Updated November 29, 2024 by Christopher Norman W: With the recent release of Death Stranding on Xbox, new porters from around the world are making their way across Hideo Kojima’s bleak vision of a future America decimated by the eponymous event. In this guide, we focused on providing players with all the information about preppers they could ever need. This update will ensure the information is still up-to-date, and will also provide players will a new video that will detail the location of all preppers in Death Stranding.
Throughout the course of his journey through the world of Death Stranding, Sam Porter Bridges will encounter all manner of people and places. Some of these individuals – known as preppers in the vernacular of the game – will be integral to the success of Sam’s mission, while others are hidden away and easily missed. Regardless of their perceived importance to the mission, each one of these groups or individuals serve as the vehicle for one of Death Stranding‘s central questions: what is the cost of losing personal connection?
There are 36 preppers throughout the world of Death Stranding that Sam can connect with. While some may argue that the connection is its own reward, many of the game’s best tools can be acquired through deepening Sam’s bond with these survivalists, making the completionist approach more than worthwhile.

Death Stranding Gets New Update on Xbox
A new update rolls out for Death Stranding on Xbox that fixes an issue relating to one of the console’s more convenient features.
Preppers in Death Stranding – A Quick Overview
Death Stranding considers every NPC that Sam has a quantifiable relationship with to be one of it’s 36 preppers. These relationships are measured through a five-star system, with every package delivered or task completed increasing said relationship. Star levels will never be decreased, no matter what Sam does. Some preppers will be reluctant to join the United Cities of America (UCA) and the Chiral Network when first approached. Sam must convince these prickly individuals through hard work and tenacity, often signing them up on a “trial run,” agreeing first to join the chiral network before becoming full-fledged outposts for the UCA.
As Sam’s relationship with a prepper increases, there are several rewards that can be unlocked. These rewards generally take up to six forms:
- Increases to both materials and chiral network capacity: Sam will be able to store more upgrade and printing materials at that shelter or station. He will also be able to place more pieces of equipment in the world.
- Custom colors for gear: Sam can unlock new colors for his gear, which can be changed in Death Stranding‘s Private Rooms.
- Holograms: These can be used to customize equipment out in the field.
- Chiral Printer Blueprints: Increasing Sam’s relationship with preppers is one of the key ways to receive new blueprints for the chiral printer.
- Token of Appreciation: Several preppers offer Sam one-of-a-kind items when they reach a certain threshold in their relationship. An example of this is the Bridges Cap from Capital Knot City, or the “Sam” Sunglasses from the Film Director. Other preppers may show their gratitude by giving weapons, gear/tools, or materials. When this occurs, the token of gratitude will be given indefinitely, whenever Sam meets the criteria for receiving them.
- Maximum Relationship Level Rewards: The base version of the game gave Sam a star to place on the leg of his jumpsuit. Death Stranding Director’s Cut added a unique patch system for Sam’s backpack as well. With the smaller shelters and waystations, Sam will have access to a ‘rest area,’ where he can restore ammo and stamina.
All Eastern Region Preppers – Death Stranding
Once Sam gets through Death Stranding‘s prologue, he will have access to the Eastern Region. At first, Sam will have to move west one prepper at a time, but this will slowly lead to him having access to the full region.
Keep in mind that certain prepper unlocks may not show if the relationship level is reached before the mechanic has been discovered in the overall game. For example, Nick Easton at Capital Knot City will award Sam with an extra Delivery Bot, but
Death Stranding
‘s Delivery Bots
aren’t unlocked until later in the game. If Sam reaches a relationship threshold and does not receive a listed item, this is likely the reason. Sam must return later and complete a standard order to trigger the unlocking process.
