Key Takeaways
- Felix’s chaotic kit has an ultimate that deals high AOE damage.
- Shiv offers high damage potential after mastering her mobility.
- Myth excels at ranged attacks and AOE damage in Supervive.
All Hunters in Supervive are capable of carrying in their own way, and in the right hands, they can all deal excellent damage. However, while some Hunters provide more crowd control, heals, or tankiness, others are known for dishing out the most damage.

Supervive: Beginner Tips
These beginner tips and tricks for Supervive should help players understand the game better and get some early wins.
While many of the best DPS Hunters in Supervive belong to the Fighter category, there are a few standout performers from other classes. This damage can come from normal LMB attacks, abilities, or more commonly, a mixture of both. An underestimated feature of high-damage dealers is that they can kill monsters faster in Supervive. To make up for their high DPS, these characters typically have some weaknesses such as low durability, a lack of mobility, or a lack of crowd control.
5 Felix
The Best AOE Damage In The Game
Felix is easily one of the most chaotic Hunters in Supervive, making him incredibly fun to play. With his albeit short-ranged but deadly flamethrower, he can set entire teams on fire, especially after pulling them in with his Q. Ignited enemies will continue to burn even after escaping Felix, and with damage on his dash, every aspect of his kit can apply or upgrade the Ignite.
The best part of Felix’s kit, both in terms of fun and power, is his ultimate. Felix flies forward leaving a large fire trail behind him, which damages and slows enemies. To play Felix to his maximum potential, look for flanks or chokepoints where the enemy will be trapped on his ult, and use Q to pull them back onto it. In these situations, Felix can easily deal the most damage in a game.
4 Shiv
High Damage Potential For Those Who Can Master Her Mobility
Shiv is one of the harder Hunters to get to grips with in Supervive, but once players have mastered her, she is capable of dealing some of the best damage in the game. Her DPS output starts with her passive, which makes her LMB attacks deal progressively more damage with each successful attack. This means that players with good aim will get the most out of her.

5 Tips To Climb In Any Competitive Team Game
Competitive team gaming has a lot of ups and downs. Here are some tips to help players hone their skills.
She also has a dash that empowers her next attack for more damage, and by landing this attack, she resets the dash. She also has a thrown dagger she can teleport to, allowing her to stick to targets and deal more damage. Lastly, Shiv’s ultimate ability fires off multiple bullets in an area around her, with enemies on the edge taking even more damage.
3 Myth
Charged Ranged Attacks & AOE Damage
With mobility, range, and some AOE, Myth is easily one of the best DPS Hunters in Supervive. Her bow deals more damage and travels further the longer she charges it, and with good timing and aim, skilled Myth players can consistently pierce enemies. Her ult takes this even further by granting her three shots that don’t need to be charged and yet have increased range and damage. The third and final shot deals more damage still.
The other aspect of Myth’s damage is her Q – Rain of Arrows, with damage applied continuously for a number of seconds in a fairly long area. Placed on objectives, the enemy will be forced to move or die as it deals staggering damage. With her RMB, Myth can also pin enemies against walls, ensuring that they take lots of damage from Rain of Arrows. Naturally, this ability also works great with allies who provide crowd control. Lastly, Myth’s unique ability to walk through walls with her Shift allows her to reposition or momentarily escape, ensuring that her damage can continue.
2 Shrike
She Can Two-Shot Most Enemies With Her Sniper
Shrike is the long-range sniper of Supervive and has some of the highest damage potential in the game. First of all, she deals more damage to enemies who are further away, but with each successful LMB shot or ult, she marks her targets for death.

Supervive: Best Powers
The best Powers in Supervive are capable of deciding fights while others grant unique bonuses.
A follow-up hit on a marked target deals colossal damage and will kill squishy targets in most situations. Shrike’s ultimate has even greater range and the advantage of being able to hit enemies through terrain. While there isn’t anything inherently hard in her kit, and she is one of the recommended Hunters for beginners in Supervive, if players can’t land her shots with good aim, she will deal no damage.
1 Hudson
A Never Ending Machine Gun
Hudson has already acquired a reputation for being one of the biggest damage dealers in Supervive and understandably received a nerf. Pretty much all of his damage comes from his normal attack, which is a minigun with infinite ammo.
This fast-attacking gun has a long range and can have its rate of fire increased by holding down RMB, at the cost of movement and turn speed. When Hudson’s gun is fully blazing, it will pierce through targets and heal him for a small amount. Allowed to attack freely like this, no other Hunter can match Hudson’s damage, and any enemies caught in his barbed wire won’t last long. His minigun is also great for taking down bosses and even Vault doors in Supervive.
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