How to Get (or Farm) Wyrmslife Crystals

How to Get (or Farm) Wyrmslife Crystals

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Wyrmslife Crystals are incredibly important items in Dragon’s Dogma 2. While they may not seem that important in the early game, as soon as players meet a certain NPC called the Dragonforged, their importance will immediately become clear.

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Not only are these items used for extra Ferrystones and a Portcrystal (as well as the Unmaking Arrow), but players can also Enhance their Equipment a fourth time at the Dragonforged using these Crystals, and they’ll be able to purchase the best end-game items from the Dragonforged in the Unmoored World. So, let’s go over the best ways players can farm these Crystals in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

Updated December 1st, 2024 by Jacob Buchalter: Farming items in Dragon’s Dogma 2 is a pretty core part of the game. Thankfully, the game has an absolutely fantastic combat system that makes fighting enemies over and over enjoyable regardless of how tedious it might appear. However, Wyrmslife Crystals are a resource the Arisen is going to need an absurd amount of in order to completely upgrade their Weapons, Armor, purchase some of the best Equipment in the game, or even buff specific skills of their choice in NG+. Luckily, it’s not too difficult to farm these items in DD2, at least as long as you’re in the late game. So, let’s go over all the best methods we could think of for farming these crystallized fragments of dragon blood

Method 1: Fighting Drakes Normally

And Hoping They Drop a Whole Lot of Crystals

The first or the ‘default’ method of getting these Crystals is by simply fighting Drakes. Whether these are the standard greenish Drakes or the pustule-covered Red Drakes players will fight in Melve, either works.

Typically, you’ll only get a couple of Wyrmslife Crystals, at most, by fighting a Drake until it flies away. But, you’ll get far more if you manage to kill and loot said Drake. Each Drake has about four items that can be looted from its body, with Wyrmslife Crystals being one of the potential drops alongside Ferrrystones, Wakestones, Wakestone Shards, and Dragon Scales.

So, depending on your luck, a single Drake kill can get you anywhere from 5 to 24+ Wyrmslife Crystals. However, it’s not like Drakes are all that plentiful in Dragon’s Dogma 2, so here are some well-known locations where they spawn:

  • In the Ancient Battlground in Vermund
  • Northeast of the Nameless Village
  • Near Guerco Cavern on the way to Harve Village
  • In a Forest of Battahl right near where you encounter the Trickster Meister
  • Wyrmsblood Forest
  • Northeast End of Agamen Volcanic Island
  • South of the Excavation Site

Keep in mind the difficulty of these Drakes seems to be relative to the area they’re found in, so don’t expect the Ancient Battleground Drake to be just like the Excavation Site one. Also, while not completely confirmed, it does seem like Drakes follow the same respawn timer as bigger enemies which can be anywhere from 7 to 14 in-game days (it’s best to pass time far away from their spawn as well).

Method 2: Farming Drakes With Thief Vocation

Letting Bump and Lift Do all the Work

For this next method, it will require players to play as a particular Vocation, which is the Thief. See, the Thief Vocation has a Skill called Pilfer which allows them to steal items from enemies while they’re staggered. However, the real core of this second Method is the Thief’s Core Skill called Bump and Lift. This Core Skill makes it so that whenever the Thief connects with their light attack (AKA Carve) they have a very small chance to pilfer an item from the enemy they hit. And, while Pilfer doesn’t allow you to steal items infinitely as long as you keep staggering the enemy, Bump and Lift absolutely does.

So, this second method involves using as weak of daggers as you can as the Thief Vocation, finding a Drake and just absolutely going to town on it with Light Attacks for as long as you can to get as many Wyrmslife Crystals as possible. Again, depending on your luck, this method may not work as well as you’d expect, but it should still be the most efficient method to farm these Crystals overall. Just try and make sure your Pawns are dedicated to support or tanking while you’re doing this so they’re not actively fighting the Drake and reducing your number of chances to get Crystals. Additionally, if you can get the Ring of Derision from the Sphinx’s Riddle of Contest, this actually helps a ton since it lowers your overall damage to almost 0, giving you hundreds more chances to trigger Bump and Lift.

