Key Takeaways
- Shiny Pokemon have become a beloved staple in the franchise, with over 1000 Pokemon to catch in Pokemon Go.
- Shiny Zoroark, Goodra, and Amoonguss have visually stunning coloration, making them worth the effort.
- Unique color schemes for Pokemon like Shuckle, Lapras, and Wailord in their shiny forms add a fresh twist to their original designs.
Released back in October of 2000, Pokemon Gold and Silver introduced a new game mechanic to the then four-year-old franchise, giving players the chance to catch color-swapped variants of their favorite pokemon, referred to as “shiny Pokemon” by developer Game Freak.
Since then, shiny Pokemon have become a beloved staple of the Pokemon franchise, with Pokemon Sword and Shield bringing the total number of catchable shiny Pokemon to an astounding 898 in the main series games. Of this expansive list, Niantic‘s 2016 AR mobile title Pokemon GO lets players catch over 350, including a number of fan favorites from across the series’ eight generations.
Updated November 28, 2024, by Blaise Santi: Pokemon Go is quickly coming up on its 9-year anniversary, and the game has never been more fun! Because they’ve now caught up with all generations of Pokemon as of Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, there are over 1000 different Pokemon to catch, and that’s not even including Shiny forms! These special, rare forms of Pokemon might be tough to catch, especially for extremely rare Pokemon or legendaries. However, these additional Pokemon are the ones we think are worth it just for their alternative designs alone.

The Best Pokemon Of Each Type, Ranked
With every type of Pokemon, there is always one that stands above all of the others.
30 Zoroark
The Illusion Fox Pokemon
Type |
Dark |
Evolution Data |
Evolves from Zorua for 50 candies |
Attacks |
Shadow Claw, Snarl, Flamethrower, Foul Play, Night Shade, Sludge Bomb |
Pokedex Entry |
If it thinks humans are going to discover its den, Zoroark shows them visions that make them wander around in the woods. |
Zoroark is one of the most iconic Pokemon from the fifth generation, and it can be difficult to find in Pokemon Go. Its pre-evolution, Zorua, will often disguise itself in the wild as the player’s partner Pokemon, but players won’t be able to tell until they successfully catch the Pokemon. Still, if you’re prone to getting tricked by Zorua often, you’ll have no trouble finding yourself a Zoroark.
Shiny Zoroark, while even harder to come by, is well worth it. Its red-highlighted fur is replaced with a stunning purple hue, making it one of the most visually stunning Dark-types in Pokemon Go.
29 Goodra
The Dragon Pokemon
Type |
Dragon |
Evolution Data |
Evolves from Sliggoo for 100 candies on a rainy day or near a Rainy Lure Module |
Attacks |
Dragon Breath, Water Gun, Aqua Tail, Draco Meteor, Muddy Water, Power Whip, Sludge Wave, Thunder Punch |
Pokedex Entry |
This very friendly Dragon-type Pokémon will hug its beloved Trainer, leaving that Trainer covered in sticky slime. |
Goodra and its pre-evolutions easily take the cake for the cutest pseudo-legendaries in the entire franchise. In addition to their cute, greyish-purple color, they also have a pretty unique shiny coloring, with each of the three stages adopting a pale yellow color with reddish-orange bellies.
However, managing to evolve your Goomy into a Sliggoo, and then that into Goodra, will take some elbow grease from players. Sliggoo requires 100 Goomy candies to evolve into Goodra, and it also needs to be a rainy day. Suffice it to say, if you have nothing else to do on a rainy day, try opening up Pokemon Go to see if there are any Goomys near you!
28 Amoonguss
The Mushroom Pokemon
Type |
Grass/Poison |
Evolution Data |
Evolves from Foongus for 50 candies |
Attacks |
Astonish, Feint Attack, Foul Play, Grass Knot, Sludge Bomb |
Pokedex Entry |
It lures prey close by dancing and waving its arm caps, which resemble Poke Balls, in a swaying motion. |
Amoonguss and its pre-evolution, Foongus, are unique Pokemon in the franchise. These mushroom-shaped Pokemon blend in with tall grass by looking like Poke Balls, which is a trait the Pokemon even shares with its Paradox form in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Brute Bonnet. As you can imagine, the shiny version of these Pokemon take things a step further.
