Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree

Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
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The Dragon Cult School of Incantations in Elden Ring has always been pretty strong. It has quick-casting damage Incantations such as Lightning Spear or Lightning Strike, it has support Incantations with Electrify Armament or Dragonbolt Blessing, and it even has gigantic AoE-type Incantations with Ancient Dragons’ Lightning Strike or Dragonbolt of Florissax. But now, with The Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, there’s another addition that’s pretty universally beloved.

Elden Ring: Best Faith Builds

Incantations are responsible for the best buffs, but also provide numerous healing options. These will require a Seal to cast, and scale with Faith.

However, actually obtaining this Incantation in the Lands of Shadow is pretty involved in more ways than one. So, to help players round out their collection of Dragon Cult Incantations, let’s take a deep look at Knight’s Lightning Spear as an Incantation and where it can be found in Elden Ring.

Updated December 2nd, 2024 by Jacob Buchalter: The Scorpion River Catacombs aren’t the most memorable location in the Lands of Shadow, not by a long shot. However, they do hold one of the best Incantations in Elden Ring’s Shadow of the Erdtree DLC inside them. And, like most other catacombs in this game, there’s a specific gimmick found throughout these crypts. In the Scorpion River Catacombs, it’s Deathblight and Giant Cannon Imps. That said, as long as you follow our guide, you should be able to get the Knight Lightning Spear with relative ease, so let’s go over where it can be found in-depth.

Knight Lightning Spear Overview

Stats, FP Cost, & Requirements



Incantation Type

Stat Requirements

FP Cost

Memory Slots Used


Knight’s Lightning Spear


Dragon Cult Incantations

36 Faith



Hurls a lightning spear at an enemy while firing additional spears from ancient dragon crests.

Out of all the Incantations and Magic Schools in Elden Ring, the Dragon Cult Incantations are probably the most well-rounded school/category. Anyone who likes Dragon-related magic will be very happy with their options in this game, regardless of whether they go for Incantations or Sorceries. And, Knight’s Lightning Spear is a fantastic addition to this school, as it basically functions as a better (albeit riskier) Lightning Spear. It has a longer windup and it costs more FP than the standard Lightning Spear, but in exchange, you get all these additional smaller Lightning Spears that follow after your initial thrown bolt.

In all honesty, it’s pretty much a direct upgrade to the default Lightning Spear, and it even seems like the multiple spears that it throws can sometimes confuse enemy AI and cause them to just tank this Incantation to the face instead of dodging it. So, while the Scorpion River Catacombs can be pretty rough to clear, this Incantation is more than worth the effort for anyone with enough Faith.

Knight Lightning Spear Incantation Location Guide

Buried Deep in Some Deadly Catacombs

To get this Incantation, you’ll first need to find the Scorpion River Catacombs, and that’s a whole adventure in of itself. First, you’ll want to reach the Ancient Ruins Base Site of Grace, which our Rauh Ruins Map Fragment guide goes over in-depth. From this Grace, you’ll want to:




Head West, towards the two Giant Stone Golems (avoid the arrows as you approach).


Just past these Golems is the Rauh Ruins Map Fragment as well as the Temple Town Ruins. Head into the Temple Town and you should see the Temple Town SoG directly ahead.


From this Site of Grace head directly north, following the river around and avoiding (or killing) the Kindred of Rot along the way.


Keep following the path of the river and you’ll start running into flying Scorpionspiders, keep following the river.


Once the river ends, you should see a cluster of open stone coffins with one of those statues in the center that points to a Catacomb.


Follow the statue (it’s right next to it) and you’ll find the entrance to the Scorpion River Catacombs.

Actual Incantation Location

It’s a Bit of a Trek

Now that’s only half the battle, as you’ll basically need to get most of the way through these Catacombs to get this Incantation. The trick in this Catacomb is the spectral Basilisk Eyes that come from these Basilisk Statues which quickly fill your Deathblight meter as they look at you. Make sure to bring some Rejuvenating Boluses (or a specific Talisman) to trivialize this status effect, and if you forget you can find some in the Catacombs too. Keep progressing until you climb a ladder and reach this large open area with a bridge and a pair of Spectral Basilisk eyes to your left. From here:




From the ladder, head to the exact opposite side of the room (don’t cross the bridge) and stand against the wall.


As you get close to the railing here, you’ll see that the spike trap roof will slam down into the floor below you.


Time it right, and hop over the railing onto the top of the spike trap as it slams down.


From the spike trap, jump off just behind the Spectral Basilisk Eyes.


Follow the tunnel in front of you and you should see a body slumped against the wall directly in the next room.


The two Stone Imps in this small room come alive as you get closer, so take them out however you want.


After defeating those, pick up the Knight’s Lightning Spear Incantation off the dead body in the room.

From here, you can continue exploring the Scorpion River Catacombs to go up against the Death Knight at the end of it, or you can leave, the choice is yours. But, you got what you came for, the Knight’s Lightning Spear, and you’ll quickly find that it was worth all the effort.

Everything Else In The Scorpion River Catacombs

Some Glovewort, Some Gear, & The Death Knight’s Axe

Elden Ring - Scorpion River Catacombs

There are quite a few items you can find in the rest of the Scorpion River Catacombs. In fact, we actually have a full walkthrough guide that goes over where to find everything of importance.

That said, out of everything you can acquire in the Scorpion River Catacombs, the Knight’s Lightning Spear Incantation is probably the best, with the Death Knight’s Longhaft Axe taking a close second, and the Cerulean Amber Medallion +3 sitting in a comfortable third place. Still, for those who want a quick checklist of everything in these Catacboms, we’ve made a quick reference list below:

Item Name

Item Type

Grave Glovewort [3]

Upgrade Material

Grave Glovewort [4]

Upgrade Material

Ghost Glovewort [5]

Upgrade Material

Ghost Glovewort [6]

Upgrade Material

Ghost Glovewort [8]

Upgrade Material

Rejuvenating Boluses


Great Ghost Glovewort

Upgrade Material

Imp Head (Lion)

Head Armor

Lizard Greatsword


Death Knight’s Longhaft Axe


Cerulean Amber Medallion +3


Forked-Tongue Hatchet


Black Knight Captain Huw

Spirit Ash

Ancient Dragon Knight’s Cookbook (2)


elden ring cover

February 25, 2022

How Long To Beat
58 Hours

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