Key Takeaways
- Midoriya’s narration was just a storytelling device, not hinting at future events or conversations.
- Quirk origins and Aizawa’s custody of Eri remain unanswered in the manga’s conclusion.
- The fate of Mr. Compress, Ochako’s confession to Midoriya, and future team formations are left hanging.
With the My Hero Academia manga fully wrapped up, there have been a lot of answers to long-standing questions like, “who was the UA traitor?” But the ending doesn’t mean that everything has been wrapped up completely. As always, there are going to be things that the fans would like to see more of, or loose needs that could use tying up.

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Spanning 430 chapters and featuring more than 100 characters, it’s no surprise that there isn’t time to address the fate of every single plot point brought up over the course of the story. Still, there are some pretty outstanding questions that you might find yourself also wondering as you close the last chapter on the story of how Midoriya and his friends became the greatest heroes of all time.
9 Who Was Midoriya Talking To?
Because Midoriya directly addresses the reader in his narration, with Bakugo taking over briefly in chapter 348, it led some fans to speculate that the narration might be a plot device. Especially since Midoriya was speaking in the past tense, implying this was a future version of his character.
At the end of the manga, it turns out this was a story-telling device and nothing more. Although it’s interesting to think of this in the context of him possibly talking to his students as a teacher at UA. Spinner also took on the role of narrator, and since he later wrote a book, it would be interesting to know if his narration was from that book.
8 How Did Quirks Come To Be?
This question doesn’t really matter, but it is the most obvious thing to ask. The only things we know for sure are that the glowing baby became a focal point for this issue (as the first to be described with the word “quirk”), but that it wasn’t the first person to have a quirk. Nor were quirks present from birth.
We also know that there was a hypothesis that this was happening because of a novel disease, but it’s quickly discounted, leaving us with as few answers as before. In the world, it’s likely that they don’t know for sure either what caused quirks to be.
7 Does Aizawa Have Legal Custody Of Eri?
This is a minor question in the grand scheme of things, but Aizawa’s parental relationship with the girl he helped save had a lot of fans. Since the end of the war, has he taken more official custody of her, or was she taken in by another family?

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Her biological grandfather is now out of his coma, as we see in the ending, so does that mean he now has custody of her? It could be a part of his making amends for what happened with Chisaki. We do see Eri older, with friends, healthy and happy, but we don’t get an answer to these questions, so we don’t know for sure who ended up raising her.
6 What Happened To Mr. Compress?
Since the last time we saw Mr. Compress was in prison, there’s an implied answer to this question. It’s likely that he remained in prison for his role in the League the same way that Spinner does. However, we don’t know for sure.
Although him and Spinner are the only survivors of the League of Villains, we never get an update on Mr. Compress. Even if it is just a status update on his health, it would be interesting to hear from him, maybe to see his reaction to how everything played out.
5 Did Ochako Ever Confess Her Feelings to Midoriya?
Ochako’s crush on Midoriya was a big part of her character growth and served as one of many bridges that connected her to her narrative foil, Toga. In her final confrontation with Toga, she even states that she would like to confidently state her feelings of love as boldly as Toga does. But does she get the chance?
The characters do have a moment of connection and catharsis near the end, but this isn’t anywhere close to a confession of love, with Midoriya and deuteragonist Bakugo’s relationship taking precedent to conclude their arcs. This doesn’t mean that she didn’t get around to it, or that they aren’t a couple by the end: it’s up to fans’ interpretation!
4 Who Ended Up Forming Teams?
It’s an interesting question to think about which of the heroes-in-training teamed up once they were pros. The ending gives us an idea as to how the rankings are proceeding (with Mirio, to no surprise, dominating them), but it doesn’t tell us about any of the possible joint agencies in the works.
Did Jiro and Kaminari form a team? Can Midoriya and Bakugo finally take up the mantle All Might gave them both and have their own hero agency together? Are Mirio, Amajiki and Nejire a team like The Lurkers? And that’s only the tip of the iceberg.
3 Should We Still Be Worried About Quirk Singularity Doomsday Theory?
Essentially, this theory posits that quirks are going to continue to mix as each generation passes them on, eventually becoming too powerful to be handled by the human body. Conceptualized by AFO’s partner in crime, Dr. Kyudai Garaki, this theory is the driving force behind AFO seeking a new body that’s better suited to controlling multiple quirks.

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Over the course of the manga, it seems to be proven by the massively overpowered quirks we see, and the children in the training exercise Bakugo and Todoroki undertake during their remedial course. But it’s never outright proven or disproven, and it isn’t mentioned during the wrap-up of the manga, which leaves it as a major question hanging over the longevity of the universe.
2 What About Midoriya’s Dad?
While the answer to this question is actually really simple, it still feels like a missing piece from a creator that planned and executed a slow-burn traitor plot with only a few hints. In truth, Midoriya’s dad is doing exactly what his mother said he was and working overseas.
Horikoshi just forgot about the character after that, since he wasn’t integral to the story. Perhaps, from what we’ve seen in the series from dads like Enji Todoroki, Kotaro Shimura, and Keigo Takami’s dad, our never meeting Mr. Midoriya is all for the best.
1 What Will Horikoshi’s Next Project Be?
The end of a beloved series is always bittersweet, but the creator who came up with all of our favorite heroes is still young, and he’s definitely not done with art yet. It will be interesting to see what genre he tackles next, if he chooses to tell another story after My Hero Academia.
Alongside this exciting potential to dive into a new world, there’s also the chance for more content inside this universe, even if the main series is over. Who knows, maybe Horikoshi will briefly revisit this world one day.

My Hero Academia: The 9 Most Underrated Quirks
Here are the most underrated quirks in My Hero Academia!
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