By changing the Poke Ball color on these Pokemon from red to purple, it now resembles a Master Ball, one of the rarest items in the Pokemon franchise. The only downside to shiny Amoonguss is that trainers in the wild may mistake it for an incredibly lucky item they’ve found in tall grass!
27 Mudkip
The Mud Fish Pokemon
Type |
Water |
Evolution Data |
Evolves into Marshtomp for 25 candies |
Attacks |
Tackle, Water Gun, Dig, Sludge, Stomp |
Pokedex Entry |
The fin on Mudkip’s head acts as highly sensitive radar. Using this fin to sense movements of water and air, this Pokémon can determine what is taking place around it without using its eyes. |
We’re convinced that Mudkip’s shiny form could be literally any color, and we’d still consider it one of the best shiny starters in Pokemon Go. However, the hot pink coloring replacing the variations of blue for Mudkip’s entire evolutionary line surprisingly works.
Mudkip just barely edges out its evolutions in being the best-looking shiny of the trio, due to its darker-orange-colored gills pairing better with the pink color than Marshtomp and Swampert’s lighter-orange. Still, it helps that all three of them look incredible with this color scheme, which is more than can be said about many other shiny starter Pokemon.
26 Azumarill
The Aqua Rabbit Pokemon
Type |
Water/Fairy |
Evolution Data |
Evolves from Marill for 25 candies |
Attacks |
Bubble, Rock Smash, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Play Rough |
Pokedex Entry |
Azumarill’s long ears are indispensable sensors. By focusing its hearing, this Pokémon can identify what kinds of prey are around, even in rough and fast-running rivers. |
As far as Shiny Pokemon in the entire Pokemon franchise, Azurill and Marill aren’t that impressive. Their good-looking blue color is replaced by a bright green reminiscent of Charli XCX’s Brat. However, things really take a better turn with their final evolution, Azumarill, which adopts a bright yellow coloring that almost looks golden.
Especially compared to its pre-evolutions, Azumarill really pops off with this golden yellow coloring, which fits its rabbit-like design and personality a lot better than that hideous bright green. Considering how easy it is to evolve Azumarill and Marill into their final evolution, players don’t have to be stuck with those forms for long.
25 Ninetales
The Fox Pokemon
Type |
Fire |
Evolution Data |
Evolves from Vulpix for 50 candies |
Attacks |
Feint Attack, Fire Spin, Ember, Heat Wave, Overheat, Psyshock, Scorching Sands, Solar Beam, Weather Ball, Fire Blast, Flamethrower |
Pokedex Entry |
Ninetales casts a sinister light from its bright red eyes to gain total control over its foe’s mind. This Pokémon is said to live for a thousand years. |
Ninetales is one of the original 151 Pokemon from the first generation. This Fire-type Pokemon evolves from Vulpix, which is another fan-favorite of the generation, for 50 candies. Thankfully, it isn’t a particularly rare Pokemon, so grabbing it as a Shiny in Pokemon GO isn’t a difficult task.
The Shiny version of Ninetales makes the Pokemon grayish-white with blue tips on the tails. The original is just a cream color, which looked great, but the white makes it stand out more. It is no wonder that a lot of players love this Pokemon and the shiny version, as even its Alolan form has a great Shiny look with a purplish-gray hue.
24 Chandelure
The Luring Pokemon
Type |
Ghost/Fire |
Evolution Data |
Evolves from Lampent for 100 candies and a Unova Stone |
Attacks |
Fire Spin, Hex, Incinerate, Energy Ball, Flame Charge, Overheat, Shadow Ball, Poltergeist |
Pokedex Entry |
The spirits burned up in its ominous flame lose their way and wander this world forever. |
Chandelure is a Pokemon that was added back in generation five and is the final evolution of Litwick. This Pokemon is based on a chandelier and candelabra, making it a pretty interesting Pokemon that a lot of players thing is cool.
The original form of the Pokemon is bluish-purple and black, which looks great since it is a Ghost/Fire-Type. However, the Shiny version makes the flames on the Pokemon red and orange instead, sticking with the theme of the Pokemon and the Typing.
