Togashi Reveals the Rarest Nen Type In The Series

Togashi Reveals the Rarest Nen Type In The Series
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This article contains spoilers for the Hunter x Hunter manga.

Key Takeaways

  • Specialization is the rarest Nen type in HxH, at 0.033% of the population.
  • Enhancement is the most common Nen type, followed by Emission and Transmutation.
  • Specialists like Kurapika, Chrollo, and Neferpitou showcase the incredible power of Specialization.

Hunter x Hunter has one of the most fascinating power systems in the form of Nen. Nen is a very detailed power system, and when it comes to auras, they can fall into one of six categories. Every user of nen has powers that belong to one of these categories, but when it comes to how common or how rare a category is, the results vary.

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Some Nen types are definitely more unique than others, but not necessarily better. Togashi has recently revealed in a HxH chapter which Nen type is the rarest. The rarity of that Nen type could shock some fans.

The Various Nen Types in Hunter x Hunter

There Are Six Types Of Nen In Total

Gon Jajanken HxH

Hunter x Hunter is often praised for its amazing power system of Nen. Nen can be extremely complex, which makes it a very versatile and amazing power system.

When it comes to Nen, the auras one can have are divided into six categories. Each person will belong to a Nen type, with some leaning towards other types adjacent to their main one.

The Nen types are as follows:

  • Enhancement: This Nen type is, in certain ways, the most basic but also, at the same time, the most balanced. As the name implies, it uses the user’s aura to enhance something about them. It can be something as simple as enhancing their punches, or it can be something like enhancing their sense of smell to a whole new level. Enhancers typically have amazing attack power and defense capabilities.
  • Emission: Emitters have an easier time separating their aura from their body. This can be used in a variety of ways, the most obvious one being long-range attacks with their aura. It can also be used to power something without the user’s continuous input, like in the case of Zukuro. It can also be used to teleport or move the user, or something along those lines.

HunterXHunter Hisoka Bungee Gum

  • Transmutation: Transmuters can modify the properties of their Nen aura. The properties the aura can take are not limited. It can be a natural element or a man-made substance.

With application and effort, anyone can learn nen. That’s why care must be taken in choosing who shall learn. — Wing

  • Conjuration: Conjuration can often be confused with Transmutation, as both can appear very similar at first glance. Transmuters modify their aura to resemble the object or substance, while conjurers’ aura becomes the object itself. Conjurers’ creations are more independent from themselves, and can be imbued with special powers or rules.
  • Manipulation: Manipulators can use their aura to manipulate others or even animals and nonliving objects. Manipulators are especially feared in combat as they can control their enemies if the conditions of their abilities are met. There are a few types of control that manipulators can impose on their target, which include, for the most part, coercion, pseudo coercion, and solicitation.
  • Specialization: Specialists are very special, and their abilities do not really fit any of the other Nen categories. It’s a unique category in every way. It’s possible for someone to belong to one Nen category, and then later in life become a Specialist, such as Kurapika, although this is not common at all.

The Rarest Nen Type in Hunter x Hunter – Specialization

Only 0.033% of the Population Are Specialists

Recently, in Hunter x Hunter 408, Morena Prudo made a massive reveal. She was revealed to have conducted some research to figure out how rare or common each Nen type is. These results are only her own research and aren’t exactly official numbers, but they were revealed by Togashi for a reason, and are, thus, the only real indication of the rarity of Nen types in the HxH world, for the foreseeable future, at least.

The most common Nen type is Enhancement, which Gon belongs to, at 27%. Emission is also very common, at 24%. Transmutation falls around the middle when it comes to the Nen types, with its percentage among the population being around 19%.

Hunter X Hunter: Togashi Reveals The Rarity of Each Nen Type

Nen is the power system of HxH. With six types of nen auras, Togashi reveals how common or rare each type is among the HxH population.

Now, Conjuration and Manipulation have the same percentage among the population, each at 15%. Finally, the rarest Nen type is Specialization, which really shouldn’t be surprising to fans, seeing its portrayal in the series. However, it’s definitely much more rare than fans could have imagined.

I’ve done my own research, so there might be some margin of error, but I believe that specialists are about one in every 3000 people. — Morena Prudo

The odds of being a Specialist are at 0.033%. This would mean only one in every 3000 people is a Specialist. This makes it, by far, the rarest Nen type in HxH. In comparison, the second rarest Nen types in HxH, Conjuration and Manipulation, are around 1 in every 7 people for each category. The difference is very massive between Specialists and all other Nen users in HxH.

Overall, this makes sense, however, as Specialists seem to be more of an anomaly, their aura doesn’t really follow any rules. Due to all of this, a well-developed Specialist is almost always a force to be reckoned with, with immense potential and the possibility of creating pretty much any Nen ability they can think of.

The Incredible Specialists of Hunter x Hunter

Despite how rare specialists are in the HxH world, Togashi has still showcased many of them in his story. This can be explained by the fact that Specialists have more potential to reach new heights with their insane Nen versatility compared to other Nen types, making them more common among the top fighters.

One of the main characters in HxH, Kurapika, is a Specialist, but only under certain conditions. Kurapika becomes a Specialist when his eyes turn red. Otherwise, he’s a Conjurer.

The head of the Phantom Troupe, Chrollo, is also a Specialist. His specialist Nen ability, Skill Hunter, allows him to steal Nen abilities. Interestingly, despite how rare Specialization is, the Phantom Troupe had another specialist, Pakunoda.

The Black Whale has also introduced fans to a few new Specialists, one of which is Morena, the one behind this research. Tserriednich is also a Specialist with terrifying potential.

Yep. I think I’m pretty strong. — Neferpitou

The most powerful specialist seen so far in HxH, however, is perhaps none other than Neferpitou, one of the Royal Guards. Her power surpasses what every other Specialist has put out so far in the story, and none of the Specialists in HxH right now stand a chance against her in a fight. None of Pitou’s abilities have been outright confirmed to use Specialization, however, it’s very possible Doctor Blythe or Terpsichora make use of it.

Pitou can recreate limbs and organs and even prevent bodies from rotting, something that can’t be done by any other Nen type, which is what makes her such an incredible and versatile Specialist, being both extremely powerful and one of the best healers.

Hunter x Hunter is available to read via Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and the Manga Plus app. The release date for the next chapter of Hunter x Hunter, Hunter x Hunter chapter 409, is set to be Dec 1, 2024.


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