How To Defeat The Tentacle Master Nightmare Boss In Ravenswatch

How To Defeat The Tentacle Master Nightmare Boss In Ravenswatch

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At the end of the first chapter of Ravenswatch, you are forced into a battle against a giant tentacle monster that’s aptly named Tentacle Master Nightmare. You don’t know much about this creature or where it came from, but you will quickly find out that it’s a deadly beast that can quickly ruin your run. In fact, for some players, facing the beast for the first time can feel quite daunting.


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Yet, while the monster may look big and scary, they’re definitely beatable. You just need to know how to prepare, what attacks to expect, and how to significantly damage the beast. All of that information is right here.


Ravenswatch screenshot of The Pied Piper next to a Vision Tower.

A lot of the work to take this boss down comes in the preparation. If you aren’t using mods, you have 18 minutes from the start of the chapter to the boss fight. Use this time wisely to make yourself strong enough to bring them down.

This means visiting and completing various points of interest to advance a few levels and gain upgrades along the way. Here are some of the best points of interest to visit to boost yourself up:

  • Vision Towers
  • Chests
  • Grimoires
  • Side Quests

Some of the points of interest have a difficulty rating indicated by the color of the outline around their map icons. Green means easy, orange is moderate, and red is hard. So, go for the green ones first, as they’ll be more manageable.

You want to be around level four before fighting the boss, which is easy to reach as long as you’re continually going for the points of interest and fighting the enemies there instead of wasting time battling those who aren’t guarding anything.

It’s possible to reach level five before the fight, which is even better since you will then have your ultimate attack.

Nightmare Tumors

Ravenswatch screenshot of the Nightmare Tumor glowing pink.

You can find two points of interest called Nightmare Tumors. If you go to these spots on the map, destroy the tumor, and clear out the three waves of enemies that attack, the boss’s health depletes by 20 percent. So, if you go to both, you can force the beast to have 40 percent less health before the battle even begins.

However, the three waves of enemies you face are tough in their own right, meaning you could lose some feathers (lives) before facing the boss. Therefore, it’s hard to say if they’re really worth it. If you do go for them, wait until you’re at least level three before taking them on.

The Tentacle Master Nightmare Attacks

Ravenswatch screenshot of tentacle pulling back and Tentacle Master Nightmare firing arrows.

The Tentacle Master Nightmare has a slew of attacks that it’ll try to hit you with. These are all its moves and how to deal with them:


How To Deal With It


A collection of red arrows comes your way like you would see in a bullet hell game.

It’s very difficult to avoid all the arrows, but if you concentrate on them, you can just move past them as they’re coming your way. After all, there are gaps between them. Just watch out for any tentacles nearby, as they still attack while the arrows are going.


Various circles appear on the ground, and then lightning strikes down on those spots.

The circles are pretty obvious, so you just simply need to move away from them when they appear. The attack is easy to avoid.

Tentacle Whip

When you get close to one of the tentacles, it will try to hit you.

The tentacle glows red and tilts back slightly before attempting to hit you. Keep an eye out for this, then dash before it lands.

Tentacle Pool

Once a tentacle is destroyed, an ever-growing pool of ooze takes its place. Stepping in it harms you.

It’s easy to see the pool of ooze, particularly once it begins to grow. So, just avoid it. You don’t really need to go where the ooze pools will be. Therefore, it’s simple to avoid.


Large sections of the battleground will suddenly glow red before the monster slams down one of its tentacles.

It’s easy to see the red glowing sections showing where the tentacles are going to land. So, you just need to stay away from them. They’re big, though, so if you’re caught in the middle of one, you will need to dash your way out of there.

How To Defeat The Tentacle Master Nightmare

Ravenswatch screenshot of Tentacle Master Nightmare stunned.

When the tentacles around the boss are still there, the creature will have some armor, meaning your attacks don’t do as much damage. So, you should take them all out first.

Go to each of them and widdle down their HP while avoiding any incoming attacks. For the first few ones, feel free to use your best abilities – besides your ultimate – on them. However, once you get to the last tentacle, just use regular attacks to eliminate it. This is because, once the final tentacle is gone, the boss is stunned temporarily, giving you a bit of time to run up and attack it with your best moves.

The boss won’t be down for long. Get as much damage on it as possible before it gets up, and the tentacles return. Then, repeat the process.

You will likely need to get it down two or three times before killing it. If you’ve got really good powers, though, you can eliminate the monster on the first down.

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