23 Yveltal
The Destruction Pokemon
Type |
Dark/Flying |
Evolution Data |
N/A |
Attacks |
Gust, Snarl, Sucker Punch, Dark Pulse, Focus Blast, Hurricane, Hyper Beam, Psychic, Oblivion Wing |
Pokedex Entry |
When this legendary Pokémon’s wings and tail feathers spread wide and glow red, it absorbs the life force of living creatures. |
Yveltal is the Legendary Pokemon from Pokemon Y. This Pokemon is a pretty popular Pokemon considering almost all box art Legendary Pokemon end up being popular picks for players. However, it is also a pretty interesting Pokemon itself.
Originally, the Pokemon is red and black, which looks pretty cool together. However, the design of the Shiny version makes it stand out. This Shiny changes the black on the Pokemon for white, making it look even cooler than before.
22 Starmie
The Mysterious Pokemon
Type |
Water/Psychic |
Evolution Data |
Evolves from Staryu for 50 candies |
Attacks |
Hidden Power, Water Gun, Tackle, Quick Attack, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Power Gem, Psybeam, Psychic, Thunder |
Pokedex Entry |
Starmie’s center section—the core—glows brightly in seven colors. Because of its luminous nature, this Pokémon has been given the nickname “the gem of the sea.” |
Unfortunately, Starmie doesn’t have the same pull as a lot of water Pokemon out there. Although those who grew up with Generation 1 will most defintiely remember this iconic pocket monster thanks to Misty, it seems to get lost in the piles of new and exciting Pokemon that are on display.
Thankfully, the developers gave it a strange and unique Shiny color scheme, to help it stand out among the crowd better. Those that love the star-shaped Pokemon can really impress their opponents by snagging its Shiny variant, which trades its purples for blues, outlining its gem with a bright red.
21 Sylveon
The Intertwining Pokemon
Type |
Fairy |
Evolution Data |
Evolves from Eevee for 25 candies with 70 hearts as Buddy Pokemon, or after Eevee is nicknamed “Kira” |
Attacks |
Charm, Quick Attack, Dazzling Gleam, Draining Kiss, Moonblast, Last Resort, Psyshock |
Pokedex Entry |
It sends a soothing aura from its ribbonlike feelers to calm fights. |
Sometimes, the best Shiny variations are the ones that make simple changes. Sylveon is a great example of this practice, thanks to the basic-yet-powerful change to its original design. Most players will immediately remember Sylveon as the beautiful white-and-pink Fairy-type evolution of Eevee, but the Shiny form gives it a new color to proudly display.
The blue used for Sylveon’s Shiny form still fits the Fairy motif very well, while giving players something truly unique to quest for.
20 Furret
The Long Body Pokemon
Type |
Normal |
Evolution Data |
Evolves from Sentret for 25 candies |
Attacks |
Quick Attack, Sucker Punch, Brick Break, Dig, Hyper Beam |
Pokedex Entry |
Furret has a very slim build. When under attack, it can slickly squirm through narrow spaces and get away. In spite of its short limbs, this Pokémon is very nimble and fleet. |
Another simplistic variant but one that works to great effect is Furret. There are a lot of fans out there that hold this adorable (but actually pretty big) Ferret-like Pokemon in high regards thanks to its absolutely adorable appearance. Although Furret is the most vaiable pocket monster in battle, it hasn’t stopped dedicated players from finding ways to add it to their team.

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Team Rocket’s Pokemon often prove just as ineffectual as the duo themselves.
The Shiny version of Furret swaps out its brown rings for pink ones, creating a simple-yet-bold change to its overall design.
19 Ponyta
The Fire Horse Pokemon
Type |
Fire |
Evolution Data |
Evolves into Rapidash for 50 candies |
Attacks |
Ember, Tackle, Flame Charge, Flame Wheel, Stomp, Fire Blast |
Pokedex Entry |
Ponyta is very weak at birth. It can barely stand up. This Pokémon becomes stronger by stumbling and falling to keep up with its parent. |
Ponyta was the first of many horse-inspired Pokemon to make its way into the series and is a firm favorite of many Pokemon fans as a result. Its original model features vibrant red flames in place of its mane and tail fur, perfectly capturing the Pokemon’s fire-typing. When it came to designing a shiny form, however, Game Freak took this idea a step further.
