The first Devil May Cry game was launched in 2001 on the PlayStation 2. What initially began as an early concept for Resident Evil 4 became the standard for a new sub-genre of hack-and-slash action-adventure games. Despite being viewed as an action game sub-genre, the Devil May Cry series harked back to classic beat-em-ups like Golden Axe, Double Dragon, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Arcade.

10 Hardest Devil May Cry Bosses, Ranked
While slaying groups of demons isn’t usually too much of a challenge in the Devil May Cry games, the bosses are a whole different story.
The primary difference is that games like Devil May Cry are usually single-player affairs giving their players a sense of power. Other studios followed suit with games that used the same power fantasy action-hero concept of their own. This opened the door for many modern-day classics that are still going or equally acclaimed as the Devil May Cry series and solid recommendations for fans looking for something similar.
Updated November 26, 2024, by Hamza Haq: Unlike in other forms of media, seeing elements from one game being copied into another game with a different twist is not considered a bad thing in the gaming industry but as a sign of respect. Entire genres in gaming are named after games that inspired others to follow and try to replicate the same feeling in their titles. Soulslikes and Metroidvanias are perfect examples. Games like Devil May Cry are a rare commodity, however. Despite the game’s widespread appeal and cult-classic status, the modern gaming market is not kind to hack-and-slash games that follow the DMC formula. Still, fans of the series have indies and old classics to fall back on when the urge to play a game like DMC compels them.
34 Hades
Fast-Paced Action That Uses A Unique Isometric Perspective
- Released
- September 17, 2020
Hades 2 will take some time to get out of its Early Access phase if its predecessor is anything to go by. Supergiant Games’ magnum opus hit the ground running and quickly became everyone’s favorite action game in 2020, with the perfect harmony between narrative and gameplay helping Hades stand out as one of the best roguelite games ever made.
The frenetic action is pretty similar to Devil May Cry if Dante’s adventures were played out from an isometric viewpoint. Such is the excellence of Hades that some fans can only wonder how a Devil May Cry game would play if it implemented roguelite mechanics to make progression more satisfying.
33 Persona 5 Strikers
Combines The Jazzy Vibe Of Persona 5 With Musou Gameplay For A Fun Real-Time Action Twist
- Released
- February 3, 2021
The success of Persona 5 encouraged Atlus to go to town and develop a wealth of spinoffs for their hit title. One such game that fans were particularly excited about was Persona 5 Strikers, which served as a spin-off/sequel to the widely beloved Persona 5.
The game’s road trip setting was pretty inspired, even if the attempt to mimic the original game’s infiltrations felt rather forced. Still, using a wealth of skills to exploit an enemy’s weakness and unleash the patented All-Out Attack makes for a blast every single time. The real-time combat adds some chaotic energy to the game that is perfectly in line with players who want more games like Devil May Cry.
32 Dynasty Warriors 9
The Latest Game In The Long-Running Action Series
- Released
- February 13, 2018
Musou games have a niche in gaming that most fans love. Perhaps this is why Dynasty Warriors 9 has its fair share of fans despite some major faults that critics weren’t huge fans of at launch.
The game attempts to revitalize the series’ formula with mixed results. However, the core action combat continues to be the most cathartic aspect of the series, and there’s nothing more satisfying than barreling through waves of opponents with some well-placed attacks.
31 Hyrule Warriors: Age Of Calamity
Combat On An Epic Scale As Players Participate In The War That Destroyed Hyrule Itself
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild was a major step in the right direction for the Zelda series. It revitalized the genre, letting a new swath of players experience the magic of this series and play through one of the greatest open-world games of all time.

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes Vs. Hyrule Warriors: Age Of Calamity – Which Is The Better Game?
How do these two Musou games, Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes and Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, compare against one another?
It’s easy to see why Nintendo jumped at the opportunity to develop a spin-off for this title. Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity focuses on an alternate timeline when Link and the other champions had to face off against the villains that arose during Ganon’s attempt to destroy Hyrule. It’s a Musou title, so it won’t be for everyone, but it’s also one of the best examples of the genre in recent memory, and further builds on the story in Breath of the Wild.
30 Darksiders 2
The Peak Of An Underrated Series With Great Exploration And Hack-And-Slash Combat
- Released
- August 14, 2012
- Developer(s)
- Vigil Games
It’s a shame that the Darksiders franchise has fallen off the map after the third entry failed to turn heads. Sacrificing a lot of what made the series and becoming just another mediocre Soulslike felt like a slap in the face of fans who loved this series and what it had achieved, especially considering the loyal fan following Darksiders 2 has.
Controlling one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Death, and aiding him in his quest to save his brother makes for a great and epic adventure. Darksiders 2 is an underrated gem for a reason, and fans of Devil May Cry should definitely check out its fun combat and unique puzzles.
29 Atlas Fallen
A Game Focused On Exploration And Action-Packed Combat
Combining elements of Journey and Devil May Cry, Atlas Fallen is one of the most unique titles on this list. While it borrows from other games in the action genre, it does enough to set itself apart and feature a world that action fans will love to explore and immerse themselves in.
It doesn’t always come together flawlessly, and some bugs will irritate some players, but the combat is an excellent homage to the Devil May Cry formula. Navigating the sands is reminiscent of Journey as the player’s created character surfs the sand to explore, and there is a surprising amount of depth to its upgrade system.
28 Final Fantasy 16
A Final Fantasy Game Developed With A Prominent Devil May Cry Veteran In A Major Design Role
2023 was a staple year for RPG fans, and Final Fantasy 16 was among the biggest. Despite sticking to the Final Fantasy formula with its exploration and epic battles, the combat is pure Devil May Cry-style action with set pieces and an excellent story.

