Genshin Impact has never been short of achievements, whether they be silly, funny, or downright dangerous to obtain. Natlan too takes after the previous regions with their own share of hidden achievements that players likely missed.
Natlan’s hidden achievements are hidden for a reason, and when players do come across them, they are certainly a welcoming surprise due to the Primogemsthat come with them. This guide will be covering all available hidden achievements in Genshin Impact’s Natlan as of Version 5.0, and players can look forward to more as the region opens up when the game introduces the final three tribes.

Genshin Impact: How To Unlock Natlan Reputation and Daily Commissions
Here’s how Genshin Impact players can unlock Daily Commissions and Reputation in Natlan.
Dance! Dance! Dance!
Getting this achievement is pretty easy as all players need to do is witness a dance battle in the Children of Echoes tribe. Teleport to the waypoint inside and head left towards the bridge you see. There will be a stage with some NPCs dancing; you just have to stand there for a few seconds to get the achievement.
Hot! HOT!
This achievement is pretty easy to get, as all you need to do is drown in a lava pool. There are three lava pools in Natlan, and only two of them are quest locked. You can find one underneath Ameyalco Waters, the Flamegranate Tree Roots Cave, and the Phlogiston Research Extraction Center.
Whisper Of The Heart
Head to the People of the Springs tribe and use the Reputation teleportation waypoint. Turn around and head across the bridge to find some musicians playing near a building. You just need to stand there to receive the achievement. The tricky part is that some players have noted it takes them anywhere from 5 seconds to 20 minutes to receive the achievement.
If the achievement doesn’t unlock within 5 mins, teleport out of the area, then back in to fix it. If that still doesn’t work, you might have to log out and log back into the game to get rid of the bug.

Genshin Impact: Cacahuatl Locations
Players looking to farm the Natlan specific ingredient- Cacahautl can follow this guide for the best possible route.
Please Stay Your H…Feet
This achievement is pretty fun to earn, as players need to try and get stomped on by the Long-Necked Rhino. You can head to almost any Rhino you see and try to agitate it so that it moves. The ones that are confirmed to move a lot are the ones that have Cacahautl’s growing underneath them. You can steal a few and wait for the Rhino to stomp on you.
It also seems that you can obtain this achievement by clicking on the nearby beetles and waiting for them to scurry towards the rhino. You can also throw a Flamegranate seed to agitate it as well.
Farewell, Friend
This is an achievement that can be rather bittersweet, since players can only get this if they’re killed in Saurian form. You can either drown yourself, drown in the lava pool, jump off a really high cliff, or fall in battle to obtain this achievement.
High-Speed Lifting
This achievement is pretty easy to obtain and players should have already got it if they’ve unlocked the People of the Springs area. High-Speed Lifting will unlock when you ride Spiritways for the first time. Players can either do this by indwelling a Koholasaurus or using Mualani’s skill.
Imperishable Night
To get the Imperishable Night achievement, you need to activate the Nightsoul Blessing period for 18 seconds. Players can easily do this if they have any Natlan characters, such as Mualani, Kinich, or Kachina.
Since Kachina is free, any player who doesn’t have a limited Natlan character can use her instead.
You’ll need to head to an area with Phlogiston particles to collect as well, because if your Phlogiston meter runs out, you won’t get the achievement. If players are using Kachina, you can head to Sulfurous Veins — an area that has a lot of Phlogiston particles. If players are using Mualani, they can head to the People of the Springs and use the Phlogiston particles around the water.
Only The Night Breeze Can Be Heard
Getting this achievement can be a little tricky, as players need to defeat some opponents using any Nightsoul attack within 5 seconds. Players will definitely need to strategize their attacks and quickly switch when the Nightsoul mechanic is triggered. This occurs when the character name begins to glow orange.
You can either use Kachina or Mualani here, but make sure they deal enough DMG to kill the enemy within 5 seconds.

