Complete Forestry Guide For Farming Simulator 25

Complete Forestry Guide For Farming Simulator 25

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Farming Simulator 25 isn’t all about growing crops and raising animals; sometimes, there’s something else thrown in for good measure. One of those extra things is forestry, which allows you to grow and cut trees, selling either the logs or wood chips for profit, or using them further on in a production line.

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While forestry can be lucrative, it’s possibly the least straightforward process in the game. It can be tricky figuring out which tools are used for trees, and what your best bet is for dealing with each individual thing. Don’t worry; once you set yourself up for success, it becomes very easy.

Every Tree Type, And How To Cut It

A cluster of trees sit at the edge of a field in Farming Simulator 25.

There are 12 different tree types in Farming Simulator 25, and different tree types are going to require different machinery when it comes to dealing with them.

Tree Category



Downy Serviceberry | American Elm | Shagbark Hickory | Pagoda Dogwood | Maple | Willow | Oak | Birch


Cypress | Stone Pine | Pine | Spruce

Deciduous Trees

Every chainsaw in the shop in Farming Simulator 25.

These types of trees are all cut down in the same way: with a chainsaw, by hand. This keeps them extremely cheap in the woodcutting department, and the cost of dealing with these kinds of trees is going to be either in the wood-chipping and/or transportation department.



550 XP


MS 261


CS 2252


CS 410


Conifer Trees

Every forestry harvester in the shop in Farming Simulator 25.

Conifer trees are a little more complicated, and split into two different methods:

  • If you’re cutting a Cypress or a Stone Pine tree, they are also cut with a hand chainsaw.
  • If you’re cutting a Spruce or a Pine tree, use a harvester. These harvesters range in price, but are all going to be somewhat steep, since they’re all vehicles themselves and not attached to one.







Hannibal T50


Using Harvesters

A harvester is about to cut down and grab a tree in Farming Simulator 25.

Chainsaws are extremely straightforward in their use. Walk up to the tree, line up the chainsaw, and cut the tree. Harvesters are a little bit different.

The first thing when using a harvester is making sure you’re trying to cut a tree that can actually be cut with the harvester. Again, only Spruce or Pine trees can be cut with harvesters.

Then, you’ll need to line the harvester up with the tree itself. The claw of the harvester needs to be able to catch and hold the tree after you’ve cut it, so lining that up is your first priority. Once that’s done, and you’ve got a green line marking the tree, you’ll be ready to cut.

How To Transport Trees

Every wood transporter in the shop in Farming Simulator 25.

Transporting trees is more of a process than you might think, and usually requires some special equipment to get the job done.

Primarily, you’ll want to be using the options in the Wood Transport section of the store.





P13 4272








All of these need to be attached to the back of a tractor, apart from the FH16, which is a vehicle of its own.

Yarders And Winches

Every winch and yarder in the shop in Farming Simulator 25.

Yarders and winches are specialized tools that might be necessary, depending on the situation you’re in. It can sometimes be very difficult to maneuver your vehicles into the spaces your logs end up, particularly if there are multiple trees or hills involved.



EGV 65 AHK SG (Winch)


K 300-T + SKA 1-Z (Yarder)


K 307c-H + ECKO FLEX (Yarder)


The winch is going to let you pull logs out of areas you can’t maneuver your vehicles into, while the yarders make transporting logs uphill in the case of the K 300, or uphill and downhill, in the case of the K 307, much easier.

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How To Sell Trees

Freshly-cut wooden planks sit in a sawmill in Farming Simulator 25.

There are three different ways that you can sell trees. One of them is, more or less, selling the tree raw. The other two require varying degrees of processing.


A group of logs sit stacked near a sawmill in Farming Simulator 25.

Wood is the raw form of trees, and is usually sold in logs. This isn’t going to fetch nearly as good a price as processing that wood into wood beams, but it is quicker and easier.

Wood Chips

Every wood chipper in the shop in Farming Simulator 25.

Wood chips, usually made of deciduous trees that have a lot more branches, are made from logs or branches that have been tossed into a wood chipper. This isn’t a process that takes a ton of time, once you’ve got the hang of maneuvering the arms of the vehicles used to do this.

Here are the wood-chipper options:



HM 10-500 KF


HEM 911 DQ Cobra hybrid


The HEM is much more expensive, but is a vehicle itself, saving you from having to tow it.

As for the wood chips themselves, they can be loaded into a trailer to be transported where you’d like. If you don’t have the money for the equipment needed for transporting logs, then selling wood chips can make you some money in the meantime using hauling equipment you already have.

Using Your Sawmill

The production menu for the sawmill in Farming Simulator 25.

If you’re serious about making money with your forestry operation, then these are what you’re going to be making. All of these are made in a Sawmill, which can be bought if one is available for 300,000, or constructed, if one isn’t.

The sawmill is an extremely simple factory: put in wood, and get out whatever you chose to make with that wood. You have options to make:

  • Wood (Planks Long)
  • Wood (Planks)
  • Wood (Prefab Wall)
  • Wood (Wood Beam)

As a byproduct, wood beams and planks also produce wood chips for you to sell.

You can take that wood even further and
use it in a
carpentry factory

, using the planks you’ve built in the sawmill and
making furniture out of them

How To Clear Stumps

A tree stump in the ground in Farming Simulator 25.

After you’ve cut down the trees, you’ll be left with stumps that are going to be in the way of you planting new trees. For this job, you’re going to need a tractor, and a mulcher. The mulchers that you’ll need for this are specifically in the Forestry section.

When you cut your trees, cut them as close to the ground as possible. It not only gives you more wood to sell, but it ensures you don’t have problematically big tree stumps that you need to get rid of.





TFR 250


SF900 (Stump Cutter)


Attach your mulcher (or stump cutter) to the back of your tractor, and slowly drive over the stump to remove it.

How To Plant Trees

Every tree planter in the shop in Farming Simulator 25.

Planting trees is going to be your final step in the process. This is a slightly different process than planting seeds for your crops, since it doesn’t require any specific kind of soil, fertilizing, or cultivating.

Planting trees start right at the sapling phase, and is going to require its own special equipment.

Tree Planter






Here are the pallets of saplings you can buy to fill these planters:





Tree Saplings


Tree Saplings


Fill up your new tree planter with these saplings, and drive them anywhere that has easy access so you can maneuver these machines in without trouble. If you plant them in lines, they’ll be a lot easier to deal with when the time comes to harvest them.

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