Rather than red flames, Shiny Ponyta features flames of a rich and vivid blue. This works nicely, as those who remember their high school science classes will already know, a blue flame is generally a lot hotter than a red one. Ponyta also has one of the cooler-looking Galarian forms too, and that also has a great shiny form.
18 Luxray
The Gleam Eyes Pokemon
Type |
Electric |
Evolution Data |
Evolves from Luxio for 100 candies |
Attacks |
Hidden Power, Snarl, Spark, Crunch, Hyper Beam, Wild Charge, Psychic Fangs |
Pokedex Entry |
Luxray’s ability to see through objects comes in handy when it’s scouting for danger. |
Though some may prefer the way that the blue and black contrast in its regular form, Shiny Luxray’s bright yellow coloring definitely makes it stand out from the crowd. Granted, it does take a little away from its iconic yellow eyes, but it’s at least instantly recognizable as a shiny Pokemon, which isn’t always the case.
Perhaps most importantly, the yellow coloring highlights Luxray’s electric-typing, which is more than can be said for its regular form. Without knowing any better, players would likely assume that Luxray was a dark-type Pokemon, which would actually make a lot more sense given some of the Pokemon’s characteristics and traits.
17 Dragonite
The Dragon Pokemon
Type |
Dragon/Flying |
Evolution Data |
Evolves from Dragonair for 100 candies |
Attacks |
Dragon Breath, Dragon Tail, Steel Wing, Dragon Claw, Hurricane, Hyper Beam, Outrage, Superpower, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse |
Pokedex Entry |
Dragonite is capable of circling the globe in just 16 hours. It is a kindhearted Pokémon that leads lost and foundering ships in a storm to the safety of land. |
There are quite a few orange dragon-type Pokemon in Pokemon GO, but very few green ones. Given that most mediums tend to portray dragons as being either green or black, Dragonite’s shiny form is therefore a lot more in keeping with the way that most players imagine dragons than its base form.
The light green coloring makes for a pretty drastic change, but this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It contrasts really well with the purple on the underside of the Pokemon’s wings and also works pretty well with the cream coloring that extends across the Pokemon’s chest and belly.
16 Umbreon
The Moonlight Pokemon
Type |
Dark |
Evolution Data |
Evolves from Eevee for 25 candies after walking 10km as Buddy Pokemon or nicknaming it “Tamao” |
Attacks |
Feint Attack, Snarl, Dark Pulse, Foul Play, Last Resort, Psychic |
Pokedex Entry |
Umbreon evolved as a result of exposure to the moon’s waves. It hides silently in darkness and waits for its foes to make a move. The rings on its body glow when it leaps to attack. |
When compared to some of the other shiny Pokemon in the series, some may find Shiny Umbreon to be pretty underwhelming. The changes are certainly quite minimal, but given the strength of the Pokemon’s original design, it’s perhaps understandable why Game Freak took this approach. Being able to easily evolve a Shiny Eevee into a Shiny Umbreon is a nice bonus too.
The blue markings on its head, legs, and tail really stand out against the blackness of the Pokemon’s fur and definitely give the design much more of a dark-type appearance when compared to the original yellow. The blue arguably looks a lot more intimidating too, which better suits the underlying lore behind the Pokemon.
15 Charizard
The Flame Pokemon
Type |
Fire/Flying |
Evolution Data |
Evolves from Charmeleon for 100 candies |
Attacks |
Air Slash, Fire Spin, Dragon Breath, Ember, Wing Attack, Dragon Claw, Fire Blast, Overheat, Blast Burn, Flamethrower |
Pokedex Entry |
Charizard flies around the sky in search of powerful opponents. It breathes fire of such great heat that it melts anything. However, it never turns its fiery breath on any opponent weaker than itself. |
Charizard’s original design is one of the most iconic and most recognizable in the series, so it would have been very easy for Game Freak to take a minimalistic approach when it came to designing the Pokemon’s shiny form. Instead, however, the team went in the exact opposite direction, making drastic changes that completely transformed the look of the Pokemon.

