Dragon Age: The Veilguard – The Waiting Stone Walkthrough

Dragon Age: The Veilguard - The Waiting Stone Walkthrough

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When Harding gets new powers in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, she’s confused about what it means to have them. So even as she helps reach out to find new team members, she’s also looking for anyone who can explain what’s happened to her.

The quest “The Waiting Stone” represents the first sign of progress in Harding’s search. The hidden thaig of Kal-Sharok knows someone else who can speak to the stone, and they send her a rare invitation to their home. You can start the second of Harding’s Dragon Age: The Veilguard companion quests by traveling to the Deep Roads destination on the world map.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Guide – Walkthroughs, Collectibles, Bosses, Quests, & More

This guide for Dragon Age: The Veilguard brings together all of Game Rant’s helpful posts for the game.

Where to Find Every Collectible in Kal-Sharok

The journey to and through Kal-Sharok is mostly linear, but you can find a surprising number of chests and Mementos if you explore every corner.

  • As you descend the Ancient Mineshaft, you’ll come across a group of deepstalkers led by a Frenzied Deepstalker Pack-Leader. Be sure to check the chest the leader drops, because it has a rune inside.
  • After the elevator ride to the Kal-Sharok Outpost, there’s a round platform between two bridges that you need to cross. There’s a ladder on the west side of the platform, and if you use it you’ll find a Timelost Hoard chest with a unique item inside.
  • More deepstalkers attack just outside the gate to Kal-Sharok. Instead of going inside, look for a balcony east of the doors. Harding can use Stone Song to create a platform that will get you up to a large chest.
  • Stalgard will want you to hurry through the thaig after you speak to him, but don’t do it. Instead, turn right just past the door to grab a Memento.
  • When Stalgard wants to go right across a wooden bridge, go left up the long staircase. There’s another Memento behind a set of cots. Keep going up the stairs to find a second Memento between a pair of tents.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard – 8 Worst Rogue Skills That Are Not Worth Using

Dragon Age: The Veilguard has a plethora of skills and upgrades, yet for the Rogues out there, here are the skills they are going to want to avoid.

How to Open the Blighted Door in The Waiting Stone

Stalgard eventually leads you through Kal-Sharok and to the Reclamation Site: Halde Vaskar. Darkspawn will attack, so remember to burst the blight boils first and stop their reinforcements. Keep following Stalgard after that, and he’ll lead you to a door covered in too much blight to open. You’ll need to track down the boils feeding the blight and destroy them.

  • Climb up the wooden platform behind the door, and use Stone Song on the stone block to the left. This creates a path to a large chest.
  • You’ll need to use Stone Song on a block that’s in the elevator’s way if you want to get it moving. You can target the block by standing in the elevator or by looking at the elevator shaft from the side.
  • Take the north exit from the elevator’s top and continue down the wooden ramp. You’ll find a Memento on a stone display, and then a large chest tucked away below the elevator.

The south exit from the elevator leads to the Mining Tunnel, which is where the two blight veins go.

  • In the room with the lava display, check the shelves to the left. There’s a small chest in the southeast corner.

The path splits after you squeeze through the crawlspace. One set of blight boils is to the left, and the other set is to the right.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard – 8 Best Companion Combo Attacks

Companions in Dragon Age: The Veilguard can combine their skills to unleash devastating combo attacks. Here are the best ones to make use of.

To proceed up the left route, destroy the blight boil on the wall, then use Stone Song on the extended stone block to reveal the second blight boil. This will let you destroy a third boil that was covering a stone block you need to extend to jump to the crane platforms. From there you can jump across the sluices to reach the blight tower you need to destroy.

A pack of darkspawn protect this blight tower, along with the second tower you’ll find down the right route. No matter which tower you visit first, your first encounter will be with Ghouls and Hurlock Blighters, while the second is with a Frenzied Ogre. You also need to destroy two blight boils to make the towers vulnerable.

  • For the left tower, the first boil is concealed on the southwest wall.
  • The second boil is growing on the central wooden tower.

Destroying the tower lets you remove a blight growth that will let you jump down into the lava display room.

As for the right path, there are another set of boils preventing you from continuing. Two of them are behind wooden barricades on the west and east walls. They protect a third boil which covers a stone block Harding can extend to give you a way up.

  • Between the stone block and the ladder, you can jump to a crane platform with a large chest.
  • In the area on the far side of the ladder, there’s a small chest hidden behind some destructible crates.
  • In the room with the blight tower, there’s a large chest on the balcony in the southwest corner.

The blight boils protecting the tower are:

  • On the north wall.
  • On the ceiling of the southern building.

Like before, you can clear out a blight barrier once you destroy the tower, and this reveals a slide back to the lava display room. Once you destroy both towers, return to the big door and destroy the blight on it.

The Lyrium Sanctum on the far side of the door has no blight or darkspawn to worry about, but it does have a few more collectibles to grab.

  • As you approach the rows of golem statues, go up the stairs to the left. There’s a Memento on the balcony you can reach.
  • You can find a second Memento next to a stone bench to the right of the statue hallway.
  • Halfway along the hallway is a sort of gazebo. Check inside to open a small chest.

The only things you’ll find past this point are healing and ultimate potion jars, so follow Stalgard to the end of the road. The interaction point for the Oracle statue is directly in front of it.

Dragon Age The Veilguard: 8 Best Early-Game Weapons For Warriors

Players looking to turn their Warrior Rooks into powerhouses right from the get-go in Dragon Age: The Veilguard will need these early-game weapons.

How to Beat the Wrath of Stone

Dragon Age Veilguard Wrath of Stone

Something called the Wrath of Stone interrupts your conversation with the Oracle, and you’ll need to beat it to continue. It’s vulnerable to necrotic damage and strong against lightning. Its attacks include:

  • A flying leap that hits a large area.
  • A large nova that ends with it disappearing from the battlefield for several seconds.
  • A melee smash that hits a cone in front of it.
  • At some point after you remove its armor, two deepstalkers will appear. More deepstalkers continue to spawn until Wrath dies.

Because of the cone attack, it’s safer to stick close to Wrath than to keep your distance. Wrath is also big enough to get in the way of deepstalkers if they try to attack you. The deepstalkers all disappear once Wrath goes down, so focus on the boss and let your companions keep the minions busy.

Once the fight ends, go back up to the Oracle to finish your conversation. You’ll then automatically go back to the Lighthouse to talk things out with Harding. The XP for this quest comes from defeating Wrath of Stone, so the quest reward itself is just an armor (or armor upgrade) for Harding.

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