In WoW Classic, Alliance quests tend to be better-written and have more narrative intrigue than Horde quests. Though there many iconic Alliance quests in WoW Classic, some have become especially famous in the WoW community for their interesting, engaging stories or their uniquely useful rewards.

WoW Classic: Best Alliance Starting Zones, Ranked
The three starting zones Alliance WoW Classic players can level up in are vastly different in terms of their aesthetics, thei quests, and convenience.
For example, everyone knows about ‘The Legend of Stalvan’ and ‘The Great Masquerade’, two must-play Alliance quests in WoW Classic, but there are some lesser-known ones that are worth experiencing, too. One of the best Alliance quests in WoW Classic for Hardcore players is pretty unremarkable, but rewards one of the most useful items in WoW Hardcore – one that only Alliance players can get.
5 Mage Summoner
- Quest Start Location: Ashenvale
The ‘Mage Summoner’ quest is one of the best Alliance quests WoW Classic has to offer because it gives Alliance players an item that Horde players simply can’t get: The Light of Elune. This single-use consumable item grants complete invulnerability for 10 seconds, and you won’t get Spell Knockback from being hit.
This quest is one that every Hardcore WoW player should prioritize because of this effect. It’s essentially a free extra life, as 10 seconds is enough time to use a Hearthstone and escape certain death.
How To Start Mage Summoner
At about level 22, head to Ashenvale and pick up the quest ‘Elemental Bracers’ from Sentinel Velene Starstrike in the Silverwind Refuge. Complete this quest to be offered the follow-up quest ‘Mage Summoner’.
4 The Legend of Stalvan
- Quest Start Location: Duskwood
The ‘Legend of Stalvan’ is one of the greatest WoW Classic questlines, and it’s one that you can pick up pretty early as an Alliance player. This 13-part-long quest chain sees players investigate the name “Stalvan” throughout Duskwood and the surrounding Alliance starting zones, slowly tracking down this murderer before eventually confronting him.

WoW Classic: Best Horde Starting Zones, Ranked
Refer to this list of the best starting zones Horde WoW Classic offers to see which one appeals to you most before making a character.
It’s a great story that’s told through notes and dialogue, and a highlight of the WoW Classic Alliance early game.
This lengthy questline is also a great source for early XP because you essentially just have to travel between four zones (and Stormwind) to talk to people. If you have all the flight points in each zone, it takes about an hour to complete for quite a lot of XP – but don’t try to take on Stalvan in the last part of the quest until you have reached about Level 28, or have a group to go with you.
How To Start The Legend of Stalvan
Once you have reached about Level 22, head to Duskwood and speak to Madame Eva to pick up the first part of the ‘The Legend of Stalvan’ quest.
3 Pamela’s Doll
- Quest Start Location: Eastern Plaguelands/Everlook
Without a doubt one of the saddest quests in WoW Classic, ‘Pamela’s Doll’ takes place in the southern Western Plaguelands in the Scourge-ridden town of Darrowshire. Here, players meet Pamela Redpath, a girl whose father died defending Darrowshire from the Scourge while she waited at home for him to come back.
But he never came back, and Pamela has been there for a long time, waiting for her brave father to make the bad people go away. But now all she wants is her doll back to play with when it gets dark. After getting all of the pieces back, Pamela will ask you to find out if her father is alive, and send you to go speak with her living uncle and aunt.
As it turns out, Pamela is dead and you’ve been speaking to her ghost this whole time – her uncle confirms as such, while her aunt confirms that her father was tragically corrupted by the Scourge. It’s implied that he was directly responsible for Pamela’s death.
How To Start Pamela’s Doll
To start ‘Pamela’s Doll’, you must first either pick up the quest ‘Little Pamela’ from Marlene Redpath, a spirit in the southern Eastern Plaguelands, or the quest ‘Sister Pamela’ from Jessica Redpath in Everlook.
2 The Missing Diplomat
- Quest Start Location: Stormwind
‘The Missing Diplomat’ makes up the first half of what might just be the best WoW Classic story of all time. This first half of what is essentially the main story of WoW Classic sees players investigate rumors of a missing diplomat that was captured by the Defias Brotherhood. Later in the questline, you realize that it’s not just any diplomat: Varian Wrynn, the King of Stormwind himself, was captured.

WoW Classic: Must-Play Questlines Before The End
Many storylines in Blizzard’s World of Warcraft Classic set up later expansions. Returning or new players should make sure to finish these quests.
This quest requires a lot of traveling but it’s good XP for the level bracket and, if you have flight points already, it doesn’t actually take that long to complete. By the end of ‘The Missing Diplomat’, you will have met and worked with Jaina Proudmoore, one of the most famous Human characters in WoW, but you won’t have rescued the King…. not quite yet.
How To Start The Missing Diplomat
At about Level 28, look for the priest Thomas inside of the Stormwind Cathedral, who will offer you the first part of the multi-part ‘The Missing Diplomat’ questline.
1 The Great Masquerade
- Quest Start Location: Stormwind
The second half of the greatest WoW Classic questline for Alliance players happens at Max Level, or close to it. After completing a series of Onyxia Attunement quests that start in the Burning Steppes, you will enter Stormwind City alongside Marshal Windsor to expose a plot most foul.
As it turns out, Lady Ketrana Prestor is actually Onyxia herself, the dreaded Black Dragon, and the one who kidnapped the King of Stormwind only to split his soul and place the weaker, more corruptible half on the throne.
This is a questline that every WoW Classic player should undertake one day. It’s one of the best-told stories in WoW history, with quests that build up to this grand reveal all throughout Alliance leveling zones.
Just remember not to attack the Dragonkin that get summoned when you expose Prestor – Marshall Windsor can handle them just fine, and you may have to do the Escort again if you die.
How To Start The Great Masquerade
‘The Great Masquerade’ is one of the final parts of the Onyxia Attunement questline, which begins in the Burning Steppes with the quest ‘Dragonkin Menace’. This quest takes a notoriously long time to complete, so be sure to get started early by completing these initial quests at around the mid-level 50s.
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