Weird Water is one of, if not the best artifact in Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl. The game world is littered with artifacts that players can find either by using their detectors or just picking them up at their location. Weird Water is the latter kind, where players can visit the location at a specific time and pick up the artifact with ease.
The artifact can massively increase the total weight (+40 kg) players can carry in their inventory and provide radiation resistance. However, getting the artifact to spawn is a little bit trickier than other ones like the Weird Ball artifact. However, here’s the best method to get a confirmed drop for the Weird Water artifact in Stalker 2.

STALKER 2: How to Get Weird Flower Legendary Artifact
The Weird Flower is one of the legendary artifacts in STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl that helps stealthy players become less detectable by enemies.
How To Get the Weird Water Artifact in Stalker 2
Players can get the Weird Water artifact in the Wandering Lights anomaly in the eastern part of the Zaton region of Stalker 2. Players can go straight east from the Shelter Base in the Wild Islands to reach the location easily, but it’s quite a walk from there. After arriving at the location at night (22:00), players will spot green acidic orbs floating around the area. However, approaching them will engulf the players into darkness with those orbs being the only source of light.
Players normally would have to search for the artifact in this dark and hope to find the Weird Water artifact lying around somewhere. However, there’s a better method that can help you secure the artifact quickly and without searching much at all.
Reach the Wandering Lights Anamolous Zone Before Night
First, players have to reach the boundary of the Wandering Lights anomaly by at least 21:00 (9 pm). To reach there at the right time, players can sleep in a bed to pass the time and make sure to head out for the journey at least 3-4 in-game hours before from the Shelter base to the Anomalous zone.
After reaching the location, make sure to make a quick save anywhere between 21:00 and 21:40. This will allow you to load the game back to this point if something goes wrong.
Head Into the Anomaly & Grab the Weird Water Artifact
Right before the clock strikes 22:00, make sure to head close to the rock in the image above. It’s located towards the right side of the Wandering Lights anomaly. Get on top of the rock and wait for the anomaly to become active at exactly 22:00 time. Once the anomaly is active, the Weird Water artifact will spawn right at your feet.
If the artifact doesn’t spawn, simply load the quicksave you made previously and repeat the same process. There’s a chance that 1/4 times the artifact spawns on a reload. Once it does, simply pick it up and leave the Wandering Lights anomaly zone.
And this is the best way so far to get the Weird Water artifact in Stalker 2 without you searching in the dark for hours on end.
Video Walkthrough on How to Get Weird Water Artifact in Stalker 2
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