Eastern Region Prepper Locations:

- Nick Easton – Capital Knot City
- George Baton – Waystation West of Capital Knot City
- Benjamin Hancock – Distribution Center West of Capital Knot City
- Jake Wind – Wind Farm
- Ludens Fan
- Musician
- Viktor Frank – Port Knot City
1.Nick Easton – Capital Knot City
- Distribution Center, Private Room, Garage/Hangar
- Will allow Q-Pid Access
All Nick Easton Rewards in Death Stranding:
- Initial Delivery: None
- Star 1: None
- Star 2: None
- Star 3: None
- Star 4: Nick Easton Hologram, Additional Delivery Bot
- Star 5: Max Level Rewards – Patch 12: Capital Knot City
- Token Of Appreciation: Bridges Cap
2. George Baton – Waystation West of Capital Knot City
- Waystation, no Private Room
- Will allow Q-Pid Access
All George Baton Rewards in Death Stranding:
- First Delivery: PCC Lvl. 1 (Postbox)
- Star 1: None
- Star 2: None
- Star 3: Rose Pink Ludens Mask
- Star 4: George Baton Hologram, Rose Pink Bridges Cap
- Star 5: Rose Pink “Sam” Sunglasses, Max Level Rewards – Patch 28: Special Delivery Team
Order Unlocks:
- Order 100: Rose Pink Backpack
3. Benjamin Hancock – Distribution Center West of Capital Knot City
- Distribution Center, Private Room, Garage
- Will allow Q-Pid Access
All Benjamin Hancock Rewards in Death Stranding:
- First Delivery: Recycling, Mail System
- Star 1: None
- Star 2: None
- Star 3: Bridges Guard: “Macho” Hologram
- Star 4: Benjamin Hancock Hologram
- Star 5: Max Level Rewards – Patch 29: Special Security Team
Order Unlocks:
- Order 7: Bridges Boots Lvl. 1
- Order 8: PCC Lvl. 1 Bridge Upgrade, Container Repair Spray

Death Stranding: How to Get the Maser Gun (Order 77)
Help Sam electrify the competition with this guide to finding the new weapon in Death Stranding Director’s Cut.
4. Jake Wind – Wind Farm
- Small Station, No Private Room
- Allows Q-Pid Access
All Jake Wind Rewards in Death Stranding:
- Initial Delivery: PCC Lvl 1 Generator Upgrade
- Star 1: None
- Star 2: None
- Star 3: Ghost Green Ludens Mask, Ghost Green Backpack
- Star 4: Jake Wind Hologram, Ghost Green Bridges Cap
- Star 5: Ghost Green “Sam” Sunglasses, Max Level Rewards – Patch 11: Central Knot City
5. Ludens Fan – Ludens Fan’s Shelter
The Ludens Fan is the first prepper that Sam will come across that has no orders attached to Death Stranding‘s main story. There will not be any orders at all for the Ludens Fan until Sam makes the first delivery, which can only be done with lost packages found in the world. Players will likely find their first Ludens Fan package while completing the first Wind Farm delivery.
- Prepper Shelter, No Private Room
- Complete standard orders to bring Ludens Fan into UCA.
All Lundens Fan Rewards in Death Stranding:
- Initial Delivery: None
- Star 1: None
- Star 2: Nedoroid Jumbo Ludens Hologram
- Star 3: Coyote Brown Ludens Mask, Coyote Brown Backpack
- Star 4: Ludens Fan Hologram, Coyote Brown “Sam” Sunglasses
- Star 5: Coyote Brown Bridges Cap, Max Level Rewards – Patch 35: Ludens
6. Musician – Muscian’s Shelter
- Begin by using shelter interface to start standard order
- Prepper Shelter, no Private Room
- Complete Standard Orders to Join UCA
All Musician Rewards in Death Stranding:
- Initial Delivery: None
- Star 1: None
- Star 2: None
- Star 3: Cool Blue Ludens Mask, Cool Blue Backpack
- Star 4: Musician Hologram, Cool Blue “Sam” Sunglasses
- Star 5: Cool Blue Bridges Cap, Max Level Rewards – Patch 32: Exclamation Point
- Token of Appreciation: Harmonica
7. Viktor Frank – Port Knot City
- Distribution Center, Private Room, Garage
- Allows Q-Pid Access
All Viktor Frank Rewards in Death Stranding:
- Initial Delivery: None
- Star 1: None
- Star 2: None
- Star 3: Yellows Ludens Mask Lens Color
- Star 4: Viktor Frank Hologram, Additional Delivery Bot
- Star 5: Yellow “Sam” Sunglasses Lens Color, Max Level Rewards – Patch 13: Port Knot City

Death Stranding 2: 5 Questions Raised By The Trailers
The Death Stranding 2 trailers raise a lot of interesting questions that will inevitably tantalize fans for some time.