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Charizard has always looked mean to a certain degree, but Shiny Charizard takes this to a whole new level. The black and crimson coloring is incredibly intimidating and is somewhat reminiscent of its Mega Charizard X form. It may not be for everyone, but many consider Charizard to be the best shiny Pokemon in Pokemon GO.
14 Gyarados
The Atrocious Pokemon
Type |
Water/Flying |
Evolution Data |
Evolves from Magikarp for 400 candies |
Attacks |
Bite, Dragon Breath, Waterfall, Dragon Tail, Crunch, Hydro Pump, Outrage, Twister, Aqua Tail, Dragon Pulse |
Pokedex Entry |
When Magikarp evolves into Gyarados, its brain cells undergo a structural transformation. It is said that this transformation is to blame for this Pokémon’s wildly violent nature. |
As the first shiny Pokemon of the franchise, Shiny Gyarados holds a special place in the hearts of long-time fans of the franchise, bringing back fond memories of a fateful battle on the Lake of Rage in the second generation Pokemon games. It’s one of the very few instances in the series where players were guaranteed a shiny too, which only adds to the Pokemon’s appeal.
This particular palette swap is especially striking, as it replaces the iconic blue coloring of the gen 1 water/flying type with a bold crimson, enhancing the Pokemon’s already intimidating demeanor to new levels. When it comes to the best shiny Pokemon, Gyrados can definitely hold its own.
13 Spoink
The Bounce Pokemon
Type |
Psychic |
Evolution Data |
Evolves into Grumpig for 50 candies |
Attacks |
Splash, Zen Headbutt, Mirror Coat, Psybeam, Shadow Ball |
Pokedex Entry |
Spoink bounces around on its tail. The shock of its bouncing makes its heart pump. As a result, this Pokémon cannot afford to stop bouncing—if it stops, its heart will stop. |
There are a lot of adorable Pokemon sprinkled throughout the Global Pokedex but some of them are much more unique than others. Spoink is a good example, thanks to its curly spring-like tail and the fact that it must stay bouncing to keep itself alive. It’s a strange concept that works well, thanks to its adorable design. Its evolution, Grumpig, isn’t as adorable as its small bouncing counterpart, but is still captivating to some trainers.
Spoink’s Shiny form trades its purple and gray for a yellow and gray scheme, infusing some brightness into the cute creature. Plus, its Shiny even resembles the colors of a real-life pig.
12 Spinda
The Spot Panda Pokemon
Type |
Normal |
Evolution Data |
N/A |
Attacks |
Psycho Cut, Sucker Punch, Dig, Icy Wind, Rock Tomb |
Pokedex Entry |
All the Spinda that exist in the world are said to have utterly unique spot patterns. The shaky, tottering steps of this Pokémon give it the appearance of dancing. |
Spinda is another Pokemon that many fans are likely to overlook but the adorable dizzy panda-based Pokemon is actually incredibly unqiue thanks to its strange patterns. There are tons of Spinda variants that can be caught throughout the Pokemon game, with 9 different shinies in Pokemon GO thanks to an array of different spots.
The original Spinda boasts a proud pink color but the Shiny variant switches things up by changing the pink to a pastel green, giving Spinda a more muted appearance. It’s a welcome change but should give Shiny hunters a headache thanks to all the variants.
11 Vaporeon
The Bubble Jet Pokemon
Type |
Water |
Evolution Data |
Evolves from Eevee for 25 candies at random, or when nicknamed “Rainer” |
Attacks |
Water Gun, Aqua Tail, Hydro Pump, Liquidation, Water Pulse, Last Resort, Scald |
Pokedex Entry |
Vaporeon underwent a spontaneous mutation and grew fins and gills that allow it to live underwater. This Pokémon has the ability to freely control water. |
One of the series’ many Eevee-lutions, Vaporeon can either be captured in Pokemon Go by staking out waterways, dams, and canals or evolved directly from an Eevee. Interestingly enough, if a player has managed to obtain a Shiny Eevee, then evolving that Pokemon will result in a Shiny Eeveelution of the player’s choosing.
As such, Shiny Vaporeon is an especially good option, as the water-type’s usual blue veneer will be replaced with a pleasant pink and purple palette instead. To guarantee their Eevee evolves into a Vaporeon, players simply need to set its nickname as “Rainer,” although this method can only be used once.
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