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Half-Life 2 excels in incorporating its excellent physics-based gameplay into almost all aspects of the game, including combat, navigation, and puzzle-solving. The game compels you to think creatively to overcome the various roadblocks and challenges you’ll encounter throughout the campaign.
One such challenge is discovering a way to flip your overturned car. Unlike other games that prompt you with a dedicated key to flip an overturned vehicle, Half-Life 2 doesn’t hold your hand or guide you with recovering the vehicle; instead, it lets you experiment with the available tools and the skills you’ve acquired along the journey to recover or move a capsized car.

Half-Life 2: How To Use Rocket Launcher
The rocket launcher in Half-Life 2 can be tricky to understand at first as it follows an unconventional fire method. Here’s how to use it effectively.
How To Recover A Flipped Car In Half-Life 2
There are several chapters in Half-Life 2 where you must rely on your car for navigation and to cover large distances. While you’re driving around in a car, you’ll be frequently attacked by enemy forces, which may lead to losing control of the car and lead to its capsizing.
However, you won’t have to fear recovering a capsized car, as the game provides you with one of the most powerful tools in the game — the Gravity Gun. The Gravity Gun allows you to both attract and repel objects in the game world. Holding down the right mouse button enables you to pull objects, and you can repel objects by holding down the left mouse button.
To flip an overturned car, you must use the Gravity Gun’s repel feature to push the car away from the ground. You may need to align the Gravity Gun at an angle to be able to flip the car, and it may take a few tries to effectively flip the car back on its wheels. This skill will also come in handy when you find the road ahead blocked by wrecked cars. You can use the Gravity Gun to clear the path ahead and continue progressing the chapter.
Additional Creative Ways To Use The Gravity Gun In Half-Life 2
The Gravity Gun in Half-Life 2 is more than just a weapon, allowing you to interact with the game world in creative ways. In the right hands, the Gravity Gun can be a powerful weapon that allows you to manage the essential aspects of combat, exploration, and puzzle-solving. Here are some unique ways you can use the Gravity Gun creatively in Half-Life 2:
- Preserve Weapon Ammo: The Gravity Gun allows you to use everyday objects like saw blades, furniture, and propane tanks as weapons. These items are equally effective as shotguns and assault rifles.
- Create Temporary Cover: When you’re fighting enemies in the open with nowhere to duck for cover, you can use the Gravity Gun to pull car doors and barrels to create temporary shields while you look for a more permanent cover from gunfire.
- Fun & Chaos: You can also use the Gravity Gun to unleash your inner mischief by juggling explosive barrels, laying traps for enemies, and simply throwing harmless objects near NPCs to witness their reactions.
Despite seeming like a simple tool, the Gravity Gun in Half-Life 2 offers incredible depth, compelling players to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions to challenging problems. Knowing the weapon’s key strengths will help you leverage it effectively and creatively in multiple scenarios throughout the gameplay.
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