Hilarious Red Dead 2 Clip Shows Simple Hunt Taking an Unexpected Turn

Hilarious Red Dead 2 Clip Shows Simple Hunt Taking an Unexpected Turn

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Key Takeaways

  • An NPC interrupts a player’s Red Dead Redemption 2 hunt out of nowhere, forcing them to act in self-defense.
  • The player’s simple hunt for the Legendary Moose Anoki turned chaotic after they shot the NPC’s horse, with said horse appearing in the scope’s view right after a shot was fired.

A hilarious Red Dead Redemption 2 clip highlights a simple hunt that takes an unexpected turn as an NPC appears. While players can hunt and fish in Red Dead Redemption 2, sometimes things can go wrong, as illustrated by this player.

Since its release, Red Dead Redemption 2 has continued to be a popular game that players return to. A key reason that many players keep returning to the game is the open world Rockstar Games has created. This world is populated with unpredictable NPCs and wildlife that can cause some unexpected interactions. This includes a Red Dead Redemption 2 cat carrying a rat, shocking details about an in-game cult, and the surprisingly realistic aftermath of a deer fight. One gamer was recently shocked to discover an NPC intruding on their simple hunt, instantly complicating the process.

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Reddit user Takeanappy recently shared a clip of a hunt in which they tracked Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Moose Anoki. The clip begins with the player approaching a train bridge near the pool in New Hanover that has three waterfalls leading to it. The gamer then draws a Longarm Shoulder Rolling Block Rifle and scopes in on their prey. With the unsuspecting moose facing the opposite direction, the player runs across the train tracks toward the animal. They then crouch and activate Dead Eye, scoping in on Anoki once more. Just as they’re about to kill the Legendary animal, though, the player shoots an NPCs horse that suddenly appears. After their horse dies, the NPC starts shooting at the player, forcing them to swap weapons and kill them in self-defense.

This Red Dead Redemption 2 Hunt Takes an Unexpected Turn

As the player hasn’t elaborated on this clip, it’s currently unclear if they were able to kill Anoki or if the animal escaped the confrontation. If Takeanappy successfully hunted Anoki, they would’ve been rewarded with the Legendary Moose Pelt and Antlers. The pelt can be taken to a Trapper in exchange for the Moose Hunting Jacket, while the antlers can be used to craft the Moose Antler Trinket, which increases health XP gains by 10%. Based on the player’s reaction, they were not expecting this NPC to show up and spoil their hunt. The NPC was nowhere in sight before the player shot their horse, causing some fans to chalk it up to one of the many random encounters of Red Dead Redemption 2.

Although it’s unclear if this NPC was affected by a spawn bug or if they were obscured from the player’s view, their sudden appearance interrupted Takeanappy’s hunt. As Red Dead Redemption 2 continues to get occasional updates, any lingering glitches may be fixed in the future.

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