8 Games To Play If You Like Final Fantasy 16
For fans that want to enjoy similar games to Final Fantasy 16, check out these great recommendations.
The pacing takes a hit when the world map gets littered with side quests that amount to little more than traveling to a location, fighting something, and fetching it back to the quest-giver. Even so, it’s a superb action game with spectacular boss fights that incorporate the summons from Final Fantasy lore into something new and original.
27 Warhammer 40K: Space Marine
Brutal Melee Combat That Is Perfect For Devil May Cry Fans
Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine
Third-Person Shooter
- Released
- September 5, 2011
Warhammer 40K: Space Marine looks more like a Gears of War clone. While it shares elements with the third-person shooter, it features brutal melee-based combat that fans of Devil May Cry will enjoy. The flow of action is weightier and less fluid, but the sense of scale and violence is on another level.
Despite being a PS3 and Xbox 360 title, Space Marine holds up spectacularly against many modern titles and is just as cinematic now. Warhammer 40: Space Marine 2 is set to launch on current-generation systems.
26 God Of War Greek Mythology Saga
An Old-School Action-Packed Trilogy With Brutal Combat
Even though the Kratos saga moved into Norse mythology, fans of the hack-and-slash action genre should also check out the original God of War games with the backdrop of Greek mythology. Kratos is less likable in these games, but the power fantasy is arguably better than in the recent titles.
The battle system is reminiscent of the older Devil May Cry games, and the boss battles are unmatched in scale. Kratos is taking down Titans that make him look like an insect by comparison. He also fights and destroys regular monsters like the Gorgon, Cyclops, and Minotaurs in cinematic fashion.
25 Gungrave G.O.R.E.
A Tough, Fresh Take On DMC’s Formula
- Released
- November 22, 2022
- Developer(s)
- Iggymob
Launched in late 2022, Gungrave is an action game similar to the Devil May Cry series. It was criticized early on for having unfair difficulty spikes, but Dante fans who relished the challenge of the Hell and Hell modes will adjust quickly.

8 Best Games That Let You Play As A Supernatural Being
Sometimes, the hero is a monster. Here are the best games featuring playable supernatural characters.
Gungrave features stylized supernatural combat where the protagonist will put his enemies down in style. There is a fast-paced industrial metal-style soundtrack, and players are awarded Art points like style points in Devil May Cry for taking down enemies with executions and other skills.
24 Evil West
Fun, Nostalgic Action Combat In A Unique Fantasy-Western Setting
Evil West
Another action shooter launched at the end of 2022 was Evil West, a pulp action shooter that puts players in the shoes of a vampire hunter in the Wild West. The over-the-shoulder camera and animations are reminiscent of the recent God of War games. Yet the supernatural element and visual style will make it DMC-like in nature.
The core gameplay of Evil West and the way the players can play a style that suits them once they unlock perks make for an accessible and fun experience. The combat is brutal, and there is even an online co-op mode where players can take down vampires together.
23 The Nier Series
Great Stories, Imaginative Combat, And A Focus On Skill-Based Gameplay
Fans looking for games with deep stories and action RPG mechanics should check out the Nier series. Nier: Replicant and Nier Automata are two of the deepest games available, but the action is accessible, fun, and fast. Combat-wise, Nier: Automata is the better game, thanks to being developed by PlatinumGames.
Stylistically, Nier: Automata has similarities to their other titles, like Bayonetta and Astral Chain. However, the improved gameplay mechanics and speed of Nier Replicant – a remake of the original Nier – will be appreciated by fans of Devil May Cry.
22 Scarlet Nexus
A Stylistic Action-JRPG With A Focus On Melee And Telekinetic Combat
Developed by a team that created mainline entries in the Tales and God Eater series, Scarlet Nexus is an anime-style action RPG with a stunning combat system as fast and enjoyable as Devil May Cry. Furthermore, the characters use psychokinetic powers to throw objects at enemies and combine spectacular special attacks.

