With the debut of Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1, new thematic bosses have made their way to the Battle Royale island, and it’s up to players to find them and challenge them for the loot that they contain upon their defeat. It’s essential to know the location of every Fortnite boss in Chapter 6 Season 1 so that players have a better chance at both survival and loot drops exclusive to the boss battles ahead.

Fortnite: Chapter 6 Season 1 Battle Pass (All Skins, Cosmetics)
Fortnite returns with Chapter 6 Season 1 with its Hunters season, and the Battle Pass features a few original goodies among its titan collabs.
Every boss fight in Chapter 6 Season 1 offers a varied selection of challenging battles that will see the player rewarded with a great selection of loot to bring into their next fight, and it’s great to see Fortnite integrate and experiment with more mechanic-heavy battles that could easily send unfamiliar players back to the lobby.
3 The Night Rose
Located at the Demon’s Dojo
The Night Rose is a static boss who will always spawn in the central dojo located within Demon’s Dojo, a POI that can be found by the snowy mountain towards the East part of the map. The Night Rose can be a tad tough, as the Night Rose’s Shades will constantly spawn with spectral aggression, but players can easily take them out thanks to their lack of HP.
The Night Rose herself is a tough battle due to the mechanics required to take her out, as players must shoot out the glowing red eyes of the Oni Mask that puppeteers her in order to free her and damage her. Outside of her damage phase, the loot she drops is great, and the Veiled Precision SMG is a must-have.
2 Shogun X (Wandering Phase)
Located at Random Spots, Noted by the Medallion Symbol on the Map
When the round of Battle Royale first starts and players drop from the Battle Bus, they can check their in-game map to see a live rendition of what’s going on within the round. Checking the map is essential to discovering the location of the wandering warrior, Shogun X, who will teleport to a random location every few minutes. Shogun X’s location is marked with a black and white Oni Mask medallion found around the map.

Fortnite: All Oni Masks & How To Get Them
Both the Void and Fire Oni Masks are powerful items in Fortnite. Here’s a complete guide to every Oni Mask in Fortnite and how to get them.
Shogun X has a few brutal attacks with his katana swipe, fire masks that home in on players, and volcanic charge, but he can be made short work of by teams with plenty of ammo and an affinity for headshots. While Shogun X cannot be killed in his wandering state, he can be damaged to the point where he teleports away and drops the Enhanced Sentinel Pump Shotgun and a random Boon.
1 Shogun X (Floating Island Phase)
Located at the Floating Island that Appears in Storm Circle 4
- Drops: Shogun X Medallion, Typhoon Blade (Mythic), Shogun X’s Fire Oni Mask
After the storm circle has settled for its 4th phase, a floating island will spawn randomly within the island. This floating island is always marked on the map for every player, and it’s noted by the HUD elements of a red glow. However, it’s not like the loot islands of Chapter 5 that used to spawn, and instead, players will have to venture here by traversing up the wind vortex from an Air Sprite and face a deadly boss.
Shogun X has plenty of health, and fighting him on a small platform with little cover might be tough, but it’s definitely worth it due to his loot. Shogun X’s drops are great, especially his Medallion, which will allow players to infinitely sprint and remain invisible while doing so. His moveset is identical to his wandering form, so he can be a tad predictable, but still a challenging fight.

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