All Central Region Preppers Part 1 – Death Stranding
The Central Region makes up a massive chunk of Death Stranding, both in terms of the in-game world, and narrative content. Most events in the game take place in this region, which spans from Lake Knot City to the isolated scientists and preppers that dwell beyond Mountain Knot City.
Central Region Prepper Locations – Part 1:
- William Lake – Lake Knot City
- Engineer
- Elder
- Craftsman
1. William Lake – Lake Knot City
- Distribution Center, Private Room, Garage
- Allows Q-Pid Access
All William Lake Rewards in Death Stranding:
- Initial Delivery: Smoke Emitting Cargo
- Star 1: None
- Star 2: None
- Star 3: Blue Ludens Mask Lens Color
- Star 4: William Lake Hologram
- Star 5: Blue “Sam” Sunglasses Lens Color, Max Level Rewards – Patch 14: Lake Knot City
Order Unlocks:
- Order 23: Reverse Trike, Long Distance Trike
2. Engineer – Engineer’s Shelter
- Prepper Shelter, No Private Room
- Allows Q-Pid Access
All Engineer Rewards in Death Stranding:
- Initial Delivery: None
- Star 1: None
- Star 2: Power Skeleton Lvl. 1, Smoke Grenade Lvl. 1
- Star 3: Power Skeleton Lvl. 2, Smoke Grenade Lvl. 2
- Star 4: Power Skeleton Lvl. 3, Engineer Hologram
- Star 5: Max Level Rewards – Patch 19: UCA-A
3. Elder – Elder’s Shelter
- Prepper Shelter, No Private Room
- Reluctant to join UCA, increase relationship.
All Elder Rewards in Death Stranding:
- Initial Delivery: None
- Star 1: None
- Star 2: None
- Star 3: Vog-Emitting Cargo, Grass Green Ludens Mask, Grass Green Backpack
- Star 4: Elder Hologram, Grass Green “Sam” Sunglasses
- Star 5: Grass Green Bridges Cap, Max Level Rewards – Patch 43: Golden Toadstool (S)
is unique as far as preppers go. If Sam stops delivering his much-needed medications, he’ll die. Once this happens, there is no going back.
4. Craftsman – Craftsman’s Shelter
The Craftsman will provide Sam with some of Death Stranding‘s first ranged weapons.
- Prepper Shelter, No Private Room
- Allows Q-Pid Access
All Craftsman Rewards in Death Stranding:
- Initial Delivery: None
- Star 1: None
- Star 2: Bola Gun Lvl. 1
- Star 3: Bola Gun Lvl. 2, Watcher Holograms (Horizon: Zero Dawn)
- Star 4: Craftsman Hologram, Aloy Hologram (H:ZD)
- Star 5: Tallneck Hologram (H:ZD), Max Level Rewards – Patch 15: Middle Knot City
- Token of Appreciation: Experimental Hematic Grenad

Death Stranding: How to Get the Harmonica
The harmonica allows players to create their own moments. It has no value in the typical sense, but then, nothing about Death Stranding is typical.
All Central Region Preppers Part 2 – Death Stranding
Central Region Prepper Locations – Part 2:
- Thomas Southerland – Distribution Center South of Lake Knot City
- Collector
- Alex Weatherstone – Weather Station
- Timefall Farmer
- Film Director
- Junk Dealer
- Chiral Artist
- Cosplayer
- Owen Southwick – South Knot City
1. Thomas Southerland – Distribution Center South of Lake Knot City
- Distribution Center, Private Room, Garage
- Allows Q-Pid Access
All Thomas Southerland Rewards in Death Stranding:
- Initial Delivery: Backpack Customization
- Star 1: None
- Star 2: None
- Star 3: All Basic Truck Colors, Long Range Truck Lvl. 1
- Star 4: Thomas Southerland Hologram, Long Range Truck Lvl. 2,
- Star 5: Long Range Truck Lvl. 3, Vehicle Colors, Max Level Rewards – Patch 25: Bridges General Staff
Order Unlocks:
- Order 35: Truck, Bridges Boots Lvl. 2
- Order 36: Sticky Gun
2. Collector – Collector’s Shelter
The Collector is the prepper that unlocks Death Stranding‘s extremely useful backpack covers. Make sure Sam has unlocked backpack customization, or he will have to return to the Collector and complete another order after doing so to unlock them.
