Since the map in each chapter is procedurally generated in Ravenswatch and the mini-map is mostly shrouded in fog from the start, finding your way around is one of the game’s biggest challenges as you try to get more powerful ahead.

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During the 18 minutes you have to explore the chapter before fighting the boss, you need to take on enemies, find health boosts, open chests, and help the locals. However, it’s best when you know where to find everything useful on the map, rather than having to rely on simply stumbling upon things.
How To Find Raven Eyes
When you first load into a chapter, there will be a few icons on the mini-map in the bottom right of your screen. You’ll likely see chests with green outlines, the icon of a well, and plus icons which show where to go and increase your maximum health.
You’re looking for little eye icons on the mini-map. If you see one, head to it. You’ll then need to defeat some enemies in the area before being able to activate the eye itself. Once you have, look for a glowing purple object covered by a sheet. Interacting with it will remove the sheet to activate the eye.
There’s no guarantee that a Raven Eye icon will be on your mini-map from the start of a chapter. There will be at least one in the area somewhere, though, so walk around to find one. Try areas where there’s nothing else shown on your map.
What They Do
Once you’ve activated the eye, you’ll see exactly what it does. Raven Eyes remove the fog from a section of your mini-map so that you know what else is nearby. They’ll reveal mini-boss locations, other eyes, and where to heal.
You’ll want to find Raven Eyes because they allow you to better plan your path in each chapter. You then aren’t wasting time searching for stuff to do and fighting enemies along the way. They allows you to get the most out your time in each chapter.
You will need to find new Raven Eyes in each chapter. What they reveal does not carry over. That means you should only search them out in the early minutes of each chapter, as you’ll likely have already explored what a Raven Eye would reveal if you find it late in a chapter.

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