Key Takeaways
- Enchanter supports like Sona, Soraka, Karma, Lulu, Janna, and Nami bring healing, protection, and utility to League of Legends team compositions.
- Each enchanter support champion has unique abilities that can shape the dynamics of team fights and offer valuable crowd control.
- Seraphine stands out with strong crowd control, poke, sustain, and AoE healing, making her a game-changer in late-game skirmishes.
League of Legends, has become one of the most popular and enduring multiplayer online battle arena moba games since its release in 2009. The game features a roster of over 150 champions, each with unique abilities and roles that contribute to team success.

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One of the most crucial roles in any League of Legends match is the support, who aids their team by providing utility, crowd control, and healing. Among the variety of support champions, Enchanters stand out for their ability to heal, shield, and enhance their allies, making them a vital asset in the bot lane and throughout the game. Let’s explore the best Enchanter Support champions in League of Legends, focusing on their strengths, and how they shape the dynamics of the game.
7 Sona
The Maven Of The Strings
- Strong lane presence with healing and poke.
- Scales well into the late game as a team-wide buffer.
Sona is widely regarded as one of the most iconic and accessible enchanter supports due to her scaling, and crowd control ultimate. Let’s not forget to mention her sustained healing, shielding, and speed boosts. Her passive allows cooldowns to become extremely short later in the game, along with the items that players purchase that have plenty of ability haste.
Players can argue that early in the game Sona can be a little difficult to play in certain compositions due to her being extremely weaker, but paired well with an ADC that needs to scale for their full potential can make all the difference. Sona is a relatively easy-to-learn champion who can bring a lot of value to a team fight, not only from her ultimate ability but from all of her abilities combined.
6 Soraka
The Starchild
- Mitigates the damage taken from enemy poke, enabling her team to sustain through prolonged harassment in lane.
- Provides valuable crowd control and utility with E Equinox.
Soraka excels at keeping her team alive in almost any situation, including prolonged engagements. Her W Astral Infusion heals teammates while sacrificing her own health. Soraka has a silence equipped into her kit, meaning, if players remain in the circle of the silence, they will then be rooted, making Soraka extremely disruptive in team fights. Soraka is a good champion for anti-poke, with her Q Starcall she is able to recover the damage she has taken and heal while taking minimal damage.
Arguably, Soraka is a great champion but can be less effective due to grievous wounds. Relatively easy to learn, Soraka is great for beginners looking to tackle the enchanter support role. Although she is quite fragile and can be easily targeted early game, her potential to sustain makes her one of the most valuable enchanter supports when played correctly.
5 Karma
The Enlightened One
- Good at protecting carries in team fights with shields and utility.
- Call her a lane bully with her strong lane control and defense.
Karma is her name, and she comes in strong. This flexible, powerful enchanter support offers players both defensive and offensive play. Karma thrives in team compositions that need early aggression and significant damage.
Extremely versatile and can be a lane bully early in the game, Karma’s empowered abilities are powerful, and her shield alone can be used on multiple allies at once. With the correct items, this can be lethal in team fights and provide a boost of damage to sustain longevity. Players can note that Karma has a root and slow in her kit which is extremely effective at any point in the game. Most players go for a hybrid build, enchanter, and mage, making her a support and decent damage dealer in team fights.
4 Seraphine
The Starry-Eyed Songstress
- Great crowd control with R Encore and E Beat Drop.
- Strong poke and sustain through her abilities.
Quickly rising as a player favorite for her charm, mobility, and crowd control, Seraphine excels in team compositions that favor team fights. Her shield is her only enchanter ability, but it is a very large area of effect. Her root and charm can be extremely effective in team fights.
For players that are true to the support role, Seraphine’s AoE healing and her crowd control can lead to great snowball engagements. Seraphine’s passive allows for great poke damage and scaling, becoming a robust enchanter in late-game team fighting. In the right hands, Seraphine is a strong champion who is sure to be invaluable in long skirmishers thanks to her sustained healing, crown control, and massive damage, making her a game changer in any League of Legends fight.
3 Lulu
The Fae Sorceress
- Powerful polymorph and crowd control.
- Princess of protection offers shields and movement speed for allies.
Lulu is a powerful character and reigns supreme with the ability to change the course of a fight with her utility spells. Her W Whimsy can polymorph the enemy into a harmless creature that can’t attack or use abilities. She provides a strong shield that can be used on the enemy to deal damage and give true sight to them. Her ultimate heals the recipient and knocks out surrounding enemies, greatly protecting her allies.

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Paired with an ADC that is reliant on attack speed items, Lulu’s polymorph can be used on an ally to increase their attack speed, allowing them to melt through enemies in team fights. She is one of two characters that can increase attack speed making her shine in team compositions. When the ADC is heavily reliant on enchanter support to maximize their potential, Lulu stands strong, enhancing both their survivability and damage output, maximizing their potential.
2 Janna
The Storm’s Fury
- Excellent at peeling and disengaging with R Monsoon.
- Shields and provides movement speed for carries.
For players that want a safe, solid pick, a champion that can handle any battle, Janna is the one. This champion is known for protecting her ADC no matter the cost. Janna excels in compositions that require peeling and disengagement. Her passive can allow allies to rotate quicker or have better kiting in a fight. Her shield also grants attack damage to the recipient. Janna has a slow, knock-back, and knock-up in her kit.
The disengaged queen is unmatched at peel and protecting ADC. When picking first or blind picking, Janna is the go-to pick. Her ability to protect allies from incoming threats makes her an incredibly strong enchanter support pick. Her mobility and game-changing ultimate make her a favorite in high-level play.
1 Nami
The Tidecaller
- Strong healing and poke potential.
- Enhances the team’s damage output.
Nami stands tall with the crown as one of the best enchanter support champions and her abilities speak loud. She is a versatile enchanter who can heal, poke, and even provide crowd control with her kit. She is a well-rounded enchanter who can make a huge impact in team fights. Her ultimate Tidal Wave ability is a massive knock-up that can be perfect for engaging (and even displacing) the enemy or disengaging from them.
Nami’s ability to sustain her allies in lane, combined with her crowd control and movement buffs, make her a well-rounded choice for enchanter supports. She excels in both the early game and the late game, making her a dependable pick in any match. For players that crave versatility, Nami can be played both aggressively and defensively, making her shine among all the champions in League of Legends. Her ability to heal engage, buff allies and disengage adds constant value at any stage in the game.
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