Superman & Lois Has The Blueprint For Man of Steel Video Game

Superman & Lois Has The Blueprint For Man of Steel Video Game
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Key Takeaways

  • Superman & Lois laid out a perfect video game blueprint with a dark, challenging storyline.
  • The show’s lore knowledge and body-snatcher plot point offer essential video game elements.
  • Games created from the show’s storyline could include high stakes and unique challenges.

When someone thinks of Superman & Lois, the perfect blueprint for a video game is probably not top of mind. However, the Arrowverse show offers all kinds of surprises including a perfect touch when it comes to handling to several different storylines. One of those storylines, in fact that comes from the very first season of the show offers up what could definitely be the perfect blueprint for a game that it feels like fans have been waiting on for decades. Superman & Lois stumbled on this blueprint without even meaning to while also offering up a completely original story from anything that DC fans have seen in any of the Superman movies.

There has long been a desire to see a Superman video game but it seems like it’s always been hard for developers to figure out how to make a Man of Steel character that has all his powers and whatnot, but isn’t basically unbeatable. There’s also been a question on just where the setting for such a game would be. Metropolis is the easy answer, but it seems as though people are always trying to find something a bit different, since that major city has already been front and center the last time a game featuring Superman was made. And this is where Superman & Lois could really come in handy because it could offer settings and plot points for players to go through.

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A Darker Tone Is What A Superman Game Needs

superman lois villain

In the first season of Superman & Lois, the show clearly knew it needed to offer up villains that were a genuine challenge for the Man of Steel. In the form of Tal-Ro, who is a half brother of Kal-El, there was definitely a bad guy who was both smart, charismatic and on the same kind of powerful as Clark. But as the season unfolded, it revealed that Tal and Kal weren’t the only ones who survived from Krypton after it blew up. In fact, it turns out that most of the Kryptonians survived the planet’s destruction in some form. Their essences were preserved and made available to bring back Krypton. As long as human beings could serve as hosts for those essences. And that’s where the idea for a video game starts.

One of the things the show does well is that it relies on people knowing at least some of the lore of Superman and if they don’t know it, the series also does a good enough job of filling in the blanks that it’s not hard to follow. That kind of thing works well in video games based on existing properties because there just isn’t that much time to tell long, expansive backstories of minor characters or in this case, how different kinds of kryptonite affect Superman and his brethren.

It turns out that one kind of Kryptonite allows the human body to be prepped to be inhabited by a Kryptonian personality. In the season’s big payoff, it’s revealed that Tal-Ro has a plan to insert his people into thousands of humans eventually, taking them over and eventually essentially turning Earth into Krypton.

And the body-snatcher storyline would allow for there to be legions of enemies.

If such a video game were to be made, this would be an excellent plot point because it would naturally offer up enemies that are on the same footing as far as what they can do. They could literally go punch for punch with him. And the body-snatcher storyline would allow for there to be legions of enemies.

Someone Call Naughty Dog For This One

If the game wanted to get really dark (and that would be a great way to go with a Superman game) the game could even have his family members (perhaps based on Superman & Lois) be in danger of getting taken over. Having a mission where the Man of Steel has to save his family from a group of Kryptonians would add some real drama to the festivities. Especially if a company like Naughty Dog were to develop the game and put in some elements similar to The Last of Us.

Allies suddenly turning into enemies as they get “infected” could be compelling for a superhero video game. It would be unique to what DC has done so far with those types of titles. Because Superman is going up against hundreds of villains that all have his powers, there could be even be some stealth, which is certainly not something people expect from a video game that features Superman. Superman & Lois even offers up a way this kind of game could be emotionally taxing as people close to the Man of Steel do die as the series goes on. It feels as though a game like this needs to offer something people haven’t thought about with this type of game. This would be a heck of a direction for the title to go.

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