Genshin Impact: Natlan Saurians Locations
Genshin Impact players looking to find Saurians can follow this easy route in Natlan.
Maybe This Is A Good Place To Camp?
Head to the Rest Area Entrance in Tequemecan Valley and interact with the Glowing Structure in front of you. This is the same one you see as soon as you enter Natlan. You’ll immediately get the achievement once you’re inside.
Blessings Never Come In Pairs
Head to the Sulfurous Veins and find a Tepetlisaurus to indwell. You can go to this specific area just south of the waypoint at the entrance to the area (the underground one). From the teleport waypoint, turn around and head behind you towards a bridge and past a tribal warrior camp. You’ll see a Tepetlisaurus that you can indwell and use it to fall into the small hole beside you. The hole will be filled with explosives, and you need to use the Tepetlisaurus attack ability to set them off.
Quite frankly, players don’t only need to use a Tepetlisaurus to trigger this achievement, since all you need to do is trigger explosives in any Saurian form.
Dream Through The Web
For this achievement, you need to find four books to complete the collection. Players need to locate all four Ancient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest books to get the Dream Through The Web achievement. They can refer to the above images for each location. However, they should keep in mind that finding these books requires a lot of hiking up the mountains of Natlan.
Saurian-Hunting Black Arrow
For this achievement, you need to destroy the Goldflame Qucusaur Tyrant’s shield when it’s in the Golden State. Sometime during the fight, the boss will transform into a golden entity and fly around while shooting missiles. The shield is pretty hard to break and can only be done using hydro.
It’s best to take a full hydro team plus a shielder so that you won’t be interrupted when trying to shoot it down. Hydro bow characters would be ideal here, since the boss flies a lot during its golden state, and you can keep enough distance not to get caught up in any attacks. Furina’s skill also works wonders here, as her tea party companions continuously break down the shield without you doing anything.
Et Tu, Dinobrute?
This is an achievement that players need to do quickly — otherwise they might miss their chance. When fighting the Gluttonous Yumkasaur Mountain King, there will be a moment in the fight where Flamegrantes drops near him. You need to quickly use a pyro attack and break each of the Flamegranate seeds before it absorbs them.
…And Thanks For All The Fish!
Players can get this achievement after completing the quest Feeling Like Fish Today! with their Saurian companion. The quest will be located on a dock near the edge of a cliff, east of the farthest teleport waypoint in Ameyalco Waters.
A New Hope
This achievement can only be unlocked after completing the quest Waiting for Seeds to Sprout. This is also part of the In The Footsteps of the Chosen of Dragons quest chain and will automatically unlock once players head to the designated area. Players can teleport to the Ancient Watchtower domain and head behind it up the path to find the area.
You’ll need to wait one in-game day and go back to the same area and view the Embercore Flowerthat has blossomed. Doing so, will award you with the achievement.

Genshin Impact: Embercore Flower Locations
Players can look to this farming route when collecting Embercore Flowers in Gensin Impact.
A Final Kindness
This is an achievement that can be unlocked by completing the Lies and Promises quest, in which players communicate with a Strange Yumkasaur near Teticpac Peak. This quest is part of a longer quest chain known as In The Footsteps of the Chosen of Dragons. Once players complete the quest, head to the Strange Yumkasaurus again to feed it. Feeding it will award them the achievement.
The Packages Returned
There are four Broken Packages around Natlan, and finding them all will give players the achievement “The Packages Returned.” Once you have located each package, you need to then find Michica, a shop owner at the Scions of the Canopy tribe who will give you the instructions to fix the package. Once you receive each package back and the owners of each, you then need to find Chanca, Acat, Imix, and Tirda.
Only The Training Grounds Are Left?
This achievement can be unlocked once players discover Firethief’s Isle. The island is invisible on the map in Natlan and only becomes visible once players unlock the teleport waypoint. They will only be able to reach the island by swimming, so teleport to any waypoint on the mainland and use the Koholasaurus to get there.
Saurian’s Cradle
This achievement can be obtained through the Daily Commission: How To Make Friends. The commission introduces players to Tlamot and his Yumkasaurus. Tlamot does not know whether to choose between ‘beating up the treasure hoarders’ or ‘comforting his Yumkasaurus’. Players need to choose the option to comfort the Yumkasaurus to get the achievement. Unfortunately, there is a chance that you’ll have to do this commission a couple of times before receiving the achievement, but remember to always choose the option to comfort the Saurian.
My Heart Is Now Complete
Head to the shoreline near the Flower-Feather Clan tribe and find the couple seated inside the broken heart. You’ll need to indwell an Iktomisaurus or use a character like Ororon, to pick up the rock graffiti and place it at the bottom to complete the heart. After doing so, some fireworks will go off and you’ll receive the hidden achievement.
Under the Tonatiuh’s Wings
Genshin Impact players will need to complete at least a majority of the Lost Traveler in the Ashen Realm quest and fully unlock the legendary spaceship Tonatiuh to get this achievement. Head to the teleportation point at the centre of the spaceship and glide northeast of the map to find two circular platforms. You need to complete both of the relay puzzles to get the hidden achievement.
Clear the Area, Please!
This achievement is pretty simple as you only need to save some baby Saurians that are trapped. Teleport to the above waypoint and turn around to find it in a cage. Defeat the enemies to trigger the cutscene and you’ll get the achievement right after.

Genshin Impact: All 3 Chamber of Weaving Locations (Trials of Disembodiment)
Genshin Impact players can follow this guide to locate each of the Chamber of Weavings and get all three Precious Chests.
Hero’s Homecoming
Teleport to the centre of Tonatiuh and glide north of the map to find the “Goggles Let Behind By Someone”. You need only interact with them to receive the achievement.
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