- Prepper Shelter, No Private Room
- Chiral Network first, UCA later.
All Collector Rewards in Death Stranding:
- Initial Delivery: None
- Star 1: Emergency Yellow Ludens Mask
- Star 2: Backpack Cover Lvl. 1 (Requires Backpack Customization)
- Star 3: Collector Hologram, Emergency Yellow Backpack
- Star 4. Backpack Cover Lvl. 2, Emergency Yellow “Sam” Sunglasses
- Star 5: Emergency Yellow Bridges Cap, Max Level Rewards – Patch 20: UCA-B
3. Alex Weatherstone – Weather Station
- Station, No Private Room
- Allows Q-Pid Access
All Alex Weatherstone Rewards in Death Stranding:
- Initial Delivery: Floating Carrier Lvl. 1, PCC Lvl. 1 Timefall Shelter Upgrade, PCC Lvl. 2 Safe House
- Star 1: None
- Star 2: None
- Star 3: Floating Carrier Lvl. 2
- Star 4. Alex Weatherstone Hologram
- Star 5: Max Level Rewards – Patch 22: Bridges-A
- Token of Appreciation: Weather Talisman, Lightweight Metals
4. Timefall Farmer, Environmental Scientist – Timefall Farm
- Station, No Private Room
- Allow Q-Pid Access
All Timefall Farmer Rewards in Death Stranding:
- Initial Delivery: None
- Star 1: None
- Star 2: None
- Star 3: Odradek Human Detection Upgrade
- Star 4: Environmental Scientist Hologram
- Star 5: Goose Hologram, Max Level Rewards – Patch 33: Rain
- Token of Appreciation: Lightweight Resins
Order Unlocks:
- Order 28: Scanner Nullification Odradek Upgrade
5. Film Director – Film Director’s Shelter
- Prepper Shelter, No Private Room
- Chiral Network first, UCA later.
All Film Director Rewards in Death Stranding:
- Initial Delivery: None
- Star 1: None
- Star 2: None
- Star 3: Odradek Hologram Generator
- Star 4: Wolf Gray Ludens Mask, Wolf Gray Backpack
- Star 5: Wolf Gray Bridges Cap, Max Level Rewards – Patch 36: Octopus BT
- Token of Appreciation: High Density Metals
Order Unlocks:
- Order 31: “Sam” Sunglasses
6. Junk Dealer – Junk Dealer’s Shelter
- Prepper Shelter, No Private Room
- Chiral Network first, UCA Later
All Junk Dealer Rewards in Death Stranding:
- Initial Delivery: None
- Star 1: None
- Star 2: Speed Skeleton Lvl. 1, Grenade Lvl. 1
- Star 3: Speed Skeleton Lvl. 2
- Star 4: Junk Dealer Hologram, Remote Stun Grenade
- Star 5: Speed Skeleton Lvl.3, Max Level Rewards – Patch 2: Truck
7. Chiral Artist, Chiral Artist’s Mother – Chiral Artist’s Shelter
- Prepper Shelter, No Private Room
- Allows Q-Pid Access
All Chiral Artist Rewards in Death Stranding:
- Initial Delivery: Anti-BT Handgun Lvl. 1
- Star 1: None
- Star 2: None
- Star 3: Chiral Gold Backpack Color
- Star 4: Chiral Artist Hologram, Chiral Artist’s Mother Hologram, Chiral Gold Vehicle Color
- Star 5: Max Level Rewards – Patch 41: Handprint
- Token of Appreciation: Chiral Boots
8. Cosplayer, The Wandering MC – Cosplayer’s Shelter
The Cosplayer unlocks various pouches for customizing Sam’s backpack.
