Tencent’s Horizon clone Light of Motiram also coming to PS5, of all platforms

Tencent's Horizon clone Light of Motiram also coming to PS5, of all platforms

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Light of Motiram – or as it has been dubbed since its reveal yesterday, Horizon Zero Originality – will also be coming to iOS, Android and PlayStation 5.

Tencent development studio Polaris Quest shared this update via PlayStation’s Chinese social network accounts, such as Weibo and Bilibili. Here, it also said a beta will be taking place on mobile devices, and “there will be more collaborations with PlayStation in the future” (machine translation).

Along with announcing additional platforms, Polaris Quest has also shared a fresh reveal trailer along with 16 minutes of gameplay footage. The trailer shows a young tribe member awakening in a lush world, populated by mechanical beasts. She then interacts with other tribe members, uses a glider to soar over the land and explore areas with a torch, and so on and so forth. You can check it out below.

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The gameplay footage, meanwhile, gives an idea of how the crafting side of Light of Motiram will work, with the young tribeswoman kicking off the video by constructing a basic shelter. It then evolves as the video goes on.

But, even with these survival crafting elements, there is still no getting away from how incredibly similar the game looks to Guerrilla’s Horizon series.

“I’m usually giving things the benefit of the doubt and err on the side of things just being inspired by other properties,” one redditor wrote following the game’s reveal. “But in this case holy hell even the promotional art looks like it’s intentionally ripping off Horizon.”

“It’s one thing to be a soulslike, GTA clone, monster collector game etc, while those games are clearly inspired gameplay wise they at least usually have their own setting and an original idea or 2. This is just straight up copying,” another added.

Eurogamer is still waiting to hear back from Tencent and Sony regarding Light of Motiram’s similarities to the Horizon games.

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