How to Get Wood and Replace the Stairs in MySims Kingdom

How to Get Wood and Replace the Stairs in MySims Kingdom

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After winning the competition and becoming the new town Wandolier in MySims Kingdom, players will receive the wand, which will allow them to create objects if they have their crafting recipe, also known as Scrolls. The Stairs are one of the first creations gamers will need to make in MySims Kingdom, but they will need to unlock its Scroll first.

The Sims Games Tier List

There have been many titles in The Sims series, however, not all of them have been successful at capturing the imagination and attention of the fans.

This guide will tell players what they need to know about rebuilding the stairs so they can reach the next area in MySims Kingdom and help Barney, the contestant who won the toaster oven.

obtaining wood mysims kingdom

After players have left the castle after the competition, they will have to move the wooden structures beside it to build a bridge to the western side of the island.

Next, gamers will have to open the gate but in order to reach it they must rebuild the Stairs. To get the recipe for the Stairs in MySims Kingdom, players must first collect 30 Wood. They can gather wood by improving Elmira’s mood and getting her axe and then chopping down the Red Apple trees in the nearby area.

Once players have gotten their hands on 30 Wood, they must talk to Lindsay to receive the Stairs Scroll, allowing them to build it at any time.

How to Rebuild the Stairs in MySims Kingdom

rebuild stairs mysims kingdom

To rebuild the Stairs, players must head to the area north of the Red Apple tree garden after collecting the Stairs Scroll from Lyndsay. Here are the required blocks players will need to rebuild the Stairs in MySims Kingdom:

  • 6 Stair Sections
  • 2 Stair Tops

All of these pieces can be found in the Outdoor Blocks. Each piece costs 3 Mana to build, which means in total gamers will have to acquire 24 Mana to build the entire structure.

To build the Stairs faster, gamers can copy the block that they need to use more than once by pressing Y; this way they don’t have to keep opening the block categories menu.

At this point in the game, the best way to get Mana is to mine in the nearby hotspot and chop Red Apple trees. Nevertheless, they should have enough Mana to build the stairs after getting the royal invitations and participating in the competition.

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