- Prepper Shelter, No Private Room
- Chiral Network first, UCA later.
All Cosplayer Rewards in Death Stranding:
- Initial Delivery: None
- Star 1: Otter Hood, Grenade Pouch (Backpack)
- Star 2: Utility Pouch (Backpack)
- Star 3: Large Grenade Pouch (Backpack)
- Star 4: Cosplayer Hologram, Wandering MC Hologram
- Star 5: Omnireflector Backpack Color, Max Level Rewards – Patch 34: Smile
9. Owen Southwick – South Knot City
- Distribution Center, Private Room, Garage
- Allows Q-Pid Access
All Owen Southwick Rewards In Death Stranding:
- Initial Delivery: None
- Star 1: None
- Star 2: None
- Star 3: Reverse Trike (Defensive), Handgun Lvl. 3
- Star 4: Owen Southwick Hologram, Additional Delivery Bot, Truck (Defensive)
- Star 5: Max Level Rewards – Patch 16: South Knot City
Order Unlocks:
- Order 38: Fragile Holograms

Death Stranding: How to Get all Valve Content
Help Sam collect the various Half-Life and Portal collectibles hidden throughout the world of Death Stranding.
All Central Region Peppers Part 3 – Death Stranding
Central Region Prepper Locations – Part 3:

1. Charles Khan – Waystation North of Mountain Knot City
2. Philip North – Distribution Center North of Mountain Knot City
3. Aaron Hill – Mountain Knot City
4. Roboticist
5. Doctor
1. Charles Khan – Waystation North of Mountain Knot City
- Waystation, No Private Room
- Allows Q-Pid Access
All Charles Khan Rewards in Death Stranding:
- Initial Delivery: Armor Plate Lvl. 1, Assault Rifle Lvl. 1, Non-Lethal Assault Rifle Lvl. 1
- Star 1: None
- Star 2: None
- Star 3: Bridges Guard Hologram: UCA!, Armor Plate 2 Lvl. 2
- Star 4: Charles Khan Hologram, Armor Plate Lvl. 3
- Star 5: Armor Plate Lvl. 5, Max Level Rewards – Patch 26: Corpse Disposal
2. Phillip North – Distribution Center North of Mountain Knot City
- Distribution Center, Private Room, Garage
- Allows Q-Pid Access.
All Phillip North Rewards in Death Stranding:
- Initial Delivery: Assault Rifle Lvl. 2, Non-Lethal Assault Rifle Lvl. 2
- Star 1: None
- Star 2: None
- Star 3: Spare Ammo Pouch (Backpack)
- Star 4: Philip North Hologram, Extra Battery Lvl. 2
- Star 5: Extra Battery Lvl. 3, Max Level Rewards – Patch 27: Medical
3. Aaron Hill – Mountain Knot City
- Distribution Center, Private Room, Garage
- Special Circumstances – Must Complete Order 46 (Return Mama)
All Aaron Hill Rewards in Death Stranding:
- Initial Delivery: Backpack Stabilizer
- Star 1: None
- Star 2: None
- Star 3: Assault Rifle Lvl. 3, Non-Lethal Assault Rifle Lvl. 3
- Star 4: Aaron Hill Hologram,
- Star 5: Max Level Rewards – Patch 17: Mountain Knot City
Order Unlocks:
- Order 46: Mama Holograms, Lockne Holograms
4. Roboticist – Roboticist’s Shelter
- Prepper Shelter, No Private Room
- Allows Q-Pid Access
All Roboticist Rewards in Death Stranding:
- Initial Delivery: All-Terrain Skeleton Lvl. 1
- Star 1: None
- Star 2: None
- Star 3: Roboticist Hologram, All-Terrain Skeleton Lvl. 2
- Star 4: Roboticist’s Son Hologram, All-Terrain Skeleton Lvl. 3
- Star 5: Delivery Bot Hologram, Max Level Rewards – Patch 47: Buddy Bot
5. Doctor – Doctor’s Shelter
- Prepper Shelter, No Private Room
- Allows Q-Pid Access
All Doctor Rewards in Death Stranding:
- Initial Delivery: None
- Star 1: None
- Star 2: None
- Star 3: Olive Drab Ludens Mask, Olive Drab Backpack
- Star 4: Doctor Hologram, Medical Device Engineer Hologram, Olive Drab “Sam” Sunglasses
- Star 5: Olive Drab Bridges Cap, Max Level Reward – Patch 44: Golden Toadstool (M)
- Token of Appreciation: Experimental Blood Bag

Death Stranding: How to Unlock the Backpack Cover
Keep Sam’s precious cargo timefall-free with this guide to backpack covers in Death Stranding.