Method 3: Farming The Unmoored World With Thief

Slashing at Every Dragon in Sight For the Lowest Damage Possible

Disclaimer: This final method does involve spoilers about the post-game or ‘True Ending’ of Dragon’s Dogma 2, so read at your own risk.

Finally, the last and probably most efficient method overall for getting Wyrmslife Crystals is playing a Thief (or party of Thieves) in the Unmoored World. Not to spoil too much, but there’s a sort of ‘endgame area’ you can enter at the end of Dragon’s Dogma 2 based on your choices near the end of the main story.

And, while you’re here in the Unmoored World, time doesn’t progress as it normally would. Instead of time passing…well, over time, it passes when you rest. And, after a certain amount of ‘rests’ enemies stop respawning entirely and you’ll basically have no reason left to stay here, which is the actual ‘time limit’ related to this world that everyone is talking about.

However, another aspect of the Unmoored World is that there are a ton of Drakes and Red Drakes to fight here as well as the actual Dragon-type enemies that spawn from the beams of red light that also drop a good chunk of Wyrmslife Crystals each. So, as long as you farm all these Drakes (which should be able to respawn once or twice, given your time limit of rests) and defeat all the main story Dragon-type enemies, you should get a pretty absurdly tall pile of Wyrmslife Crystals by the end of it.

Some Farming Tips For the Unmoored World

We’ve also put together a list of a few other things to keep in mind while you’re in the Unmoored World to make farming as easy as possible. The tips listed below aren’t in any specific order or categorized in any specific way, but all of them should help make it a bit easier to farm in the Unmoored World, since the whole system can be really confusing at first glance:

  • Use your Wakestones as many times as needed, if you ‘fully die’ you’ll have to go back to the start of the Unmoored World or to the last time you slept at an Inn within the Unmoored World, which could be hours of progress lost depending on how long it’s been.
  • Remember to equip the Ring of Derision, if you have it, so you can use Carve on Drakes for as long as possible.
  • Thief Pawns can also have the Bump and Lift Core Skill, so it might just be worth running 2 Thief Pawns and a Mage Pawn (for healing) as a Thief Vocation Arisen just while in the Unmoored World.
  • Most of the Dragonforged’s weapons (the ones that cost 110 WC) seem to deal additional damage to Draconic enemies.
  • Remember to target the hearts of these Drakes whenever possible, especially while they’re breathing fire. With the Red Drakes, you should go for the pustules on their bodies as well.
  • If the Dragon flies up into the air with their tail still within reach, make sure to grab onto this. It’s difficult to tell when the dragon is flying up for an attack or flying up to fly away, so always grabbing onto it when it does will cover all outcomes.
  • If your Max HP is getting pretty low in the Umoored World but you don’t want to waste a rest, either switch your Vocation and switch back for a full heal or use an Allheal Elixir.
  • If your Main Pawn isn’t equipped with armor and weapons comparable to yours, the Unmoored World is where you’re going to notice this the most. Make sure they’re as tanky and as strong as possible.
  • As was the case in the first game, Draconic species have a weakness to ice elemental damage and can be stopped from flying away or knocked out of the sky by attacking their wings whenever applicable.

Method 4: Completing Specific Quests

Sometimes You’ll Get Crystals as Quest Rewards

Dragon's Dogma 2 - Brant NPC

And for the final and least effective method, let’s talk about getting Wyrmslife Crystals from specific quests. There are a certain few quests in Dragon’s Dogma 2 where, when completed, the Arisen will receive a certain number of Wyrmslife Crystals. Again, this is the least effective method by far, but it’s nice to keep these quests in mind for when you need just one more chunk of Crystals to get the item or weapon you want. Plus, once you clear the game once and go to NG+, it doesn’t take much work to clear it subsequent times, so you can technically ‘grind’ these quests in a way if you’re trying to collect everything in the game.

Without further ado, here are the quests that give Wyrmslife Crystals as rewards, as well as the actual amount of Wyrmslife Crystals they grant:

Quest Name

Wyrmslife Crystals Given

Shepard of the Pawns


Civil Unrest


Wandering Roots


The Regentkin’s Resolve


A Scholarly Pursuit


The Importance of Aiding Ernesto


dragon's dogma 2

Dragon’s Dogma

March 22, 2024

How Long To Beat
30 Hours

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