Age Of Mythology Retold: Best God Powers

Age Of Mythology Retold: Best God Powers

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Key Takeaways

  • Lightning Bolt – Instant death to powerful units, useful for immediate defense or attack.
  • Traitor – Turn enemy units to your side, a strategic way to sow chaos among enemy lines.
  • Ancestors – Summons undead units for instant battle victory, a powerful tool to turn the tide.

The hugely successful game Age Of Mythology Retold has brought real-time strategy fans back to the early noughties with a successful remake of the infamous Age Of Empires spin-off. While fans of other Age Of Empires games would easily be able to pick up most of the gameplay in Age Of Mythology Retold, there are certain elements that may take some getting used to, like God powers.


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In Age Of Empires, players age up and receive new buildings, units, and technologies. That is the same in Age Of Mythology Retold. Only now players make a choice when they Age Up between two Minor Gods, who offer different technologies, myth units, and God Powers. These powers vary from destructive to constructive, from teleporting to natural disasters, and some are much more useful to gain access to than others.

9 Lightning Bolt

Instant Death To Any Powerful Unit

Age Of Mythology Retold Zeus Lightning Bolt

  • Available To Greek Players
  • God Power Of Zeus

Almost every God Power in Age Of Mythology Retold is gained by a choice between two minor Gods when aging up. However, players start with a God Power from their Major God who they follow throughout the rest of the game. Zeus is a popular Major God in the game and his power is one of the most devastating, to begin with, making for a great part of the Greek pantheon.

Lightning Bolt is exactly what players will expect. It gives the player the chance to deal thousands of points of damage instantly to a single enemy unit. This allows powerful myth units or strong raiders hassling villagers to be dealt with immediately. As long as the enemy unit is within the player’s line of sight, they are there to be taken, outside of something excessively strong such as a Titan.

8 Traitor

Instant Spy Among Enemy Lines

Age Of Mythology Retold Rheia Traitor

  • Available To Atlantean Players
  • God Power Of Rheia

A heroic age God Power from the Atlantean pantheon, Traitor is an impressive one in certain situations. Players may struggle against large enemy forces later in the game, making it all the more useful to sow chaos wherever it can be created among enemy lines. The Traitor power targets an enemy unit and turns it to the player’s side, and can be used on almost any unit.

This means a powerful myth unit, strong naval unit, or something with a strong ability or healing factor can be brought to the player’s side. Enemies may think they have the upper hand in a battle, but a single shifted powerful unit can turn the tide instantly, and enemy players will struggle to deal with one of their stronger units suddenly turning against them permanently.

7 Ancestors

An Instant Victory In Battle

Age Of Mythology Retold Nephthys Ancestors

  • Available To Egyptian Players
  • God Power Of Nephthys

An army of the undead rising from the ground might seem overpowered, and while it isn’t a game-ender in Age Of Mythology Retold, it is absolutely devastating. An enemy force attacking can be rebuffed by towers and the 13 units that will rise from the ground and last for a minute before dying when Ancestors is invoked.

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This God Power is hugely useful. It can turn the tide instantly in a battle by having the Ancestors back up the player’s forces, it can allow for more damage during an attack on an enemy base, or a surefire defense against an assault. Ancestors is a powerful tool for many occasions, and it is always a surprising moment for an enemy when they are attacked by it.

6 Curse

A Devastating Loss Of Units

Age Of Mythology Retold Aphrodite Curse

  • Available To Greek Players
  • God Power Of Aphrodite

A devastating surprise attack or defensive ploy against an enemy attack is the Curse God Power. Another one from the Greek pantheon, Curse instantly turns several enemy units of almost any kind into pigs, both greatly reducing an enemy’s army in any situation and providing an extra food source for the player.

The incredible use players can get out of this power is evident from how it could devastate an enemy’s army mid-battle. It is an almost sure victory, even if the player was initially outmatched by the opposing force. And enemies won’t have time to recover and train more defenders if the player uses Curse while attacking their base.