All Central Region Preppers Part 4 – Death Stranding
Central Region Prepper Locations – Part 4:

- Mountaineer
- Photographer
- Novelist’s Son
- Spiritualist
- First Prepper
1. Mountineer – Mountineer’s Shelter
- Prepper Shelter, No Private Room
- Complete Order 49 + 50 for Q-Pid Access
All Mountaineer Rewards in Death Stranding:
- Initial Delivery: Bridges Boots Lvl. 3, Power Gloves
- Star 1: None
- Star 2: None
- Star 3: Express Purple Ludens Mask, Express Purple Backpack
- Star 4: Mountaineer Hologram, Mountain Guide Hologram, Express Purple “Sam” Sunglasses
- Star 5: Express Purple Bridges Cap, Max Level Reward – Patch 45: Golden Toadstool (L)
- Token of Appreciation: Custom Chiral Climbing Anchor
2. Photographer – Photographer’s Shelter
- Prepper Shelter, No Private Room
- Complete Order 51, 52 to connect Q-Pid
All Photographer Rewards in Death Stranding:
- Initial Delivery: Shotgun Lvl. 1, Riot Shotgun Lvl. 1
- Star 1: None
- Star 2: None
- Star 3: Shotgun Lvl. 2
- Star 4: Riot Shotgun Lvl. 2, Photographer Hologram, Photographer’s Mother Hologram
- Star 5: Max Level Rewards – Patch 37: Monstrous BT
3. Novelist’s Son – Novelist’s Son’s Shelter
Do not try to increase the Novelist’s Son’s relationship with Sam until after Mountain Knot City has been brought into the fold. Many players think his meter is bugged, but they simply try too early.
- Prepper Shelter, No Private Room
- Chiral Network first, UCA later.
All Novelist’s Son Rewards in Death Stranding:
- Initial Delivery: None
- Star 1: Sandy Tan Ludens Mask
- Star 2: None
- Star 3: Sandy Tan “Sam” Sunglasses, Sandy Tan Backpack
- Star 4: Novelist’s Son Hologram
- Star 5: Sandy Tan Bridges Cap
- Token of Appreciation: Bell Accessory, D-Cryptobiote
4. Spiritualist – Spiritualist’s Shelter:
- Prepper Shelter, No Private Room
- Allows Q-Pid Access
All Spiritualist Rewards in Death Stranding:
- Initial Delivery: Thermal Pad
- Star 1: None
- Star 2: None
- Star 3: Bright Yellow Ludens Mask, Bright Yellow Backpack
- Star 4: Spiritualist Hologram, Bright Yellow Bridges Cap
- Star 5: Raccoon Hologram, Bright Yellow “Sam” Sunglasses, Max Level Rewards – Patch 21: UCA-C
- Token of Appreciation: Love Knot, One Dollar Coin
5. First Prepper – First Prepper’s Shelter:
- Prepper Shelter, No Private Room
- Visit shelter interface to initiate, Chiral Network first, UCA later
All First Prepper Rewards in Death Stranding:
- Initial Delivery: None
- Star 1: None
- Star 2: None
- Star 3: First Prepper Hologram, Desert Pink Ludens Mask, Desert Pink Backpack
- Star 4: Wolf Hologram, Desert Pink Bridges Cap
- Star 5: Desert Pink “Sam” Sunglasses, Max Level Rewards – Patch 46: Pathfinder
- Token of Appreciation: Energy Drink Can, Santa Hat
All Central Region Peppers Part 5 – Death Stranding
Central Region Prepper Locations – Part 5
1. Heartman
2. Geologist
3. Paleontologist
4. Evo-Devo Biologist
5. Veteran Porter
1. Heartman – Heartman’s Lab:
- Special Lab, No Private Room, Hot Springs outside
- Allows Q-Pid Access
