Ochkanatlan is an ancient city in Natlan that fell to ruins before the Cataclysm and was once ruled by Och-Kan. The city was once filled with an ancient civilisation that once worshipped the first Pyro Archon Xbalanque, but after it was abandoned due to reasons Genshin Impact players are yet to know.
In recent times, the area is said to be cursed, but as usual, every Genshin Impact has the opportunity to explore the area and unlock it with the help of a quest. Ochkanatlan has its main surface area, the underground ruins, and Tonatiuh. Tonatiuh can only be unlocked with the help of the world quest Lost Traveler in the Ashen Realm. Players can expect to collect 27 Pyroculus from this region, making it the sub-region with the most number of oculi in the 5.2 update.

Genshin Impact: All 3 Chamber of Weaving Locations (Trials of Disembodiment)
Genshin Impact players can follow this guide to locate each of the Chamber of Weavings and get all three Precious Chests.
Ochkanatlan Pyroculus Location 1
This route will first start off on the outer islands of Ochkanatlan. Teleport to the Statue of Seven and head behind it to the first island you see. You’ll need to fly across to find the Pyroculus at the top of a tree.
Ochkanatlan Pyroculus Location 2
Teleport to the above indicated waypoint and simply glide down below to the water to find the Pyroculus on top of a rock.
Ochkanatlan Pyroculus Location 3
To get this Pyroculus, you’ll need first to unlock the waypoint on this island. You can do this by traveling to the first waypoint marked on the image and then indwell a Qucusaurus to help you fly across. The Pyroculus will be up in the air, so you’ll need to complete a simple puzzle to activate the wind current that will help you grab it.
Ochkanatlan Pyroculus Location 4
Teleport back to the same waypoint and fly across to the indicated point on the map. The Pyroculus will be floating in the air on top of a rock. It’s pretty easy to spot once you’re in the area.
Ochkanatlan Pyroculus Location 5
This Pyroculus can be found in the main ruins area of Ochkanatlan. Simply teleport to the waypoint, turn around and look up through the gap in the ceiling. The Pyroculus will be there. Players should be able to take this oculus during the Lost Traveler in the Ashen Realm quest.
Ochkanatlan Pyroculus Location 6
This Pyroculus will be directly below you from the teleport waypoint. You’ll need to head left through the space in front of you and go all the way down to find it near a gate. Genshin Impact players will be able to collect it at the beginning of the Lost Traveler in the Ashen Realm quest.
Ochkanatlan Pyroculus Location 7
This Pyroculus can also be collected during the Open Your Heart To Me quest, when players indwell the Koholasaurus and use it to propel themselves to the next level. They should be able to collect it during that time. If you did not manage to get it during the quest, just teleport to the underground waypoint and head upstream to find it near some enemies.
Ochkanatlan Pyroculus Location 8
This Pyroculus is pretty easy to find as it’s located directly behind the teleport waypoint. It’ll be in the air, so just turn around and fly up to grab it.

Genshin Impact: Eyes on the Feathered Prize (A Hunter Never Loses Their Prey Achievement)
Genshin Impact players can earn this hidden achievement by correctly identifying the Qucusaurus in Muepu’s challenge.
Ochkanatlan Pyroculus Location 9
From the previous point, head to the outermost teleport waypoint, which is located on the shoreline. Just look straight ahead and the Pyroculus will be on top of a stone structure.
Ochkanatlan Pyroculus Location 10
Getting inside here is a little tricky because it’s part of a puzzle. You can teleport to the waypoint shown above and head towards a golden inscription. Simply click on it and it will transport you inside the furnace. You’ll need to complete the puzzle first to access the Pyroculus that will be there.
Ochkanatlan Pyroculus Location 11
This Pyroculus is also part of the puzzle and can only be obtained towards the end of it. You’ll need to indwell a Qucusaurus and use the wind current to carry you all the way up in the sky to retrieve the Pyroculus. It won’t pop up on the map until you’re at least 100m away from it.
Ochkanatlan Pyroculus Location 12
Teleport to the waypoint shown above and head towards the cave with the baby Tepetlisaurus around. If Genshin Impact players have not unlocked this cave system, turn around from the waypoint and rescue the baby Tepetlisaurus from the cage. There will be around 20 of them and once you defeat the enemies and complete the hidden quest, you’ll be able to unlock the cave with their help. The Pyroculus will be at the entrance.
Ochkanatlan Pyroculus Location 13
Once you head deeper into the Furnace of Fiery Embers, you’ll have some puzzles to complete to once again trigger a wind current that will carry you up to the Pyroculus in the sky.
Ochkanatlan Pyroculus Location 14
Head to the next level of Ochkanatlan (this is where the ruins are much worse) and head straight from the teleport waypoint. You need to jump all the way down until you spot the Pyroculus in between two rocks.
Ochkanatlan Pyroculus Location 15
Teleport back up to the same waypoint and head straight down the broken path, and keep going past the enemies you see. The Pyroculus will be in the middle of the gigantic ring in the air.
Ochkanatlan Pyroculus Location 16
Head to the above waypoint (you can unlock it with the help of the Lost Traveler in the Ashen Realm quest) and then fly across the ruins to find the Pyroculus.

