Epic’s latest free game is now live and two more for next week officially revealed

Epic's latest free game is now live and two more for next week officially revealed

Thursday is upon us, meaning the latest freebie is now live on the Epic Games Store – and to coincide with its arrival, Epic has revealed the next two games that’ll be turning free in seven days time.

First up is developer Blowfish’s Brotato, which is free to download until next Thursday, 5th December. It’s a top-down arena shooter roguelite in which players, in the role of the titular potato, fend off alien hordes using up to six weapons at a time. Regrettably, I can’t give you Eurogamer’s verdict on it seeing as we haven’t revewied it, but I can tell you it’s currently rated Overwhelmingly Positive on Steam.

As for next week’s newly announced Epic Games Store freebies – which take over from Brotato on 5th December – these bring public transportation shenanigans in Stillalive Studios’ Bus Simulator 21, plus some family friendly sci-fi action-platforming in TT Games’ Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.

Brotato trailer.Watch on YouTube

The latter, if you’re unfamiliar, is a Lego-ised retelling of all three Star Wars movie trilogies, combined with some exploration and collectible gathering across a large selection of open-world planets. Eurogamer editor-in-chief Tom Phillips called The Skywalker Saga “humourous if simple fun” in his 2022 review, noting, however, that its open-world elements “held less pull.”

Still, if it’s freebies you want, Brotato is your current Epic Games Store treat, with Bus Simulator 21 and Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga taking its place for seven days starting next Thursday, 5th December.

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