The new Cities Skylines 2 creator packs are finally here, giving you ample ways to enhance and expand your next budding metropolis. These packs have been highly anticipated since Colossal Order launched CS2 in 2023, and now they’re available. So if you want to modernize your city while listening to the softest of soft rock, now you can. Colossal Order is still fixing and improving Cities Skylines 2 as much as possible, however, with even more content on the way.
Paired with the best Cities Skylines 2 mods, creator packs are another great way to expand your opportunities in the city building game. The good news, then, is that the original set of creator packs is finally here in Cities Skylines 2 more than a year after launch.
The Urban Promenades content creator pack comes from ‘Feindbold,’ and adds “the essence of modern city life” to Cities Skylines 2. This means buildings take on a new, more urban feel with commercial spaces on ground floors and open rooftop terraces, bringing some green to the skyscrapers of your metropolis. You get 60 mixed housing assets, five new urban service buildings, and more.

Then there’s the Modern Architecture pack from Richard Shi, which focuses on new ways to cater to both residents and tourists. The educational, artistic, and transportation structures of your city embody a more sleek visual style here, with 21 new service buildings like bus stations and universities available.
Lastly, there’s the Soft Rock Radio station, which is filled with relaxed guitars and comforting harmonies – perfect for when it’s 3am and you’re still trying to figure out why the trash system isn’t working in your town. Speaking of, a recent patch made some big Cities Skylines 2 garbage and job fixes, as Colossal Order continues to work on the overall experience.
Colossal Order also confirmed recently that another three Cities Skylines 2 creator packs are on the way, and while “these won’t be ready for a Q4 release,” you will be using them early next year.
The Urban Promenades and Modern Architecture Cities Skylines 2 packs are available now alongside a new radio station. You can get all three in a bundle for $17.99 / £14.99. Keep in mind that if you’ve already purchased the Waterfronts Expansion Pass or Ultimate Edition, all three DLC will be available now at no extra cost.
With Cities Skylines 2 getting better every day, we’ve also got some of the best strategy games and best RTS games you need to try out.
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