Genshin Impact: Hidden Achievements In Natlan
Genshin Impact players are scouring Natlan for the region’s hidden achievements. Here’s how to get them all.
Ochkanatlan Pyroculus Location 17
Genshin Impact players will be able to get this Pyroculus through the second act of the Lost Traveler in the Ashen Realm quest, A Dream Gazing Upon The Distant Sky. You need to light up the Radiant Pillar to get rid of the barrier and collect the Pyroculus.
Ochkanatlan Pyroculus Location 18
Head left from the previous point and you’ll be able to spot this Pyroculus floating near a wooden ladder. Just glide across to the next island formation to grab it.
Ochkanatlan Pyroculus Location 19
Climb up the ladder from the previous Pyroculus location and you’ll find Pyroculus 19 locked behind a barrier as well. You’ll need to light up the Radiant Pillar to unlock it as well. You can just follow through the quest navigation to help you.
Ochkanatlan Pyroculus Location 20
This Pyroculus is pretty easy to find as it’s located directly beneath the teleport waypoint. Just glide down and stick close to the edge of the cliff. You’ll be able to spot it on a grass landing near some Iktomisaurus.
Ochkanatlan Pyroculus Location 21
If you have unlocked the Legendary Tonituah, head to the teleport waypoint at the center of it and then fly to your left. The Pyroculus will be on a platform. Players should’ve collected this Pyroculus during the Lost Traveler in the Ashen Realm quest.
Ochkanatlan Pyroculus Location 22
Grabbing this Pyroculus should also only be possible through the Lost Traveler in the Ashen Realm quest as the area will be quest locked. Simply follow the quest navigation and the Pyroculus should be on the edge of the floating ruins. If you haven’t collected it, just teleport to the center point of the ship and fly behind you to find the floating island.
Ochkanatlan Pyroculus Location 23
Teleport back down to the surface area at the indicated waypoint and glide all the way down. The Pyroculus will be underneath the mountain near some golden inscriptions.
Ochkanatlan Pyroculus Location 24
This Pyroculus will be inside a hidden cave at the above-shown location. You’ll need to indwell an Iktomisaurus and use its skill to place the explosive barrel in front of the rock to break it. Once broken, you can head inside the cave and keep going until you see a stone ladder that will take you up to the Pyroculus.

Genshin Impact: Sauro-Vet’s Dilemma Quest Guide (It’s Not Much, But It’s A Start… Achievement)
Help a Sauro-Vet with her dilemma regarding Kururuk in Genshin Impact to get an achievement worth five Primogem.
Ochkanatlan Pyroculus Location 25
Obtaining this Pyroculus is also part of a puzzle that players will have to complete. By completing it, players will gain access to the Scorchwind current, and they’ll have to indwell a Qucusaurus to get it. You can start the puzzle in the above-indicated area.
Ochkanatlan Pyroculus Location 26
This Pyroculus will be locked on the Isle of Tozoz and can only be unlocked upon completing the puzzle. Genshin Impact players can find the puzzle guide here: Isle of Tozoz Puzzle and get the Pyroculus once the door is unlocked.
Ochkanatlan Pyroculus Location 27
The final Pyroculus will be high up in the sky on the Isle of Tozoz. As you go through the puzzle, you’ll be able to get the Pyroculus from the top. You’ll need to either indwell an Iktomisaurus or use a character skill like Ororon’s. Use the jumping ability at the top of the rocks to propel you upwards and keep climbing until you reach the top.
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