you’re playing online or offline, you first must go to the garage itself and select ‘rides.’ Then, go into ‘performance’ and select ‘upgrade garage.’ From there, you can unlock the next upgrade level. You need to reach the highest level for the achievements or trophies.

Access All Areas

Fully Upgrade your Lakeshore Online garage.

Public Enemy

Take down 5 cops within a single story session.

While in free roam, you can occasionally find cop cars driving around. If you smash into them at high speed, you can do a lot of damage and maybe even take them out in a single hit. It’s better to ram into while free-roaming instead of during a chase, as in chases, they seem to be more sturdy.


Escape 50 cop chases in story mode.

You escape cops by getting far enough away from them that they lose sight of you and give up. Do this 50 times to unlock the achievement or trophy. You may not get this naturally, so you may have to build up your heat and drive near the cops to initiate chases.

Full House

Complete a Lakeshore Online playlist with 7 other players.

If you go into online mode and enter free roam, you can join playlists with other players. These playlists are a collection of events. To get this achievement or trophy, you need to complete all the events with a full lobby of eight people. So, you either need to invite friends or get lucky by having nobody leave the playlist before its completion.

B for My Name

Win a Tier B Lakeshore Online playlist.

In free-roam multiplayer, you can find playlists that have different tiers. Simply win a tier B one.

Bring Your A Game

Win a Tier A Lakeshore Online playlist.

In free-roam multiplayer, you can find playlists that have different tiers. Simply win a tier A one.

Teacher’s Pet

Win a Tier A+ Lakeshore Online playlist.

In free-roam multiplayer, you can find playlists that have different tiers. Simply win a tier A+ one.


Win a Tier S Lakeshore Online playlist.

In free-roam multiplayer, you can find playlists that have different tiers. Simply win a tier S one.

Top Billin’

Win a Tier S+ Lakeshore Online playlist.

In free-roam multiplayer, you can find playlists that have different tiers. Simply win a tier S+ one.


Complete 25 Lakeshore Online playlists.

In online free-roam, finish 25 playlist events. You don’t need to win them.


Own 10 vehicles in your story mode garage.

During the game, you will unlock vehicles naturally, but you can also buy them, too. It won’t take long to reach ten.

The Collector

Own 10 vehicles in your Lakeshore Online garage.

Some of the cars you win in story mode will carry over to online, so they will contribute to your tally. You can also buy vehicles.

Hey Speedie!

Reach 200MPH in story mode.

You will need a fast car to reach 200MPH. You can wait to unlock one. Alternatively, anytime you have to pick up an impressive car for a mission, you can attempt to reach the target speed in it. You will need a straight road, like a highway, to be able to build up the speed.

100 Miles and Runnin’

Drive a total of 100 miles in story mode.

As this is a driving game, you drive a lot throughout the story. So, reaching 100 miles is easy and will likely come naturally.

Throwing up Tags

Customize your Driving Effects.

When in your garage, go to ‘ride’ and then ‘style’ to find the ‘driving effects’ menu. Simply choose a new one to get this achievement or trophy.

Fashion Killa

Customize your clothing.

When you first start the game, you get to select your character. Choose to customize them and then change your clothing.

Cool Whip

Apply a custom wrap to your ride.

When you’re in the ‘ride’ menu at your garage, go to ‘style’ and then ‘paint and wrap’ to find the wrap options. Change part of the wrap.

Kick It

Use max Burst Nitrous 5 times during Lakeshore Online events.

When the nitrous meter in the bottom right corner of your screen is full, use it. Do this five times while playing online events to get the achievement or trophy.

Drop the Beat

Use max Burst Nitrous 5 times during story mode events.

When the nitrous meter in the bottom right corner of your screen is full, use it. Do this five times while playing story events to get the achievement or trophy.

Need for Speed!

Need for Speed!

This is the platinum trophy, which is only available on the PlayStation 5. You need to get all the other trophies to unlock it.

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