How To Play Co-Op With Friends In Ravenswatch

How To Play Co-Op With Friends In Ravenswatch
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While Ravenswatch has a lot of similarities to the likes of Hades, where it stands out is in the fact that you can either play solo or with a group of up to three other people online.


8 Best Co-Op Roguelikes

Roguelikes are tough: optimal builds, staying alive, and beating difficult bosses. These games prove it’s better if you play with a friend!

While the game is fun alone, it’s even better with friends, as it means not every enemy on screen is focused on attacking you. It also means you’re able to scour more of the map in each chapter. However, getting multiplayer set up – whether with your friends or in public lobbies – isn’t very easy and requires learning a few different parts of Ravenswatch’s menus.

How To Invite Friends

The multiplayer invite menu in Ravenswatch.

Getting your friends to join your lobby in Ravenswatch is the easiest way to play multiplayer. For the game’s menu, which looks like a book, you’ll see three plus icons below your own character on the left-hand page.

Select one of those and a menu with your friends on will pop up. Simply select one of those friends to invite them to your game. Then, just wait for them to accept it.

The menu doesn’t show you your whole friends list, only anyone who’s
also playing Ravenswatch

Alternatively, you can send your friends the lobby code that’s at the bottom of the right-hand page on that same screen. It is a six-digit number.

How To Join Friends

The invite screen in Ravenswatch.

To join your friend’s lobby using their code, enter the multiplayer menu and enter their code into the box there. You will then join the lobby and wait for your friend to set up the game.

You can also just wait for your friend to invite you on their end rather than using their code.

The lobby code is also useful if you’re trying to join a game set up by someone you know, but who you’re not friends with on the platform you’re playing on.

How To Play Public Multiplayer

The public search screen for multiplayer in Ravenswatch.

Your final multiplayer option is joining a public lobby in Ravenswatch. Doing that is nice and easy. Simply press triangle/Y, or select the option in the menu, to search for a public lobby.

Before searching, you do need to have selected which difficulty you’d like to play on, as that changes who you can match with.

20 Best Roguelikes On Steam

For those looking to shake up their playthroughs, here are some of the best roguelikes Steam has to offer.

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