How to Play King in Brotato

How to Play King in Brotato

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Brotato encourages the player to experiment with a variety of different builds with the help of its vast catalog of characters. These range from close-range fighters and brawlers to long-range snipers and explosive maniacs.

The King is a tricky character to play in Brotato who becomes available once the player obtains three Tier 4 items in a run. In essence, the King is a mogul who encourages the player to ball out for high-tier weapons with the help of powerful modifiers and penalties.

Brotato: Best Brawler Build

For those who prefer up-close-and-personal in Brotato, these strong Brawler builds are worth investing in.

The King’s Modifiers Explained

King Character in Brotato

The King offers the player a lot of positives but comes with just as many caveats. Balancing the upsides and downsides of this character will let you utilize it to its full potential. The positives of the character are as follows:

  • +50 Luck
  • +25 % Damage for every Tier IV weapon you have
  • +25% Attack Speed for every Tier IV weapon you have
  • +5 Max HP for every different Tier IV item you have

In short, the game rewards you for every Tier 4 weapon or item that you obtain during a run. However, it penalizes the player for having any tier 1 item as well.

  • -15% Damage for every Tier I weapon you have
  • -15% Attack Speed for every Tier I weapon you have
  • -2 Max HP for every different Tier I item you have

One benefit that isn’t listed within the in-game description is that the King starts with Tier 2 weapons instead of Tier 1s. The starting weapons for the King are as follows:


Circular Saw



Ghost Axe

Lightning Shiv




Jousting Lance



Spiky Shield




Double Barrel Shotgun

Rocket Launcher






Grenade launcher


Brotato: 8 Best Characters In The Abyssal Terrors DLC

In addition to a bunch of new features, the Abyssal Terrors DLC also brings in new characters to Brotato. Here are the strongest ones.

Loadout for The King

King Weapon selection in brotato

The basic strategy for the King is quite simple: Ignore everything at the start in favor of getting tier 4 weapons as quickly as possible to get the related buffs. Never buy tier 1 items since they cannot be removed unless their buff is worth the downside of reduced max HP, and always buy a tier 4 item unless the negative effect of the item isn’t worth the increased max HP.

  • Weapons: The starting weapon doesn’t matter too much when it comes to the King. Just get a weapon that will be easy to upgrade and focus on getting at least one weapon to tier 4. Buy weapons with the same classes to unlock their bonuses.
  • Items: There are some tier 1 items that are worth the lost HP, such as the Alien Worm which gives back the lost max HP along with some HP Regeneration. Every time you come across a Tier 1 item, ask yourself whether it would be worth the loss of 2 max HP, and make your decision from there.
  • Stats: Depending on your specific situation, you’ll need to invest in different stats like the specific type of damage your build needs, i.e., Melee, Ranged, Elemental, or additional max HP to let you pick up more tier 1 items. However, one of the most important stats for the King is luck. The better your luck, the better your chances of coming across higher-tier items and weapons, which directly correlate to your damage.

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