Best DM-10 Build In BO6

Best DM-10 Build In BO6

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The DM-10 is one of four marksman rifles available at launch in Black Ops 6. While it can’t one-tap enemy operators in Core MP like the Tsarkov, the DM-10 makes up for this with a much faster fire rate and reduced recoil. If you don’t mind semi-auto weapons and want to snipe players from a distance, the DM-10 isn’t a bad option.

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Snipe enemies from a distance with the Tsarkov 7.62.

It’s far from the strongest weapon in Multiplayer, but it’s still a weapon you’ll need to master on the grind towards Dark Matter and Nebula. For those deep into the camo grind or DM-10 enthusiasts, this build should help you land more consistent kills across all MP modes, both Core and Hardcore.

Camo Challenges DM-10 Build

DM-10 Build
Attachment Pros And Cons Advanced Stats
Willis 3x (Optic)
  • -30% Gun Kick
  • +6% ADS Speed
Suppressor (Muzzle)
Long Barrel (Barrel)
Heavy Stock (Stock)
Recoil Springs (Fire Mods)
  • -10% Gun Kick
  • -10% Vertical Recoil
  • -8% Horizontal Recoil

It’s not the strongest weapon in the game, but if you’re chasing Dark Matter or Nebula, you’ll need a good build for landing headshots and completing Special camo challenges. This will get the job done. We highly recommend the Willis x3 Scope to drastically reduce your reticle kick while shooting. Recoil Springs will help reduce your overall recoil, making two-tap kills fairly trivial in Core MP.

For headshot kills, we highly recommend you play Hardcore. It’ll reduce the optimal TTK to a single headshot.

For Special camo challenges, you’ll need longshot kills and suppressed eliminations. You can fulfill the latter requirement with a Suppressor, nothing special. But for that first requirement, you’ll need to kill targets from 38+ meters away. A Long Barrel is necessary to keep your optimal damage profile at such ranges. Finish the build with a Heavy Stock to mitigate all incoming flinch during a gunfight.

Loadout Recommendations

Specialty Recon
Column One Ghost, Flak Jacket
Column Two Tracker
Column Three Vigilance
Wildcard Perk Greed
Lethal Preference
Tactical Stim
Field Upgrade Trophy Systems

Since you’ll be using a suppressed weapon with this build, you’ll want to spec for the Recon specialty. A suppressed weapon pairs nicely with Ghost, ensuring that you’re always hidden from enemy radar. Tracker is useful for tagging enemy targets mid-gunfight who end up escaping, allowing you to track them through walls for a few seconds. Vigilance is useful for countering CUAVs. For your Perk Greed, we recommend Flak Jacket to resist incoming explosives.

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