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Stalker 2 will take players all across the Zone, and naturally, that involves meeting many different people, unsavory or otherwise. Nimble is much like many other Stalkers — he’s a neutral character, at best, but he played a big part in the incident that started Skif’s journey in the first place.
After progressing through enough of Stalker 2’s main missions, players will find themselves pointing a gun at Nimble’s face, and the choice of whether to pull the trigger or not. Actions usually have consequences in the Zone, and here’s what you can expect when you find yourself in this specific predicament.

Stalker 2: How to Increase Carry Weight
Here’s how you can increase your carry weight capacity in Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl and carry more items with ease.
Where to Find Nimble
Nimble is the main NPC that you’re tasked with finding in the In Search of a Guide quest, one of the main missions in Stalker 2. You’ll eventually be told to look for a guide who can get you to the old Clear Sky base, and there’s no better man for the job than him. For this mission, you’ll need to get info on Nimble from the two main bases in Zaton: the Skadovsk and the Shevchenko.
The Shevchenko is a Loner base run by Beard, while the Skadovsk (or Sultansk) is a Bandit base led by Sultan. We recommend going to the latter simply because it has a technician who can modify and repair your gear. Each boss will also have some quests for you to do, and if you don’t particularly mind aiding all the Stalker 2 factions, you can do quests for both without either side becoming hostile. Soon, you’ll be sent to go east of the Zaton marsh to speak to another Stalker named Trapper, who knows where Nimble is.
Mutant Hunting with Trapper
Trapper is out hunting a mutant of sorts. If you ask him where Nimble is, he’ll tell you that he’s out dealing with a Snork Cave farther to the east. After that, a bunch of mutants will appear. You can either help Trapper kill the mutants, or just leave him be.
If you want to stay and fight, try not to get gored by the big deer, as it will knock you to the ground and leave you vulnerable to everything else. Sprint and jump to avoid its charges, and use shotguns to quickly kill the smaller mutants. Successfully killing all the monsters will reward you with a few thousand Coupons.
Should You Spare or Shoot Nimble?
The best answer is to spare Nimble. After all, he was the one who spared you at the very beginning of the game as well. Morality aside, letting Nimble live will also net you another hefty sum of Coupons that you otherwise wouldn’t get if you kill him. You’ll also get some basic supplies like anti-rad medicine and healing items.
Regardless of your choice, make sure to
loot the nearby Saiga shotgun
. It should be on the cave floor near where the cutscene with Nimble ends.
Nimble isn’t that important of an NPC in Stalker 2, and he doesn’t have much of an effect on the greater story itself. Still, his life is worth sparing for the money and supplies, especially considering how repairs and upgrades in Stalker 2 can be very expensive.
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