How To Rank Your Characters Up Faster In Ravenswatch

How To Rank Your Characters Up Faster In Ravenswatch

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Ravenswatch is a roguelike game, so making your character better is a big part of the experience. After all, you are not expected to beat the game on your initial run. You’re expected to keep improving until your character is strong enough to make it through the entire game. The main way to do this is by ranking up.


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You don’t need to suffer each new run alone.

This is different from the temporary levels you gain during runs. You rank up at the end of runs, gaining new talents, chapters in your character’s backstory, and perhaps even outfits in the process. Yet, if you’re just playing the game normally, that can take a while. So, here is some information about ranking up faster.

How To Rank Up

Ravenswatch screenshot of Scarlet rank up screen.

At the end of runs, you get given a score. That score is what your character uses to rank up. So, the higher the score you get, the more likely you are to go up a rank.

Your score is not to be confused with the XP you get during runs for things like capturing Vision Towers. That XP only impacts your run level and not your overall rank. Your rank is a permanent thing, while the level is just for that one run.

How To Get A Better Score

Ravenswatch screenshot of Scarlet in wolf form, speaking to Swyne.

You may expect that the further you get in a run means the higher the score you will receive. Yet, that isn’t exactly the case.

It’s possible to play all the way through to chapter three and get a worse score than someone who only reaches the end of chapter one. It’s more about what you do in that run.

Completing the following points of interest adds to your score:

  • Side Quests
  • Nightmare Tumors
  • Altar of Heroes
  • Grimoire
  • Optional Bosses
  • Master Nightmare

You also get boosts based on the difficulty you play on and the level you reach during the run.

Using Modifiers

Ravenswatch screenshot of difficulty menu with an arrow pointing at the customize button.

Along with the boosts you get because of what you do on your run, you also can improve your score through the use of in-game modifiers.

You can access them from the main menu on the difficulties page. Simply hit the button labeled ‘customize.’

There are some pre-set challenges that modify your score. Alternatively, you can click the button labeled ‘custom mode’ at the bottom of the screen and select the mods you want to add. Each one has its own score modifier percentage.

The red ones give you disadvantages but boost your score modifier. The green ones, on the other hand, help you out on your run but hurt your score.

When you have selected the mods, press the button labeled ‘validate’ at the bottom of the screen to confirm them.

Strategy To Go Up Rank Quickly

Ravenswatch screenshot of custom modifiers with several mods selected leading to a 35 percent modifiers.

There are different strategies to rank up quicker than playing normally. One of them revolves around custom in-game modifiers.

Go into custom modifiers and equip the explorer mod. This takes away the timer that leads to the boss’s appearance. As such, you have the time to complete all the points of interest and then initiate the boss fight. This will give you a lot of positive score modifiers.

The explorer mod does decrease your score by 15 percent, so you should add some red mods to offset that and increase your score modifier. Here are some of the mods to add:

  • Oppressive Nightmare (The negatives of this are completely removed due to the explorer mod, so this is a must-have.)
  • Lack Of Inspiration
  • Disease
  • Inflation, Angry Birds, or Invigorating Death (All create some problems, so choose whoever you feel happier dealing with.)

Equipping these mods will give you a significant score modifier.

You may be thinking that doing every point of interest on the map doesn’t sound like a time-saving method. After all, your run will take longer. However, the boost to your score will be huge, meaning you can go up multiple ranks after a single run. So, in the long run, it will save you time, as you will have to do fewer runs to build up to a high rank.

20 Best Roguelikes On Steam

For those looking to shake up their playthroughs, here are some of the best roguelikes Steam has to offer.

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