Treyarch has finally addressed the Black Ops 6 hit registration problem, and the community is far from happy with the developer’s response. If you’ve been shooting enemies, getting hitmarkers, and seeing blood gush from their bodies only for you to do no damage, then you’ve experienced the hit registration issue. It’s been happening in Black Ops 6 and Warzone for some time now, and players are concerned about what Treayarch’s new statement could mean for how hit registration is dealt with.
“Players will sometimes observe erroneous visual blood effects when damage was not actually dealt while shooting enemies in all modes,” Treyarch says in the known issues board on the Black Ops 6 Trello.
To the Call of Duty community, Treyarch’s statement implies that bullets being shot directly at enemies are actually missing them, while players think the problem stems from the FPS game‘s hit registration. Various videos show, from the player’s perspective, that bullets are 100% hitting enemies only to do no damage and show the “erroneous visual blood effects” instead.

On top of the blood effects, there are player reports of hitmarkers coming up when firing but still no damage being done, even when getting a headshot.
Currently, it’s unclear exactly what’s causing this hit registration issue, but there are theories. Twitter/X user ‘Freund’ thinks that client side (what runs on your PC) blood effects aren’t matching server-authorized hits, and that this gets much worse when there’s lag/desync in your game. “The client-sided blood is maybe not intentional, as there appears to be a first blood effect when your client thinks a bullet hit, and then a second blood effect when you get the hitmarker. From my testing Modern Warfare 3 does not have client-sided blood effects, and I suspect that BO6 recently introduced this for whatever reason.”
Freund also guesses that client-side and server hitboxes might not be lining up right, so it’s entirely possible that you’re hitting clothes and gear that are outside of the hitbox, but that this still gives a blood splatter for some reason. It should be noted that Freund was making themselves lag when testing the hit registration problem, as they think this is a key factor in how it appears.
While the Call of Duty community waits to see what Treyarch and Activision do to fix the issue, many are concerned that only the blood effects from the shooting will be removed, while the hit registration issue itself will persist.
While we wait for all of this to be resolved, we’ve put together breakdowns for all the best Black Ops 6 weapons and Black Ops 6 loadouts.
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