5 Restoration

Turns Any Battle Instantly

Age Of Mythology Retold Ares Restoration-1

  • Available To Greek Players
  • God Power Of Ares

The Greek God Powers are perhaps the best list overall from any pantheon. Players can use Restoration to change the tide of any battle, and it is particularly valuable since Greek players have few options when it comes to healing units, putting them at a disadvantage to other pantheons in this regard.

Restoration heals all allied units at a fast rate for several seconds within a certain range. This can heal an entire army by practically the full value of most units’ health bars in the span of a few seconds. It refreshes a tired army for another fight or can be used mid-battle to ruin an enemy’s hope of victory at a decisive moment. Whatever use is found for it, Restoration is undoubtedly one of the more powerful God Powers available in Age Of Mythology Retold.

4 Prosperity

An Unnaturally Powerful Opening

Age Of Mythology Retold Isis Prosperity

  • Available To Egyptian Players
  • God Power Of Isis

There are a few early God Powers that just get better the longer the player waits to use them. Prosperity, the God Power of major Egyptian God Isis, gives a huge boost to the income of gold for a full minute. While this may not seem ridiculously powerful, if players wait and use it later in the game when they already have a lot of gold production, with many villagers and upgrades, they will see the massive difference Prosperity can make.

Age Of Mythology Retold: Best Naval Units

Age Of Mythology Retold has many great units, but controlling water can be important and using the right naval units is necessary.

Gold is a powerful resource in Age Of Mythology Retold, and it gets more valuable the later into the game the player gets. Players can use Prosperity early in the game for a quick boost, but gold isn’t significant early on and the best use of this power will be later in the game as the player mounts towards putting together a large army or is trying to get the money needed for something major like a Wonder.

3 Inferno

The Devastating Fire Of The Wolf

Age Of Mythology Retold Vidar Inferno

  • Available To Norse Players
  • God Power Of Vidar

The Norse Pantheon doesn’t have the best God Powers in Age Of Mythology Retold, but there are a couple of golden ones. Inferno is actually new in the remake, available in the DLC pack that introduces Freyr as a Major God, and new minor Gods like Vidar. This mythic age choice of minor God provides the devastating power Inferno.

Conjuring Fenrir, the mighty wolf, into the middle of the battlefield aflame sounds cool enough alone. But Inferno sees this conjuration charge through the field, dealing massive damage to enemy units and buildings, and exploding at the end of his charge to do even more harm. This can annihilate enemy defenders and buildings, leading the charge for an attack that will have to do little more than clean up.

2 Flaming Weapons

Turning Soldiers Into Siege Weapons

Age Of Mythology Retold Bragi Flaming Weapons

  • Available To Norse Players
  • God Power Of Bragi

Although human soldiers make up a huge part of any army in Age Of Mythology Retold, they usually have a problem finishing off buildings. This slowness usually allows enemies to gather enough defenses to ward off the attack. This usually highlights the importance of slow-moving siege weapons to take down buildings.

However, Flaming Weapons increases the attack of all allied human soldiers and ships by 75% for nearly a minute. This devastating upgrade gives a perfect window for players to send in an army, sweep aside enemy defenses, and destroy most of a base without needing a huge and diverse army including more expensive myth units and siege weapons. Flaming Weapons can put an enemy down in the Heroic Age before they get to the late-game they’re planning for, destroying an entire base worth of buildings for cheap.

1 Meteor

The Ultimate Destruction Of Any Base

Age Of Mythology Retold Thoth Meteor

  • Available To Egyptian Players
  • God Power Of Thoth

Players won’t see anything more destructive than the Meteor God Power in Age Of Mythology Retold. Though other natural disaster God powers exist, none of them comes close to the brutality of the Meteor, which strikes several times in quick succession, throwing enemy units in the area and dealing massive damage to buildings, leaving very little standing in the targeted range.

The Meteor is overpowered and always has been. Ten meteor strikes occur when the power is invoked, and each does 750 crush damage, meaning even town centers likely won’t remain standing if they were close to the targeted area. A player’s main base can easily be destroyed for nothing using this power, leaving them vulnerable to a player’s army sweeping in to clean up.


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