All Heartman Rewards in Death Stranding:
- Initial Delivery: None
- Star 1: None
- Star 2: None
- Star 3: BT Hologram, Lightning Blue Ludens Mask, Lightning Blue Backpack
- Star 4: Lightning Blue Bridges Cap
- Star 5: Lightning Blue “Sam” Sunglasses, Max Level Rewards – Patch 24: Bridges-C
- Token of Appreciation: Cryptobiote Accessory
2. Geologist – Geologist’s Shelter:
- Prepper Shelter, No Private Room
- Allows Q-Pid Access
All Geologist Rewards in Death Stranding:
- Initial Delivery: Climbing Anchor Lvl. 2
- Star 1: None
- Star 2: None
- Star 3: Mars Red Ludens Mask, Mars Red Backpack
- Star 4: Geologist Hologram
- Star 5: Mars Red Bridges Cap, Max Level Rewards – Patch 23: Bridges-B
- Token of Appreciation: High-Density Ceramics
3. Paleontologist – Paleontologist’s Shelter
- Prepper Shelter, No Private Room
- Allows Q-Pid Access
All Paleontologist Rewards in Death Stranding:
- Initial Delivery: Oxygen Mask, Hematic Grenade Lvl. 2
- Star 1: None
- Star 2: None
- Star 3: Volcano Orange Ludens Mask, Volcano Orange Backpack
- Star 4: Paleontologist Hologram, Volcano Orange Bridges Cap
- Star 5: Volcano Orange “Sam” Sunglasses, Max Level Rewards – Patch 38: Giant BT
- Token of Appreciation: Lightweight Special Alloys
4. Evo-Devo Biologist – Evo-Devo Biologist’s Shelter:
- Prepper Shelter, No Private Room
- Allows Q-Pid Access
All Evo-Devo Biologist Rewards in Death Stranding:
- Initial Delivery:
- Star 1: Grenade Launcher Lvl. 1
- Star 2: None
- Star 3: Red Ludens Mask Lens Color
- Star 4: Multi-Rocket Launcher, Evo-Devo Biologist Hologram
- Star 5: Red “Sam” Sunglasses Lens Color, Max Level Rewards – Patch 39: Whale BT
- Token of Appreciation: High-Density Chemicals
5. Veteran Porter – Veteran Porter’s Shelter:
- Prepper Shelter, No Private Room
- Locate Lost Cargo to Initiate, Chiral Network First, UCA Later
All Vereran Porter Rewards in Death Stranding:
- Initial Delivery: None
- Star 1: Omnireflector Vehicle Color
- Star 2: None
- Star 3: Veteran Porter “Encouraging” Hologram
- Star 4: Veteran Porter “On a Delivery” Hologram
- Star 5: Veteran Porter “Kung Fu” Hologram, Max Level Rewards – Patch 30: Porter
- Token of Appreciation: Porter Accessory
Special Death Stranding Prepper – Pizza Delivery for Peter Englert
Peter Englert – Peter Englert’s Shelter
Throughout Sam’s journey, he will be asked several times to deliver Death Stranding‘s very own piping hot pizza to Peter Englert, a prepper living near Lake Knot City. Players should absolutely complete these quests, as they have a very important role in the overall narrative, and the final reward is well worth the trouble.
- Prepper Shelter, No Private Room
- Complete all Pizza Deliveries to connect…
All Peter Englert Rewards in Death Stranding:
Rewards are given once, after completing Order 66, the final pizza delivery:
- Higgs Holograms
- Assault Rifle (HG Custom)
- Non-Leathal Assault Rifle (HG Custom)
- Handgun (HG Custom)
- Shotgun (HG Custom)
- Riot Shotgun (HG Custom)
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