8 Best Post-Apocalypse Games Set In Japan
These games place their post-apocalyptic game settings in Japan and do so with great success.
The combat is fast-paced but strategic and challenging, especially the boss fights. The Devil May Cry games are anime-like in their execution, but Scarlet Nexus is a stunning visual experience that plays like an interactive anime and holds an excellent story.
21 Darksiders
A Post-Apocalyptic Open-World RPG With Great Third-Person Combat
Darksiders Warmastered Edition
Hack and Slash
- Released
- November 29, 2016
- Developer(s)
- Vigil Games , Kaiko Games
The Darksiders trilogy as a whole takes heavy inspiration from DMC, and nowhere is it more apparent than in the first entry in the franchise. Darksiders is a third-person hack-and-slash game where players take control of one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse from legend, War, as he traverses a post-apocalyptic Earth searching for the entity who was responsible for starting the war that destroyed the planet.
Combat is the main focus of Darksiders, though environmental puzzles are a huge factor as well. It shares a lot of similarities with the original God of War games and Devil May Cry, like new weapon types that completely change the way fights play out, demonic themes with deep lore, and combo meters that build up over time.
20 Soulstice
A Fluid Hack-And-Slash Game In An Apocalyptic Setting
- Released
- September 20, 2022
- Developer(s)
- Reply Game Studios
Launched in 2022, Soulstice is an action hack-and-slash game heavily inspired by the Devil May Cry series. It features an apocalyptic setting that is grim but full of stunning visual set pieces that fans of the genre will instantly click with.
While not quite as polished as the games that inspired it, Soulstice is a fluid action game with strategic mechanics that are easy to pick up and challenging to master. The tactical element borrows from Ikaruga with color-coordinated attacks that ramp up the challenge, but eventually, the fighting system will click like second nature.
19 X-Men Origins: Wolverine
A Surprisingly Great Movie Tie-In With Brutal, Visceral Combat
- Platform(s): PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2, PSP, Xbox 360, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, PC
- Release Date: May 1, 2009
- Developer(s): Raven Software, Amaze Entertainment
X-Men Origins: Wolverine is a movie tie-in game that many fans considered more entertaining than its source material. It used the God of War series as inspiration, and it was the perfect fit. Wolverine is violent, deadly, and the anti-hero he’s supposed to be.
The game is far more violent and bloody than the movie and features a combat system inspired by the God of War series. The combat lacks the complexities of Devil May Cry, but fans of the genre will enjoy the brutal mechanics and will feel right at home with Wolverine.
18 Conan
A Fun Conan The Barbarian Game With Tough Yet Enjoyable Combat
Conan was launched in 2007 on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It was an overlooked title because of its similarities to the God of War series. While it may be fair to call Conan a God of War clone, its counter-attack system, equipment mechanics, and weapon variety were far superior, and the emphasis on counters played a more significant part. It must be said that Conan lacks the epic triple-A movie-like feel of God of War, which is a shame.
Furthermore, Conan the Barbarian was the ultimate power fantasy in fiction long before God of War and Devil May Cry. Additionally, Conan features artwork inspired by the original works of Frank Frazetta, an award-winning soundtrack, and stellar voice work from Ron Perlman and Claudia Black in the lead roles. It is still the best Conan the Barbarian game, where players get to play as the titular character.
17 Transformers: Devastation
A Fun Transformers Game By PlatinumGames, The Masters Of Hack-And-Slash Combat
Transformers: Devastation
- Released
- October 6, 2015
- Developer(s)
- PlatinumGames
Developed by PlatinumGames and released in 2015, Transformers: Devastation was an action title that combines hack-slash gameplay and shooting mechanics similar to Devil May Cry and other Platinum titles. Players take on the roles of Autobot heroes Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Grimlock, Sideswipe, and Wheeljack in a stunning throwback to the classic 1980s cartoons.

8 Ways Final Fantasy 16 Improves Upon The Combat of Devil May Cry
While Final Fantasy 16 and the Devil May Cry games are obviously very different, there are still justifiable comparisons to make between the two.
Like the Devil May Cry series, Transformers: Devastation incorporates fast action, gameplay variety, timing, and memorable boss battles. Players can also upgrade their move sets with TECH enhancements that increase the statistics of the Autobots as the game progresses.
16 Ghost Of Tsushima
Sucker Punch’s Excellent Action-Packed Open-World Game Set During The Mongol Invasion Of Japan
Released in 2020, Ghost of Tsushima was one of the biggest hits of the year and is considered by fans as one of the best PlayStation 4 exclusives. While the gameplay mechanics and open-world nature are fundamentally different from the Devil May Cry series, Tsushima’s timing-based combat is something that fans of the Capcom series will appreciate.
Every fight in the game is thrilling, and there are multiple ways to take down enemies, whether in a duel or by using ninja-like stealth tactics. The power fantasy takes precedence in the later stages of the narrative when the protagonist Jin gains his Ghost skills, where he fights like an unstoppable supernatural being.
15 Ryse: Son Of Rome
A Hack-And-Slash Launch Title For The Xbox One
Released as a launch title for the Xbox One, Ryse: Son of Rome is a historical action game with a fighting system that combines elements of Devil May Cry, God of War, and Batman: Arkham games. The production values are still fantastic, the voice acting is top-notch, and the facial animations remain some of the best today.

The 26 Best Games For Fans Of Roman History
Roman history is fraught with video game potential, a fact that these titles clearly take advantage of.
While the game was criticized for lacking variety outside of fighting, Ryse’s combat-heavy mechanics are perfect for Devil May Cry fans who enjoy taking down multiple enemies with cinematic flair. While the fighting system has more in common with the Arkham series than Devil May Cry, there’s enough action in Ryse to please even the most jaded of action fans.
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