Key Takeaways
- Demacia, a region in League of Legends, has rich lore with characters like Morgana and Kayle.
- Characters like Lucian, Garen, and Jarvan IV have potential to showcase Demacia’s political aspects.
- Characters like Poppy and Shyvana can add depth to Demacia’s culture and connections within the universe.
After the conclusion of Arcane, the animated series set in the universe of League of Legends that introduced fans to the worlds of Zaun and Piltover, as well as various characters from Riot’s MOBA, the developers have announced that the universe will expand to other regions. One of these new locations to be explored is Demacia, which also boasts incredible champions that could be featured in an animation.

Arcane: Major Changes To League Of Legends Lore
Arcane has introduced significant changes to the League of Legends lore in various ways. These are some of the most important.
The region is also known as an imposing kingdom where inhabitants have always placed justice and honor above all else. However, over time, it has become isolated from other regions, turning into a kingdom in crisis. Moreover, Demacia is grappling with issues of succession to the throne and has other fascinating plots that could be developed in an animated series.
10 Morgana And Kayle
Winged Sisters With Intertwined Pasts
Morgana and Kayle are winged sisters whose stories are deeply intertwined in Demacia’s lore. It’s impossible to mention one without referencing the other, as their lives are marked by an intense rivalry and opposing concepts of justice and redemption, representing the duality between light and shadow within the kingdom.
Including Morgana and Kayle in an animated series would allow for the exploration of themes like sibling rivalry and the impact of divine figures on Demacian society. Whether focusing on their conflict or how they influence the kingdom’s culture and beliefs, their stories would add depth and complexity to the animation’s narrative.
9 Lucian
One Of Demacia’s Best Characters
Lucian is an unyielding warrior whose quest for justice and redemption deeply resonates with Demacia’s ideals. His skill with firearms and unwavering determination to face darkness make him a powerful addition to the narrative, representing the constant struggle between light and dark within the kingdom.
However, integrating Lucian into the series could become complex due to his strong connection with the Shadow Isles and his tragic history with Thresh, who imprisoned his wife’s soul, Senna. These elements might require careful plot development to adequately blend his dark past with Demacia’s internal conflicts.
8 Fiora
Demacia’s Most Elegant Duelist
In Demacia’s current lore, Fiora is part of a noble lineage and dedicates her life to perfecting her fencing techniques, constantly seeking to overcome challenges and different adversaries. She is also a potentially complex character whose journey could fit well with the region’s internal conflicts, such as the crisis of succession to the throne and tensions with neighboring kingdoms.
Incorporating Fiora into an animation about Demacia would not only add a strong and charismatic figure to the narrative—something that already proved successful in Arcane, but also allow for the exploration of new aspects of Demacian culture through this character. In Legends of Runeterra, the champion has already been characterized alongside Garen in an animation, showcasing the synergy between the two characters.
7 Poppy
One Of League Of Legends’ Cutest Yordles
One of the main characters in Arcane is Heimerdinger, who proved that yordles can be charismatic and central in narratives within the League of Legends universe. Therefore, for a series set in Demacia, Poppy should be one of the characters included in the animation, not only because she is cute but also because she has a rich background.

Arcane: Champions From Zaun And Piltover Who Haven’t Appeared In The Show
While many iconic League of Legends characters show up in Arcane, there are many who have yet to appear.
Known as the Hammer’s Keeper, she offers the perfect potential to explore Demacian ideals of justice and strength. She is also quite naive, aiming to find someone worthy of wielding the hammer she carries, unaware that she herself is that person. Thus, Poppy becomes the embodiment of silent heroism, potentially fitting into various threads of the animation.
6 Galio
Fan-Favorite But Difficult To Insert
Galio, the giant colossus of petricite, is a unique figure in League of Legends, both for his size and his relationship with magic, a feared element in Demacia’s current lore. Created to protect the kingdom from these threats, he comes to life only when exposed to large concentrations of arcane energy, making his appearances rare and impactful.
Due to these characteristics, it would be challenging to include Galio as a recurring character in a possible animation set in the League of Legends universe after Arcane. However, reserving him for key moments in Demacia’s storyline, such as a season finale, would be epic. Whether during a magical invasion or Sylas’s rebellions, his imposing presence would mark the series memorably.
5 Garen
Character Focused On Demacia’s Military Aspects
Arcane made it clear that Noxus is a conquering nation, and an attack on Demacia could also be one of the main themes for the animated series. In this context, Garen, the leader of the Dauntless Vanguard, could be an important figure in this storyline, with a strong desire to protect his kingdom and considered an inspiring figure to many.
Additionally, Garen is a character with an interesting background, especially concerning his sister, Lux, and the conflicts that her powers could add to Demacia’s struggles. Exploring all these aspects would also bring more complexity to the character, portraying him not just as a warrior but someone who also faces personal dilemmas.
4 Jarvan IV
Crown Prince Without Much Support From Noble Families
Currently, in League of Legends’ lore, Jarvan IV is the crown prince of Demacia, a character who has undergone rigorous education and training to perfect his combat skills, becoming a natural leader. However, despite being ready to assume the throne and guide the kingdom in times of crisis, his power is contested by many nobles.
Therefore, just as Riot explored different aspects of Zaun and Piltover through various characters in Arcane, Jarvan IV could showcase Demacia’s political aspects more deeply, with alliances and strategies to maintain stability. This would also be important for character development, reflecting the complexity of Demacian nobility and politics.
3 Shyvana
Perfect Character To Expand Demacia’s Lore
Shyvana could be an essential character for a League of Legends TV series set in Demacia, due to her unique duality as a half-dragon. Representing the conflict between magic and the kingdom’s ideology, her story allows for the exploration of all Demacian cultural contradictions, as she seeks acceptance in a society that fears her.

Arcane: Best New Characters In Season 2
The second season of Arcane introduces a handful of new characters, and the best have already found their way into the hearts of fans.
Another aspect that adds more flavor to Shyvana is her relationship with Jarvan IV, especially since Mageseeker and the Lux comic showed that the prince of Demacia has a romantic interest in her. Furthermore, Shyvana’s presence in the animation would broaden the scope of the story, connecting Demacia to larger issues in the League of Legends universe.
2 Sylas
The Great Problem Demacia Must Face
The inclusion of Sylas in League of Legends’ lore was accompanied by significant changes for Demacia, as the region now faces a real danger within its own borders, potentially sparking a rebellion of mages against local nobles. Although part of this story has already been portrayed in The Mageseeker, a game set in Runeterra’s universe, it would be interesting to explore it again.
Sylas, moreover, has connections with many other Demacian characters, especially Lux, who was a kind of apprentice and whose magical powers he stole to escape the prison where he was held. Additionally, he is a very charismatic champion in the entire game, so it would be a waste not to include him in an animation, especially given how he can influence the plot.
1 Lux
One Of League Of Legends’ Most Popular Champions
When starting an animated series in Demacia, one of the characters that must be present in this new League of Legends animation is Lux, not only because she is one of the most famous champions in MOBA, but also because of all the complexity she can add to the plot. In a kingdom that hates mages and magic as a whole, she was born into a noble family and possesses this gift.
Thus, the entire plot of this animation could revolve around the character, highlighting Demacia’s prejudice against magic and the consequences of hiding this gift for too long. Moreover, given what was shown in the two seasons of Arcane, Lux’s ability to manipulate light would yield some impressive visuals for the series.
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